Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    Maryland in Top Spot
Followina UCLA Uoset
By Will Grlmsley
The Aimnrlati-d I’rmH
Maryland, conqueror of top
ranked UCLA, barely beat out
Michigan Tuesday for No. I place
In The Associated Press college
football poll.
In handing the I'oclfle Coast
champion* their flrt*l shutout
In 1(1 game*, 7-0, .llm Tatum's
Terrapins rocketed from fifth
to first in the weekly standings
on a thumping vote from 185 of
the nation's sports writers and
Although Michigan received the
greater number of flrat place
votes, 48 to 45, Maryland gained
enough all-around voting strength
to head the list with 1,113 points.
Michigan, 43-7 winner over Mis
souri in its debut, drew 1,033
Points are awarded on the basis
of ten for a first plate vote, nine
for second and on down the line
The llrst full Snturiluy of
games so shuffled the stand
ings that only one position In
the top ten—Southern Cali
fornia—remained stationary.
Behind Maryland and Michigan,
In oriler, came Georgia Tech. No
3; Notre Dame, No. 4; Oklahoma,
No. 5; Army. No. 6; UCLA, No.
7; Ohio State, No. 8; Southern
California, No, 9; und Texas
Christian, No. 10.
Of these. Notre Dame, Army
and Texas Christ Ian are newcom
ers, n*>tmg out Pitlsbuigh, Mis
sissippi and Navy because of im
pressive opening performances.
COLA fell from the top to
seventh after Its defeat, ending
a 10-game winning streak for
Bed Sanders’ charges. Georgia
Tech, 14-7 winner over Klorldu,
dropped from second to third.
Notre Dame stomped over
Southern Methodist, 17-0. Army
crushed little Kurman, 81-0. Texas
| Christian ran up a 32-0 score on
the Texan Tech team which
> earlier humbled Texan.
Oklahoma waa hard-pressed in
! beating North Carolina, 13-0, for
itm 20th atratght victory and thua
fell from third 'to fifth. Ohio
State dropped from aixth to
eighth deapite a 2fc-0 triumph
over Nebraska in Ita opening
Southern California, which
hud lied Navy for the No. M
ajait last week, held firm after
Pittsburgh Trips
Cardinal Eleyen
back Jimmy Finks hit Ray Math
ews with a 27-yard touchdown
puna with only 52 seconds re
maining to enable the Pittsburgh
Steelers to trip the Chicago Car
dinals. 14-7 Monday night in a
National Football league opener.
Flnka connected with his half
back battery mate after the Car
dinals knotted the score at 7-7 in
the final quarter on a 92-yard
pass interception gallop by big
Lee Sanford, a 220-pound line
The Steelers moved ahead 7-0
! in the third quarter with Finks
hitting end Jack O'Brien with a
| four-yard touchdown heave to
! climax a 77-yard drive. O'Brien
somersaulted in the end zone,
snaring the pass.
Art Michalik converted both
times for the Steelers.
Sanford's electrifying 92-yard
touchdown pass enabled the
Cards to tie the score midway in
j the final quarter. Pat Summerall,
who missed three previous field
goal attempts, converted.
I a 42-15 Friday night victory
over Oregon.
The top teams with first place
votes and won-lost records in
parenthesis and points based on
10 for a first place vote, 9 for
second, etc.
1. Maryland 45
2. Michigan 48
3. Georgia Tech 11
4. Notre Dame 3
5. Oklahoma 12
6. Army . 1
8. Ohio State 1
9 USC 3
10. Texas Christ'n 3
The second ten:
11. Rice .
12. Pittsburgh 1
13. West Virginia 3
14. Iowa . 1
15. Navy 1
16. Duke .
17. Wisconsin
18. Penn State 1
19. Washington 1
20. Baylor
(2-0) 1,113
(1-0) 1,032
(2-0) 701
(1-0) 141
(1-0) 125
Moore Gets Hero's
Welcome at Home
SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) —
Archie Moore flew back to his
hometown on the Pacific Coast
Monday and was given a hero’s
welcome, despite his failure to
win the heavyweight champion
ship Wednesday.
