T>ac& By Chuck Mitchelmore Emerald Sports Editor >■■■ It’s a little late in the season for pieicing pre-season all-star teams, but since conflicting college publication schedules and season openings don't permit a legitimate pick, we’re giving you the next best thing—a pre-season all-star PCC team minus one game. The Emerald's all-stars are concensus picks of first teams selected by three present sports staffers and three alumni, who are now in the Emerald editorial depart ment. The six are also picking winners in the seven games involv ing conference teams this weekend and will continue to do so throughout the year, barring such catastrophes as a com pletely unsuccessful day of predictions. First Games Aid Picks As for the conference stars, the prognosticators prettv well followed the lead of the magaine and newspaper dopesters, but adjusted their lineups a little on the basis of the first week's performances, an advantage which is gained by pick ing pre-season teams after the season starts. Unanimous honors went to three men—two backs and a lineman. Bob Davenport, UCLA’s crushing fullback, polled six expected votes, as did Jon Arnett, the USC scatback who seems to be picking up this season where he left off in his brilliant sophomore year in 1954. Oregon State's John \\ itte, the highly-publicized service veteran who put the gleam into the Beavers’ publicitv eve, ■ polled six votes at tackle to steal the front line thunder from the sunny south’s prize prospects. Cureton Ranks High UCLA guard Hardiman Cureton, who the California sports scribes are pushing for All-American recognition, got five votes at guard and one at center to gain a sort of runner-up spot. John Stewart. Stanford’s tall end, and Orlando Fer rantet the USC guard standout, received five votes apiece. Lack of veteran centers hurt the pickers. Marv Goux’s back injury threw the staff off almost as much as it did Trojan coach Jess Hill, but it probably won’t bother Len Casanova and his assistants too much tonight in Los Angeles. Quarterback was also a# problem, as the pickers had nd Shaws, Larsons nor Villanuevas from which to select a passer. The Bruins’ highly-touted Ronnie Knox got the nod, with one vote apiece going to Washington's Sandy Lederman and Stanford’s Jerry Gustafson. UCLA, USC Well-Represented The conference all-stars followed by this weekend’s predic tions include: Ends, Rommie Loudd (UCLA) and John Stewart (Stan.); Tackles, John Witte (OSC) and Tom Gunnari (WSC) ; guards, Hardiman Cureton (UCLA) and Or lando Ferrante (USC). Center, Don Geddes (Stan.); backs, Bob Davenport (UCLA), Jon Arnett (USC), Dick James (Oreg.) and Ron nie Knox (UCLA). Honorable mention went to ends Jim Carmichael (Cal.) and Leon Clarke (USC), tackles Lon Stiner (Oreg.) and Bob Oliver (Cal.), guards Vaughan Hitchcock (WSC) and Tom Gunnari (WSC) and centers Cureton (UCLA), Steve Palmer (UCLA) and Skip Pixley (WSC). Backs winning votes were Jim Decker (UCLA), Sandy Lederman (Wash.), Jerry Gustafson (Stan.) and Bill Tarr (Stan.). Cal. vs. in. VSC vs. Oreg. Stan. vs. OSC. WSC vs. Kansas. UCLA vs. Maryland. Wash. vs. Minn. Idaho vs Utah. Johnson Wilson Cal. Cal. 6 12 USC USC 24 14 Stan. Stan. 14 13 WSC WSC 6 20 UCLA Mary. 10 6 Minn. Minn. 17 13 Utah Utah 4 6 Rice Claussen Cal. 111. 6 13 USC USC 25 20 Stan. Stan. 1 14 WSC WSC 12 13 UCLA UCLA 6 7 Minn. Minn. 14 21 Utah Utah 6 6 Mitchel Robinson more 111. 111. 7 12 USC USC 27 13 Stan. Stan. 13 13 WSC WSC 12 14 Mary. UCLA C 1 Minn. Minn. 12 0 Idaho Utah 6 7 Jerry Frei to Assume Role As Frosh Football Mentor By Lee Hansen Emerald Sporft Writer Along with the 2400 new Duck lings is another University of Oregon newcomer, Jerry Frei, who appropriately is the new frosh football coach. Coach Frel was formerly line coach at Willamette univer sity. Previous to thut he hatl four years coaching experience in the Portland high schools. Originally hailing from Stough ton, Wis.. he matriculated at the University of Wisconsin in 1941. In 1942 he was playing tackle for j the team that was to be second I in the nation in collegiute foot ball that year. When Uncle Sam Interrupted | his schooling, he spent the next ! ing the prospective frosh ball corps. Returning to Wisconsin in 1945. he acquired a loyal rooter in the form of his wife, Marian, j who earned her P.H.T. (putting husband through) during the next two years. As a result of the influence of | an old air force pilot buddy. Frel moved to Portland in 