Phone Numbers Listed For UO Organizations Several University extension phones have been added to the living organization phone list since the beginning of the term, according to Mrs. Vera Hail, campus telephone supervisor. Most fraternity, sorority and co-op numbers are the same as last year. Extensions are on the University exchange, 5-1511. The complete list follows: Sororities: Alpha Chi Omega .5-7662 5-9524 Alpha Delta Pi .5-1803 5-2615 Alpha Gamma Delta.4-3515 Alpha Omicron Pi .4-7834 5-9538 Alpha Phi .5-9520 5-6626 Alpha Xi Delta .5-0042 Chi Omega . 5-0536 5-0537 Delta Delta Delta .4-0513 5-9523 Delta Gamma . 4-6814 4-7515 Delta Zeta .5-9177 4- 2742 Gamma Phi Beta .5-9024 5- 9596 Kappa Alpha Theta .4-6643 4- 6538 Kappa Kappa Gamma . 5-6711 5- 4611 Pi Beta Phi .5-0161 Sigma Kappa .5-0428 5-9044 Zeta Tau Alpha .5-8726 5-8727 Women's Dormitories: Carson, First floor.Ext 479 Carson. Second .Ext 482 5-9345 Carson, Third .Ext 483 5-9130 Carson, Fourth . Ext 484 [ . 5-9354 Carson, Fifth . Ext 485 5-9090 Hendricks hall .Ext 489 Susan Campbell hall.Ext 388 5-9517 Vets’ Dorms: Cherney hall .Ext 381 French hall .Ext 382 Hunter hall .Ext 383 Nestor hall .Ext 384 Sederstrom .Ext 385 Fraternities: Alpha Tau Omega .4-5784 4- 5835 Beta Theta Pi .„...5--9912 Chi Psi .5-7801 Delta Tau Delta .5-5672 Delta Upsilon .4-0771 5- 8421 Kappa Sigma .5-0301 Lambda Chi Alpha .3-3515 Phi Delta Theta 1.4-4518 4- 4702 Phi Gamma Delta .5-0984 5- 9428 | Phi Kappa Psi . 4-5653 5-4821 Phi Kappa Sigma .5-6620 5-5741 Phi Sigma Kappa.5-2081 Pi Kappa Alpha .5-6866 Pi Kappa Phi .4-8845 Sigma Alpha Epsilon .5-8667 5-8851 Sigma Alpha Mu .4-6740 Sigma Chi .5-9267 4- 7747 Sigma Nu .5-8443 5- 8444 Sigma Phi Epsilon .5-8416 5-8417 Tau Kappa Epsilon ..5-1602 Theta Chi .5-5521 5-9585 Co-ops: Ann Judson House .4-3875 Campbell Club .4-8381 5-9537 Highland House .5-0723 Philadelphia House .4-6711 Rebec House .4-8742 University House ..5-0214 John Straub hall: Alpha .3-1014 Gamma .3-4021 Hale Kane .5-9320 Sherry Ross .Ext 496 Barrister Inn .3-1721 Earl hall: Main desk .Ext 370 McClure hall .Ext 371 Morton hall .Ext 372 Sheldon hall Stafford hall Young hall Pay Phone Ext 373 Ext 374 Ext 375 5-9162 Applications Accepted For Auditing Positions Applications are being accept ed for federal positions in ac counting and auditing. Options include fiscal, cost, public, commercial and general accounting. These positions pay from $4,525 to $6,390 a year. Further Information or applica tions forms, which must be on file by Oct. 3, may be obtained from the Director, U. S. Civil Service, 302 Federal Office Build ing, Seattle 4, Washington. U.S. Commission Filling Positions Applications are now being ac cepted for several positions by the United States Civil Service Commission. Counseling psychologists (vo cational) are needed by the Vet erans Administration. These po sitions pay from $(1,390 to $10, 320 a year. Patent advisers (electronics) are needed by the Signal Patent Agency, Fort Monmouth, N. J. Annual pay will be from $3,670 to $7,570. The Rural Electrification Ad ministration Is accepting appli cations for the poult on of doc I (rones engineer-wire communlca. tions men. This position, which will pay $5,440 to $0,300 la con cerned with telephone plant de sign anil construction. Further Information may he obtained from the U. H. Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D. C. KF.AI) 1MIIIU.II \\ \NT \I)S ft Still time... to remember her with TELEGRAMS! If you've been remiss with the miss don't despair! There's always time to make amends with telograms. Flash her a glowing birthday greet ing in your own inimitable style. Its delivery on Western Union’s special blank will win her undying devotion. Yes sir—any way you look at it, telegrams are a guy's (and a gal’s) best friend. Just call your helpful Western Union offico. WESTERN UNION 870 Pesrl Street Phone 4-3221 Eugene, Oregon YOUR BIG RED LETTER DAY die da//you cAaftpeto I. aurCKIUK MUCK Only L&M gives you the superior filtration of the Miracle Tip, the purest tip that ever touched your lips. It s white ... all white ... pure white! 2. SUPERIOR TASTE IaM's superior taste comes from superior tobaccos — especially selected for filter smoking. Tobaccos that are richer, tastier .. . and light and mild. FI LTE R S LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. KING SIZE mm