Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1955, Image 1

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    57th year of I’ubtication
NO. 2
Women's Rush
Begins Today
f’anhellcnic'H five-day rushing i
program for the 302 freshman!
women registered for formal ruah |
begins today with ten-minute
open house perloda at eu< h of the
16 sororities.
Approximately 60 more women
will participate in rushing thin
year than last, according to
Olivia Tharaldson. Panhellenic
I resident. The increase i* ac
tually greater than It appear*,
•he report*. I-ast year’* number
included upper-termer*, whose;
ru*h period wa* held separately i
for the fir*t time this year.
Open house today will be from
10 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. The ;
six rushing date* Saturday will
tie held between the same hour*. |
Four half-hour ru*hing periods
will be held Sunday between 2
and 5 p.m.
Monday evening the women
will visit three houses spending
forty-five minute* at each. Tues
day evening they will spend for
ty-five minutes again with the
house* of their first and second
preference, following which they
will fill out their preference card*
at Gerlinger hall.
Wedneaday pledges will attend
breakfast at the chapter house*
at 7:15 a.m.
Campus clothes will be in or
der for all dates except prefer
ence night, Miss Tharaklson said.
Tuesday night the dress will be
short silks.
Miss Tharaldson reminds the
ru«hee that there will be no
dating during the entire rush
period with the exception of the
Hello Dance.
Tryouts Scheduled
For Monday Night
Tryouts for the first play of
the season will be Monday night,
according to Daniel Kremp< |, in
structor of speech, who will di
rect. The play, "The Remarkable
Mr. Pennypacker," was done last
season on Broadway.
Roles for ten men and four to
six women, as well as several
children's roles will be cast for
the production. All university
students are eligible to try out,
regardless of class or major. Try
outs will begin at 7:30 in the
main auditorium of the Univer
sity theatre.
Variety Show Is
Saturday Night
I he University of Oregon foot
ball team and coachea will be
special guesta at the first annual
Oregon Club Variety Show Sat
urday at 8 p.rn. at McArthur
Vix-alUt from FranUit* I«aim- TV’ Show
/any Muoic from Odd Instruments
225 UO Students
Have Scholarships
Karl W. Onthank. chairman of
the faculty committee on schol
arships and financial aid, said
Thursday that more students arc
here on scholarships this year
than any year previously.
Onthank said that more than
225 students are here on schol
arships totaling approrimately
$50,000. Of this 160 freshmen
have scholarships totaling near
ly $30,000.
The Oregon Mother's club
alone is presenting $5,000 worth
of scholarships next year. Pos
ters have already been sent to
the high schools in the state to
let outstanding students known
about the scholarships offered by
the university.
Onthank stated that many
scholarships had been filled re
cently due to vacancies which
developed over the summer. He
also said that many new scholar
ship opportunities are opening up
U0 Publications Set
Open House Next Week
The Oregana will hold an open
house for all interested students
in the Oregana office, 308 Stu
dent Union. Wednesday, Septem
ber 28 from 8 to 10 pm. The
Oregon Daily Kmerald will have
open house Thursday. September
29, from 8 to 10 p.m. in 301
Allen Hall. Students interested
in working on either publication
are encouraged to talk to the
staff on the publication of their
Parade, Rally Planned
Saturday at Airport
A car parade and surprise rally
will welcome home the Duck var
sity squad Saturday, a^t the Eu
gene airport at 12:30 p.m.
Yell Dukes Don Soesbe and
Dave Kjome will lead the rally
and parade. They will be assisted
by Yell King Ollie Urbigkeit
when he arrives with the team on
the chartered Pan American Air
lines plane. Urbigkeit flew down
with the team to lead southern
California UO alums.
Because of women's rushing,
this homecoming rally will be re
stricted to men on campus.
The Ducks new rally squad
made their first appearance on
campus Wednesday night at the
freshman picnic in a sendoff rally
for the varsity team.
New rally girls Sally Jo Greig,
Sue Ramshy, Frances Heitkem
per, Shirley. McLean, Joan Pal
mer, Bobbye Harris, and Cindy
Randall appeared in new white
uniforms of a different style than
last year's.
The rally board announced yes
terday that sales will start next
week on new rally hats for men
on campus. These hats will be
sold by the rally girls at the liv
ing organizations and are actually
green fatigue hats with a lemon
"O'' painted on them. These hats
will cost 75 cents and will be a
requirement for a special mens'
rooting section planned for this
Hello Dance Is
Saturday in SU
The Hclh) IHincr, honoring
new students, will l*e held from
0 to 12 p.m. Saturday in the Stu
dent I'nion ballroom.
Campus clothes are in order
for the dance, which is a no-date
affair. There is no admission
charge. Entertainment will be
furnished by campus talent
with Rob Roy as master of
ceremonies. -- ,
tiers* rations will center
around a theme of comic strip
characters. Music for the dance
will be furnished by the Tune
smiths, a Eugene group.
Chairman for the dance is
Barbara Berwick, chairman of
the SC dance committee. Work
ing with her on the dance are
Mary Jane Alexander, Diane
Raoul-Duval, Pete Bluett, Lou
ann Pearson and Joan Kainville.
