Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    Inside and Out; Everything's New
STI I)\ TABLES In Karl hall are built into the wall by the win
dow, with lamp attached and a bookcase overhead. Freshman
B«;rnie Mullarey went to a friend’s room to catch up on the first
week’s program. About his roommate he had the usual complaints,
“He has barrelful of jazz records which he plays all the time he's
not sleeping-.” Bemie plans to move to another room.
KM-.IS I-KOM Hayward Held. Oregon1* new Karl hall follows the
Klas» and brick atylr of moat nru campus liuildliiKH. IJke other
(Inriiis, lt'» divided into iiuHh for group living.
Luxurious New Dorm
Completed for Frosh
IC hi tin ued Irani page four)
n pair of beds, which can easily
bo converted to studio couches
during the day. Facing the walls
near the large window are a pair
of study desks, complete with
lamps and bookshelves.
Walls Concrete, Plaster
Walls are made of concrete and
plaster. Floors are finished with
tile. The furniture, finished in
natural hlorid, was made on the
campus by the physical plant.
Included in building plans are
special quarters for counselors
and a room for housemother Mrs,
Catherine DePue who will serve
all five units. Each unit has two
counselors. In addition, there
will be two counselors for fresh
man athletes.
Architects Church, Newberry,
and Roehr designed the hall to
permit the most efficient possible
operation of the freshman coun
seling program.
Freshmen living In the new
dorm pay the same amount as
women living in Carson hall,
which is roughly $15 per term
more than at other dormitories.
Vets Dorms IP-placed
Earl hall partially replaces the
temporary veterans’ dorms, the
traditional home of Oregon fresh
men men since World War II.
The two veterans’ dorms were
moved to the campus in 1946
from a Vancouver shipyard,
where they served as barracks
during the war.
These buildings were termed a
“fire trap’’ last year by Eugene
Fire Chief Ed Surfus, and are
being replaced as fast as pos
sible. Much of this dorm de
velopment has already been torn
Not yet on hand are coin-op
erated automatic wash machines
which will be placed in the base
ment of each unit. These are ex
pected later this week. New fur
niture for the downstairs lounges
of each unit also had not arrived
this morning, but was also ex
pected at any time.
Inter-t'om System
Other features of the dor
mitory include a modern inter
com system which will make it
easier to put through phone calls.
The visitor can't help but no
tice the huge fireplaces in the
lounges. Knch fireplace is equip
ped with a dumb-waiter that *
carries wood up from the base- I
Construction was started last
March by the W. H. Shields Con
struction Co. and was completed
on schedule last month. It was
accepted recently by the State
Board of Higher Education.
Kitchen in the Middle
KITCHEN FACILITIES in the new men’s dormitory are located in the center of the building, serv
in a dining room on each side and adjoining the kitchen of John Straub hall. Stainless steel equip
ment is employed throughout the new part.
Were happy to
have been the
W. H. Shields Co.
252 Taylor Street
Eugene, Oregon