Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Student Affairs
Lists Counselors
Dormitory counselors for the
freshmen men's and women's
dorms have been announced by
the office of .Student Affairs.
Women’s counselors will be an
Susan Campbell: Joan Paso
more, Susan Gurney. Hendricks
Hall: Gslen *'Bltsy" Mills and
Joy Dewey. Carson Hall: Janice
Milton. Hue Smyth, Ethel O'
Brien, Kathryn Holloway. Jane
Kllppo, Nan Hagedorn and Gwen
Men's counselors are as fol
lows :
Earl Hall: Sheldon Hall Cam
eron Thom, chief resident coun
selor; Richard Butler, assistant.
Young Hall: Stanley Hunsdon,
head counselor; Gerald McCub
bln. assistant. Morton Hall:
James Pond, head counselor;
Richard Gray, assistant McClure
Hall. Alan Kuna, head counselot;
Stanley Rasmussen, assistant
Stafford Hall: Jon Powell, head
counselor; Robert Reid, assistant
Mrs. Catherine DePue will be the
Yets Dorms: French Hall: Art
Menyman, chief resident coun
selor. Nestor Hall: Richard Mc
Daniel Cherney Hall: Kip Whar
ton. Sederstrom: Itobert Furrer.
Don Lee will be the chief resi
dent counselor of Straub Hall,
living in Alpha Hall.
Sophomore Honors
Awarded to Sixteen
Sixteen students have com
pleted all requirements of the
Sophomore Honors program and
v. ere listed in tha 1955 Com
mencement Program They are:
Sonia Edwards Bell, James
Gr-ene, Sally Jo Greig, Anne Hill
Margaret Hoehn, Harriet Horn
beck, Gerald Jones, Patricia Mc
Cormick. Barbara Nyberg. Mar
vin Piquet, Peter Plumridge. Bar
bara Proebstel, L»»e Ramsey.
Ronald Spicer. Judith Johnson
Tuckef and Margaret Tyler.
UT Sets Party
With Acts, Tours
Student* ran leave their houses
and dorms Oct. -1 to attend the
University theatre party, accord
ing to Horace W. Robinson, di
rector of the theatre.
The annual party will be held
in the main auditorium at 7:30
p.m. Selected acta from the
popular aummer show "Club In
time'’ will bo presented. The
original netting from "The Mem
ber of the Wedding” has been left
on stage and will be available
for inspection and lighting dem
Gordon Howard, graduate in
speech, is In charge of the pro
gram. Also planned are tours of
the theatre, and explanation of
theatre procedure, refreshments
and dancing to the orchestra of
Ralph De Courcey.
Today's Stall
Makeup Editor: Valerte Hersh.
* News Desk: Anne Ritchey
Night otafr: Mary Alice Allen,
.Janet Kneeland.
Civil Service Job
Exams Scheduled
Positions for a clerk, photogra
pher, micro-photographer, photo
stat operator and blueprint op-i
; orator are open through t.h<- U.
i 8. Civil Service Commission and
examinations are now being an
Jobs open are In Washington,
D. C. and In the surrounding
area. Qualified persons should I
• file applications with the com
mission, through the central of
fice in Washington 25, D. C. Ap
plications should be made before :
Oct. 3.
Further positions are also avail- ,
able in the medical record li- !
brary, to work for the Veterans :
Administration, the Department j
I of Defense and the Public Health >
•Service all over the country.
For these latter positions appli
I cations may be made in the Cen
tral Board of U. S. Civil Service j
Kxaminers, Veterans Administra
tion, in Washington.
Bubble Bath Laundromat
• One-stop service
• Free parking in rear
• Dry cleaning
• Shirt service
• Finished laundry service
• Special price on sheets and pillow cases to
sorority and fraternity houses.
• All clothes washed and dried separately
• Clothing neatly folded when you pick up.
Saves ironing.
Bubble Bath Laundromat
768 East 11th Avenue Phone 5-9510
Deadline Is Set
For UO Theatre
Season Renewals
Headline for ren'-wal of season
ticket* for the University theatre
i» Oct. 6, according to Helen
Adams, ticket manager.
The ho* office will be open
from I to 5 p.m. each day next
week and each living organ
ization will have a representa
tive to sell tickets In the
houses. The living organization
selling the largest percentage
of season tickets will be able
to bring themselves and a
guest to any show of the sea
son. Tickets are $5 each.
Regular season ticket sales
will continue until the open
ing of “The Remarkable Mr.
Penny packer," the season’s
first show.
UT Open House
The University Theater will
hold open house for interested
students from 8 to 10 p.m.. Tues
day, October 4.
Judge Peters, UO Grad,
Dies of Heart Attack
A University law graduate.
Judge R. Frank Peters of Hills
boro, died Sept. 4 of a heart at
tack at Oceanside.
Before receiving his law de
gree here he attended Tualatin
academy and Pacific university.
He had been judge in the 19th
judicial district since 1934, and
served in the state legislature in
1929 and 1931.
Earl Hall Phones Listed
Separate phone numbers for
the units of Earl hall are: Ext.
370, main desk; 371, McChire;
372. Morton; 373, Sheldon; 374,
Stafford: 375, Young, and 5-9162,
pay phone.
General listings of all campus
phone numbers, most of which
are the same as last year, will
appear in the Emerald next
Freshman Gals—
i Have You Heard
Westgate *
Name Brands
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Westgate Shoppe
895 East 13th Avenue
When your courses are set
And a dream-girl you've met...
Have a real cigarette —have a CAMELl
U J. Ui't'tioliU Tobacco Co.. Wlo«ton-8al«m. N. C.