Business Confab Scheduled Next Week, Spokane To further the cause of adult real eatate education, approxi mately 800 real entitle salesmen, brokers, and appraisers from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana will converge upon Hpo kane, Washington for the North weal. Heal Kistate Kducatlorial Conference and the Annual Real tor State Conference S'-pt. 20, 27 and 28. Deevem Johnson, assistant pro fessor of business, will represent . the School of Buaineaa Admlni atration at the meeting which brings together realtors of the four states to exchange ideas and dlacuna mutual problems in the; adult education fie|<). Arthur B Langlle, Governoi of Washington, will addrea* the t (inference. Othei speakers in fhalt* sixteen recognized leaders! in the real estate field from various parts of the nation who w ill give lectures and lead In I panel discussions. Under the joint sponsorship of tli<’ I’mvei.Hiiy Si hool of Buame'ts Administration, the Aaso ialmn of Oregon Heal Estate Hoards ; ;tnd the Oregon State Real Es tate Dept., 16 one-day institutes will he held in various Oregon cities during the year, for the purpose of adult education in the • eat estate field, announces John ron. These institute* will lie open to any of Oregon's 7000 licensees. The first C’allfomia-Stanford Washington varsity crew I' gatta in 1907 was not completed. All the sheila comi>eting on the Bau salito course were swamped be fore reaching the finiah line. Seniors Urged to Make Inquiries Km I W. Out hank, placement director, strongly advises all stu dents who Hie within a year of graduation to keep in touch with hi>: office m regard to making iippointmcntH with employers who will noon be visiting the campus. Onthank has recently returned from an insurance conference at the University of Washington. Placement directors of Pacific Coast colleges and universities, teachers of insurance, and people In VHrloua aspects of the insur ance industry attended the con ference. Much of the discussion (overed the range of economic npport unities in the insurance field other than selling. Onthank stated that seniors and graduate students should come into his office soon and fill out data pet taming to jobs they hojic to obtain. Various em ployers will begin making dates with employment prospects about Oct 1. Students should come early to he sure to get the best contacts, and not wait until spnng. said Onthank. Top Teams Slate Weekend Contests (Jn the national football scene this weekend, several of the top rated teams will be meeting their first tough opponent of th<- sea son. Among the Saturday clash s are Hire and Alabama. Texas i hristlan and Texas Tech. Colo rado and Arizona iboth 1905 fire gon opponentsi, Georgia Tech and Florida and Kentucky and Mississippi. The TV game of the week in Eugene will be the Califorma Illtnois game from Berkeley. Bunion Derby Needs Chairmen' Bunion Derby committee chair ni(!) arc being asked to jietitinn by Tuan RainviHe and Joan Kraus general < o-chaTrmen of the Oct. ft dance. Chairmanships open are pro motion. publicity, finance, house co-ordination and general secre tary. Freshmen are urged to pe tition for these positions. The derby itself is a nickel-hop type dance, with members of men s living organizations house hopping to women's houses and dorms. Possible plans now being formed rail for a local radio sta tion to play music for the derby from 7 to 10:50 p.m. There will also ho a sound track broadcast ing music as campus men travel from house to house. Dancing in each living organ ization is being lengthened to 15 minutes instead of the former 10. Phone Extensions Now Operating New office phones for several departments on campus have been announced and are now in opet at ion. Offices of the Health and Physical Education department are Ext. 405 and 406 Faculty members have ‘extensions 407. 408, 400, *410, 411, 412, 413 and 414. History department offices are 597 and 59b. Offices of the so ciology department aie Ext. 587 and 588. Speech department offices are extensions 400 and 402. with 403 being the costume office and 404 the speech clinic. RELIGIOUS MOTES ( hristkin Ways for College Dhvh" will tn- the Sunday eve ning discussion topic at 5:30 p.m nt Christian Hmite (736 E. 16th avenue i. Speaker is Robert Ful ton, announcer for radio station KERO, and active church lay man. He ia a graduate of the University of Oregon. The pro gram is planned as one of a series. The morning program begins with a “Donut Hour" at 9:16 p.m. Following are two Bible study groups, led by Vtetor P. Morris, the Rev. John Boosinger and Clarence H. Elliott. After these sessions, students will attend church. The evening Fireside hour will open with a «ing at S:3f> o’clock. I Then there will be slides of sum mer conferences attended hy the students. Weekday meetings include the Older Students’ Dinner at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday for veterans, up perclassmen, and graduate stu dents. with Norma Terry and Bob Biggs serving as co-chair men The Executive Council will meet at 9 p.m. Wednesday, and Christian House vespers will be at 10 p.m. Thursday. Friday evenings are fun nights every week, and Saturday eve nings are informal Open House All students are welcome. Westminister Foundation, Pres byterian student cehter. will be gin its regular schedule of fail activities Sunday with discussion groups ’ following the & a.m. coffee hour. The first discussions will deal with organization and subjects for the remainder of the term according to J. Stanley Barlow. Presbyterian University pastor. Sunday evening's vespers will be held at 6:30 with a service of preparation for World-Wide □ Penney’s ALWAYS FIRST OUAtITY! _:_:: v :•' v ' RUG COLORS: white french blue pink whisper new rose red lawn green sea green sun gold grey honey beige sable brown amethyst smoke pearl '■ luxurious rayon viscose, 13 shades ROMAN BORDER RUG Luxuriously deep resilient pile won't mat down! Wonderfully resistant to soil & even stains! Featured in glowing colors that make perfect match-mates for 24x36 your favorite chenille spread! 27x50”, 4.98 36x60", 7.90 _ 48x72", 13.75 color coordinates in spreads & rugs! ' CHENILLE SPREAD 10 luscious colors 500 Perfect beauties in machine wash able, velvet-soft cotton chenille bedspreads . . . featured in 10 wonderful decorator shades \ that blend beautifully with Pen \ ney's harmonizing rug colors! \ ... a value that proves IT PAYS 1 TO SHOP AT PENNEY'S! SPREAD COLORS: white pink w hisper Spanish red mint green citron yellow turquoise persimmon cocoa dresden blue green olive Communion. The forum at 7 o'clock will deal with ‘The Mace of Helicon at the, University." It. C. Perkin- Religious depart ment head will ts* discussion ad visor A fellowship hour will fol low at 8 p.m. Activities Wednesday include a rhapel -ervice at 12:30 p.m., a 'Khare the Wealth” pot luck din ner at 5:30 and group discussion and committee meetings at 6:15. Open house will be held Friday evening. New SU Director Is Whitman Grad Miss Adell McMillan, a 1955 graduate of Whitman college, j* Student Union program director replacing Sandra Rennie. She received her B.A, degree in social science, and is a mem oer of Mortarboard and Kappa Kappa Gamma. She served as program direotoi for two years at Whitman, where it is a stu dent position. She was co-ordinator at the Student Union regional confer ence last year, and has been assistant camp director and pro gram director at Rake Coeur d Alene campfire girls' camp in Idaho. Her secretary is Judy Carlson, junior in liberal arts. Another new member of the SU staff is Lundell, who is receptionist and secretary for Si Ellingson, SU director. WELCOME STUDENTS Remember at Valley Stationery Co. You can get Party Supplies Napkins .Candles Plates Decorating Supplies Crepe Tempera Colors Brushes Cardboards School Supplies National Eye-Ease Fillers — Books. All Leading Pens. Drop In and look Around!