Moore listed San Diego and To
ledo, Ohio, as his hometowns for
the fight.
He had complained about never
before getting civic recognition
Monday Mayor Charles C. Dail
met him at the airport with a
delegation of Chamber of Com
merce officials.
Archie's son, Archie Jr., 12,
hugged his father, who wore dark
glasses over his bruised right
Bums, Yanks Prep
For Series Start
i rillo rested with a cold and
Mickey Mantle tenderly tested
his injured right leg Monday as
the Brooklyn Dodgers and New
York Yankees held final work
i outs in their own parks for Wed
nesday's World Series opener at
Yankee Stadium.
Furillo is expected to be in the
, opening day lineup at his usual
right field spot but Mantle may
not be ready. The final decision
on the Yankee center fielder
probably won’t be made until
shortly before game time Wed
Mantle Feels Better
"It feels better,” said Mantle
after swinging away for about
10 minutes at the pitching of
coach Frank Crosetti. Batting
lefthanded, he smashed one pitch
into the second deck in right
field. However, he still couldn't
run freelv. Instead of going to
the outfield, he- fooled around
with a first baseman's mitt, just
to limber up.
The Yanks will work out at
Ebbets Field Tuesday afternoon
while the Dodgers will get a look
at the stadium where the first
two games will be played. Usual
ly, Manager Casey Stengel turns
down an invitation to practice in
the other club's park.
Phil Rizzuto, veteran shortstop,
said this would be the first time
he remembered a Yank pre-series
practice was scheduled f<jr the
Brooklyn park. Rizzuto and his
shortstop rival, Pee Wee Reese of
the Brooks, have played in all
five previous Yank-Dodger series.
Despite the doubt about Man
tle’s status, the betting men
stretched the odds favoring the
Yankees to 13 to 10. The Yanks
remained the 6 to 5 choice in the
opener. As for a sweep, you
could get 11 to 1 the Yanks
wouldn’t do it and 19 to 1 that
the Dodgers wouldn’t win four
The Dodgers, of course, never
I have won a series. This will be
■ their eighth try. The Yanks hold
the record with a 16-4 record for
: 20 previous series and five
straight under Stengel from 1949
jthrough 1953.
Ford to Start
Stengel confirmed his earlier
announcement that Whitey Ford
18-7 will work the opener and
Tommy Byrne 16-5 the second,
on the theory that his lefthand
ers would be more effective at
Yankee Stadium than at Brook
lyn with its convenient fences for
righthanded hitters.
Unless he has to use him on
relief in the first two, Stengel
probably with start Bob Grim,
7- 5 in the Ebbets Field opener
Friday, following with Bob Tur
ley 17-13 and Don Larsen 9-2.
Walter Alston, Dodger man
ager, said Billy Loes 10-4 prob
ably would start the second game
at New York. He had listed Don
Newcombe 20-5 as his opening
day pitcher when he announced
his batting order in Pittsburgh
Sunday. Big Newk, who won 10
straight at the start of the sea
son and had an 18-1 record on
Aug. 4 had a 2-4 record the rest
of the year.
Carl Erskine 11-8 another
righthander who struck out 14
Yanks for a new series record in
1953, probably will work the Fri
day game with either Johnny
Podres 10-10 or Karl Spooner 8
8 going Saturday. Newcombe
probably would be able to come
back Sunday with three days
rest, provided the best-of-seven
series goes to a fifth game. Clem
LaBine 13-5 and Don Bessnet
8- 1 will be the relief men.
Sellout Expected
Another big sellout crowd of
close to 70,000 is due to jam the
stadium Wednesday. The series
will be beamed across the na
tion by network radio Mutual
and television NBC to millions
of fans.
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