1948. He i served for two years as assistant j coach at Grant high school and then became head football coach at Lincoln high. In the next few years, he dis proved the old aduge thut “coaches have only daughters” by becoming father of two hoys and a girl. During this time he was employed as line roach at Willamette and also Five Schools Lead Circuit LOS ANGELES Five schools, headed by the resurgent Oregon State Beavers, shared honors in the Pacific Coast conference team statistics released today by the PCC commissioner's office. Oregon State leads the pack after one weekend of play in rushing offense with -126 yards; total offense, 492 yards; and kickoff returns, 50 yard average. Stanford holds top passing hon ors with 206 yards, and ranks a solid second in total offense with 440 yards. Stanford also boasts the best pass defense record, having given up but 20 yards. Washington has given up the fewest yards rushing, 87, and has the best total defense mark of 146 yards, followed by UCLA with 193. Southern California leads in punt returns with a 29 yard aver age and in pass interceptions, having stolen six enemy aerials. The Trojans also scored one touchdown via each of these routes. Idaho has the best punt ing average, 43.6 yards, followed by UCLA, 43.3. A full round of action is sched uled this weekend with Southern California and Oregon meeting Friday night in Los Angeles, Saturday afternoon California hosts Illinois, UCLA is at Mary land, Idaho plays Utah at Boise, Washington is at Minnesota and Washington State plays at Kan sas. Saturday night Oregon State and Stanford meet in Portland. Washington’s tennis team has swept the Northern Division tournament title 17 out of the 18 times it has been held and the team championship 18 out of 19 times. Only in 1937 was the Huskies’ domination cracked, when Oregon won the team title and Oregon State the tourney crown. Oregon has had a player on the Northern Division all-star team every year for the past 11 years. couched frosh liunki'tlmll uml Rolf. Since playing football and coaching: have gone almost hand in hand from the beginning for Coach Frel, he was pleased at the opportunity to coach frosh ball here this year. “It's a nice school a fine school and a good place to work." Currently hia problem Is turn ing the prospective frosh ball players from quantity into qual ity. Frei must wait until Oct. 10 before his team suits up. Included in this year's roster of j prospective players are 11 men from the Oregon Shrlner's game: Walt Burgher, tackle; Darrell Gobi, tackle; Jack Stone, tackle; | Jerry Walling, tackle; Larry Newson, guard; Mike DeVore. center; Herb Juran, quarter-1 back; Johnny Johnson, back; Don ; Laudenslager, back; Will Aid Reeve, back; and Gene Schultzer, I halfback and listed as the most I valuable player in the Shrine game. Also expected to appear art- several outstanding prospects from California, Washington, and Hawaii. The Ducklings will open their season Oct. 31 against Oregon State at Corvallis. Ix» cul fans will have a chance to see them in a repeat game on Oct. 28 ut 2 p.m. ut lliiytvuril Field. Final game of the season, since they are limited to three hy Pa cific CohhI conference rule*, will be held in Pendleton again*t WaMhington State. This i* plan ned primarily for eastern Oregon alums. IM Managers Set Opening Meeting A meeting for all newly-ap pointed intra - mural managers ha* been scheduled for Sept. 29 at 4 p.m. in the men's physical education building. The managers will vote on whether to Include wrestling In the fall term program. Other sports booked for the term are touch football, volleyball A and volleyball B The first competition has been tentatively scheduled for Oct. 3. All of the sports will earn points toward the all-year IM point total system. Intramural assistant Virgil Erickson has requested prospec tive touch football officials to ipply at the Intramural office. Twelve are needed. WIN A Day > v IN Hollywood SIMPLY WRITE, IN 50 WORDS OR LESS, "MY GREATEST EXPERIENCE WAS .. /7 All entries must be in at the Heilig Theater by Midnight, October 6. YOU -may be the WINNER • FLY BY UNITED AIRLINES • COMPLETE STUDIO TOUR • MEET AUDIE MURPHY IN PERSON • DINE AT WORLD FAMOUS BROWN DERBY • GUEST OF HOLLYWOOD KNICKERBOCKER HOTEL • APPEAR ON ART LINKLETTER TV SHOW • COMPLETE TOUR OF HOLLYWOOD AND L. A. Pick up YOUR entry blank NOW at . . . • HEILIG THEATER • EUGENE TRAVEL SERVICE • BIG Y MARKET • OREGON DAILY EMERALD