Men's Rush Meeting Set for Sunday Niqht Rules for men’s rush week, which will begin next Monday, are being explained to fraternity men and incoming freshmen this week, according to Interfrater nity Council president Kent Dor win. All interested freshman men will attend the rushing assembly next Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Student Union ballroom. Dor win and some outstanding frater nity alumni member will speak to the freshmen on the advant ages of fraternity living. Rules will be discussed, after which the meeting will be open to questions from the frosh. Fraternity presidents will be informed of rules concerning members at a meeting of the IFC Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Preliminary rushing meetings will be held during this week at Theatre to Form Lab for TV Drama Actors, directors, costumers and others interested in the theatre are invited to participate in a drama television lab being form ed by the University theatre. The group plans to produce several plays during the year in addition to the regular television productions. All these will be produced by* students in acting, directing and publicity positions. The lab will, offer an oppor tunity for both new and return ing University students to par ticipate in an active theatre group and to meet other students with similar interests. Organizational meetings for the group will be announced at the University Theatre open house Oct. 4, and in the Emerald. each freshman dormitory unit. Dorwin will speak and answer questions. Freshmen are allowed to make twelve dates with fraternities of their choice next Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday. All houses will be open for lunch, dinner and during the evening. Each rushee, after paying his $5 fee, must visit at least four houses before pledging. Actual pledging will take place Friday night. September 30. Rushees make out a preference card telling their top three choices. At the same time each house will make a list of the rushees it desires to pledge. The cards and lists are then matched, and results will be announced Saturday morning. • "On behalf of the 1FC I would like to welcome every new stu dent to the campus,” Dorwin said. “We fraternity men cor dially invite you to take part in rush week. We are eager to show you the advantages fra ternity life can offer you.” Fulbright Grant Deadline Nov. I University of Oregon students who wish to apply for Fulbright grants for study abroad for the year 1956-57 should obtain appli cations immediately from K. S. Ghent. Emerald 207. Completed applications must be filed with Ghent before Nov. 1. 1955. To tfb eligible a student must be a U.S. citizen who will have a bachelor's degree before Sept. 1. 1956. For certain foreign countries such as France. Germany. Aus tria and Italy, a knowledge of language is required. About one thousand Fulbright awards are made each year to U.S. students for study abroad. The award covers transporta tion. maintenance, tuition and books. Awards are available for study in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg, Burma, Ceylon, Chile. Denmark. Finland. France. Germany, Greece, India. Italy. Japan, Netherlands, New Zea land. Norway. Philippines and United Kingdom. The STUDENT UNION BARBER SHOP Welcomes You Back To the Campus Located in the Erb Building, Basement Level Hours — Tues. thru Sat., 8:00 to 5:30 Ted Reams, Prop. Help-Yourself Service Adopted by UO Co-op Self-service textbook service has been installed in the Uni versity Co-op, with facilities for faster service both for books and other supplies. Entrance to the balcony, where textbooks are, is through the turnstile and up the south stair way. Students may go directly to the shelves to select necessary books, and they will pay at the checkout stand. Shelving is by course number and listed by de partments. The Co-op staff is asking stu dents not to write checks in the book department. They are to bo cashed at tho cashier's win dow on tho main floor. Books rnual be ltatod by course number, and linth of should be brought to the Co-op. Books can not be bought by course titles. Refunds for hooka may be made up to two weeks after the term begins. Oct. 10 will be deadline for full-price refunds on unused books. Refunds can be made at the north starway. In the refunds and adjustment de partment. Diagrams of the store's coun ters, with rules for purchasing books are available at the book store. COLD WEATHER AHEAD! FENNELL'S Buy Your OREGON JACKETS By H. L. Whiting From FENNELL'S MEN'S WEAR ON THE CAMPUS AcC|DeNtS are EXPENSIVE* O U can't afford accidents, but YOU can afford STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE All Expenses Paid up to Only $4.50 buys twelve full months protection • 24 Hour coverage • During summer vacations • On or off campus We Will See You at Registration! ASUO Insurance Committee