Wehfoots Squeeze By Utah Favored USC, Huskies Gather PCC Victories i'l.l, ctlANU! NUB Southern Caltfurma Wl gton Orr^oji t'< I A • ftlifi«nii4 .. Stanford Oregon State Idaho .. W«t»hmi{ion Slate . W I, T PF PA I 0 0 50 1<» I l 0 OK 7 .0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 o j 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 o 1 0 714 o I 0 K SO The favorites won both Pacific : Coast conference Karnes this past Weekend, one of them much more ; easily than expect* d and the other with much more difficulty. Southern California’s Trojans, picked to finish right behind UCt.A in this year's Koae Bowl chase, demolished Washington Stale, r»0-12. WSC, one of the I many dark-horses of the con ference, managed only two first downs, nn