UO Staff Promotions, Chanaes Released Promo) Iona and changes In the «i adamic staff of the University have been released by the Uni versity presidents office foi the academic year I0fjft-.rtfl. In the general library staff, promoted were Kllzabet h Ft tal ly. head reference librarian, for merly attaint ant professor, now associate professor; .1. M. Wd liamnon, formerly head human ities librarian, now education li brarian; Margaret Markley, Men tor catalog librarian, formerly instructor, now Mentor instruc tor; Ella S. Carrick, senior cat alog librarian, formerly instruc tor. now senior instructor. Other* promoted were* It. Ft McCullough, formerly senior ref erence librarian, now head hu manities librarian, and from in Mtruetor to aasistant professor■; Fi. O. Wright, senior acquisitions librarian, formerly instructor and now senior Instructor; Fran ces X. Newson, librarian in ar chitecture and allied arts, for merly instructor, now senior in structor; True Morris, senior humanities, librarian, formerly instructor, now senior instruc tor; Marie Flack, catalog libtar ian, formerly instuctor, now senior instructor. Arthur M. DcVolder resigned as head circulation librarian. Others I .is te,| J. A. Xhotwetl, curator of the Museum of Natural History was piomoted from instructor to as sistant professor; and L. Ltethng was promoted from assistant professor of biology to associate professor. L. Detling, curator of the her Insurance On Sale ASI'O insurance util Im- mild in the Student Union lobby \\ ednesilny from 12 to 1 p.m. and from 4 to 5 p.m., accord ing to Bud Ilinkson, AS! (> president. Kates will »«* the same ns they were during registration week. Campus Calendar P OO IKC 214 SU 10 00 PAD 111 811 Noon Sinf 110 SU Theatre Exec BD 111 SU Soc Dept. 112 SU 4 00 Stu Affairs Com 337 SU 6 30 Ore vs. USC Movie Ballrm SU 7:lf» Christian Sci 334 SU barium, returned from his sab baUesil leave in 1954-55. •(. 8. Carl non, director of ad missions and associate director of s 1 u d *• n t affairs, waa pro moted from assistant professor to associate professor. I>‘ona Eliza bet h Tyler, coun s