UO President's Office Announces New Academic Staff Appointments New appointments to the aca demic staff of the University have been released by the Uni versity president’s office. Fol lowing is the complete list as of Monday. September 19. Adams, George B., Instructor in Chemistry; Babilot, George, Instructor in Economics; Bar santi, Rena, Instructor in Physi cal Education; Bartram, Harlan G. H., Instructor in Mathemat ics; Bear. Herbert S., Jr., In structor in Mathematics. Bixby, (Alice) Lorena, In structor in English; Brown. John i Cudd, Instructor in Political Sci ence; Bruyere, Donald E., In structor in Geography; Bryan. Stanley W., Assistant Professor of Architecture. Sociology Chertok. Ely, Instructor in So ciology; Choate, Mary A., As sistant Professor of Education; Christensen. Dean C., Instructor in Education; Colley, James F., Acting Curator, Museum of Art; Instructor. Conner, Catherine, Instructor in Physical Education; Culbert son, Jack, Assistant Professor of Education; Deming, Donald A., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Dickey, Franklin M., Instruc tor in English; Dyer, John Bass, Alumni Secretary; Assistant Professor; Easterday, Harry E., j Assistant Professor of Physics. Ferguson, Chester I., Assist ant Professor of Air Science; j Foss. Phillip O.. Instructor in Po litical Science; Freemesser, Ber nard L., Instructor in Journal ism; University Photographer Football Coach Frei, Gerald L., Freshman Football Coach; Instructor in Physical Education; Frost, Jam es W., Assistant Professor of Journalism; Fullmer, Daniel, As sistant Professor of Education. Garcia-Giron, Edmundo, Assist ant Professor of Romance Lan guages. Greene. Mark, Associate Pro fessor of Business Administra tion; Hackett, June, Assistant Professor of Physical Education; Hough, Arthur S.. Jr., Instructor in Speech; Howard, Robert E.. Instructor in English; Hulteng, John L., Associate Professor of Journalism; Iska, Andrew, In structor in Business Administra tion. Jackson, Ruth, Instructor in English; James, Robert C.. In-; structor in Art; Katter. Robert V. , Instructor in Psychology; Kemp, Edward C„ Jr., Reference Librarian; Instructor: Kersh, ' Bert Y., Assistant Professor of Education. BA Prof Kovarsky, Irving. Assistant Professor of Business Adminis tration; Laird, Charlton G.. Vis iting Professor of English; Lamb. Norman C., Assistant Professor of Air Science. Lecuyer. Maurice A., Assistant Professor of Romance Language, Lowe, Raymond N., Director; of Teacher Placement Service: i Associate Profesaor of Educa tion (effective 11-1-55). Lucht, William E., Instructor in English; Maveety, Stanley R„ Instructor in English; Mednick, Lois W., Instructor in Anthro pology; Miller, Hugh M., Visit ing Professor of Music; Morris. J.E.B., Senior Reference Librar ian; Instructor; Morris, Robert W. , Instructor in Biology. Moursund, Earl E., Instructor in Architecture; Munro, James. Associate Professor of Law; : Myrlck, Richard, Assistant Pro fessor of Psychology; Nelson, Roy P., Instructor in Journalism; Nobles, W. Scott, Assistant Pro fessor of Speech. Languages O'Neil, Edward N., Assistant Professor of Classical Languages Piper, Evelyn, Acting Assistant Professor of Education; Pitts, Forrest R., Instructor in Geog raphy; Powell, John L„ Associ ate Professor of Physics. Read, Edwin A,, Instructor in Education; Rodney, Lynn S., As sociate Professor of Physical Ed ucation; Rubin. Herman, Associ ate Professor of Mathematics; Ruiz, Ramon, Instructor in His tory; Salmon, Eugene N., Head Circulation Librarian; Assistant Professor. JScholten, Marvin M , Instruc tor in Education; Scott, John C., Assistant Professor of Sociol ogy; Selby, John E., Instructor in History; Shadbolt, Douglas, In structor in Architecture: Simp son, Paul B., Professor of Econ omics and Mathematics. Law Prof Singer, Allen Morris, Associ ate Professor of Law; Smith, Albert T.. Jr.. Assistant Profes sor of Mditary Science and Tac tics; Straus. Jacob. Instructor jn Biology; Tepfer, Sanford S., As sistant Professor of Biology. Tucker, Howard G., Assistant Professor of Mathematics; Wat kins, Lowell A., Assistant Pro fessor of Business Administra tion; Wawryzniak, Loretta A., Instructor in Romance Lan guages. West, Ray B., Jr., Visiting Professor of English; White. El ivood V., Associate Professor of Chemistry; Wiegman, Robert R„ Assistant Professor of Education (Ext. Div., Portland l. Winter, Willis L., Jr., Instruc tor in Journalism; Young, Nor ton B.. Speech Therapist; In structor in Speech; Zall, Paul M., Instructor in English; Zorn, George, Instructor in English; Elvigion, L. Thud, Instructor in Music. Musicians Needed For New Dance Band A 16-piece dance band, to be composed of University students, is now being formed with some positions still open. Details on openings and re hearsals may be obtained by calling LcKoy McCourry at Gamma hall, phone 4-4021. tiliJLiM Start* Sunday, Sept. 25 "THE SHRIKE" Jose Ferrer June Allyson "DEVIL GODDESS" Johnny Weismuller Starts Wednesday Sept. 28 "BAR SINISTER" Jeff Richards "Untamed Frontier" Joseph Cotton Starts Sunday, Sept. 25 "The Wizard of Oz" Judy Garland Ray Bolger ME ILK, STARTS OCTOBER 2 All the guts and fighting glory of the beet-selling autobiography f 10 HE “BMK A-CllUMiScoPE I^PuTECHNICOLjOR I f M i MUTING TMGI I If f STOP*-Of AUDIE MURPHY AMJPlCAS MOST DICOPAfID HI wo AUDIE MURPHY -.MASSHAU. THOMPSON HEIUG THEATER STARTS OCT. 2 READ E.MKKAl.I) \\ \\T AIM For Top Entertainment THE OREGOH CLUB Variety Show Yes, for top-flight entertainment from the realm of radio, tele vision and movies, you'll want to see this show. Money will be used to promote the University of Oregon athletic program. f W* THE RITZ BROTHERS WHEN—Saturday, Sept. 24, 8 P.M. WHERE-McARTHUR COURT One night only St arrincj The Ritz Brothers Connie Haines The Cordolins and many other entertainers THE CORDOLINS TICKETS: priced at $2.00 — $3.00 and $3.50 — On Sale at the Main Ticket Office in McArthur Court. See a Good Show — — Support Oregon Athletics