Sophomore Honor
Test Schedule Set
The dates of the fall term
comprehensive examinations in
Sophomore honors courses have
beon scheduled as follows:
Literature — Tuesday, October
Physical Scionce — Thursday,
October 13;
Biological Science — Thursday,
October 13;
Study of Society Wednesday,
October 19;
History—Thursday, October 20.
All examinations are scheduled
as throe hour examinations to
begin at 7 p.m. Qualified stu
dents who wish to take these
examinations should notify Mr.
Ghent or notify the faculty mem
ber listed for the subjects as fol
Literature, J. C. Sherwood;
Physical Science, F. E. Dart ;
Biological Science, J. R. Hnes
Study of Society, E. S. Wen
History, L. R. Sorenson.
The place for the examination
will be announced to the student
when he registers for the exami
The dates of the spring term
comprehensives in Sophomore
honors courses are as follows:
History—Tuesday, May 15;
Society—May 17;
Literature—May 22;
Science—May 24.
Freshman Week
In Final Stages
Orientation week swings into
the final stages this weekend
with the ASUO assembly tonight
and the Hello dance Saturday
night being the major events
New students attending the
assembly tonight will meet the
campus leaders and see a parade
of campus talent. This assembly,
unlike the others, is more for en
tertainment than information.
The Hello dance will be held
>Ui the Student Union ballroom
from 9 to 12 p.m. Campus clothes
are in order for this dance, a no
date affair.
Sunday has been designated as
‘Go-to-Church" Sunday. Stu
dents are urged to attend the
church of their choice.
Men interested in rushing can
receive the latest information
about rushing and pledging pro
cedures at an assembly spon
sored by the Inter-fraternity
council Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in
the SU ballroom.
Student Fees Due
Fees must be paid by noon
Saturday, the day registration
ends. Classes begin Monday,
which is the last day to regis
ter or freely change courses.
Sponsored by the Oregon Club
of Kugene, the eight-act show
will benefit the university ath
letic program. The sponsoring
organization is composed of Eu
gene businessmen interested in
assisting and promoting athletics
at the University.
The variety show, which is also
planned as a football jamboree,
will offer top talent from the
fields of radio, television, movies
and vaudeville. It will be pre
sented on an arena-type stage
in the court, so that the audience
will be assured of good seats any
where in the building.
Leading the talent parade will
be the Ritz Brothers, a $25,000 a
week comedy act fresh from the
Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas.
Connie Haines, star of the
Frankie Laine TV show and
top recording vocalist, and the
Hoosier Hotshots, masters of
Zany music, will also be on hand.
Other top acts signed are Payo
and Mai, European juggling and
unicycle team; the Cordolins, mu
sical quartet of young women;
George Lee, outstanding juggler;
and the Harmonettes, a vocal trio
from Washington which has won
many contests and now has a
TV show out of Portland.
An act of special interest, will
be the Sing Lee Sings, a tumbling
group from California. The six
tumblers include two adults and
four children, and their act has
proved a sensation wherever they
have appeared.
Variety Show tickets are on
sale at the McArthur Court
ticket office.
Changes Announced
In Emerald Staff
Promotions and changes tn
Emerald upper-staff personnel
became effective as of the first
issue, Tuesday.
Anne Ritchey was named news
editor, replacing Bob Robinson,
who will be an associate editor.
Sally Ryan will serve as editor of
the editorial page, replacing Miss
Jerry Claussen was appointed
an additional associate editor.
Two new assistant news editors,
Cornelia Fogle and Loretta
Meyer, were appointed by Editor
Gordon Rice. Co-women’s page
editor, with Mollie Monroe, will
be Cay Mundorff.
Carol Craig was appointed fea
ture editor. Dave Sherman will
be amusement editor for special
Friday editions.
No Fraternity Men
In Dorms, Says IFC
Fraternity men will not be
tolerated inside freshman dorms
for the next ten days, Inter-fra
ternity council officers announc
ed at a meeting Wednesday
Frosh counselors are obligated
to turn in names of any fra
ternity men seen inside units of
Earl hall, Cherney hall or French
hall. Strict enforcement of this
IFC regulation is promised.
President Kent Dorwin briefed
house presidents and rush chair
men on the schedule for rush
week. Freshmen will be given
rushing rules at the IFC assem
bly at 8 p.m. Sunday in the SU
All rushees will sign for up to
6 dates Monday afternoon from
2 to 5. During this period fra
ternity men must sit behind
desks in the SU ballroom and
are not allowed . to pressure
rushees on the main floor. Mon
day night from 7-10 rushees sign
up for 6 more dates, at which
time one man per house can be
on the floor to actively solicit
Rushees are allowed to make
12 dates during the four-day rush
period. To be eligible for pledg
ing a man must visit at 'least
three different houses, and can
not have more than four dates
with any one house.
A complete list of rush rules
will be printed in Monday’s Em
Gordon Nobriga, president of
Phi Kappa Sigma, was elected
secretary-treasurer of the organ
ization. Nobriga replaces Irwin
Caplan of Sigma Alpha Mu, who
did not return to school.
Dorwin urged all members to
be present at a meeting Sunday
night immediately following the
assembly at the SU. Rushing
quotas, based on house capacity,
number of men living in each
house, and expected losses with
in the next year, will be deter
mined at this meeting.