Ducks Waif USC For First Test In Loop Action Coach Len Casanova’s ground power offense gets an early sea son service test Friday night when the Webfoots fly to Los Angeles for their Pacific Coast j conference opener against high- [ ly regarded Southern California. Last year the Ducks stayed even with the Trojans for the first half of their NCAA tele vision game of the week, but Oregon was unable to hold Jon Arnett in check and the sopho more scatback personally en gineered a 24-14 victory for USC. Arnett is back this season and appeared as fit and fleet as ever in his two-touchdown role of Southern Cal’s 50-12 whitewash ing of Washington State. In addition to Arnett, Coach Jess Hill boasts veterans Jim Decker at fullback and Ells worth Kissinger at quarter- | back, plus lanky Leon Clarke and Chuck Griffith as two of the top ends on the coast. Casanova will counter the Troy speed with veteran Dick James and a flock of sophomore fleetfoots. Jim Shanley, Jack Brown, Jack Morris, Chuck Os borne and Fred Miklancic showed brief flashes against Utah last Saturday and are counted on to open up Friday in the Coliseum if the turf stays dry. Washke Again On Rules Group For the second straight year Dr. Paul R. Washke, director of the University of Oregon intra mural program has been ap pointed as Pacific coast repre sentative of the National Touch Football Rules committee. The committee is responsible for yearly revisions in the Na tional College Touch Football Rules handbook. The group, which includes representatives of twelve districts of the United States, will publish a second re vised edition of the handbook for the 1956 season. Washke’s district includes Ore gon, Washington, California, Ne vada and Idaho. ELLSY>OKTH KbSlXUER Back to haunt UO defenders Oregon Wins Opener (Continued from page 9) six-pointer of their own. Quar terback Marty Bezyack ran a Duck punt back 35 yards which started the drive. Eight plays consumed 30 yards and the march ended when halfback Herb j Nakken skirted end for four | yards. George Boss tried his luck at. converting and left footed the kick through the up T statistics Oreg. I'tub Kir,st downs rushimt. 17 13 First downs passing 0 .t Yards gained rushing .333 234 i Yards Inst rushing .. 49 9 ' I’asses attempted . 7 II, | Passes completed ... . .1 4 f Passes had intercepted. 1 2 j Yards gamed imssing. S 99 i Total net yards gained . ..'89 314 Punting average . 41 29 f Fumbles ...... .... 4 2 | Opp. iunhles recovered. 0 rights, one point short of a tie. As the “game drew near the 1 end Oregon launched another Sports Staff Desk Editor: Chuck Mitchel more. Staff: Anne Hitchey, Jack Wil son, Allen Johnson, Gordon Rice. READ EMERALD WANT ADS long drive. Janiea picked up 12 yards in two tries and the Ducks were on their own 21. Morris added four and Shan ley collected seven yards to further run out the clock. Morris went to mid field on a fourth down situation to retain possession for Oregon. James, who picked up 91 yards for the night, ripped off a 19 yard run and wax followed by Shan ley willi an 11-yard gallop. Finally, with 2d seconds left, the Redskinx got the ball on their own two-yard line ax Crab tree wax stopped xhort of a xcore. The Utex clicked on two paxxex in three tries to move to the Duck 44 .ax the final gun sounded. 1c SALE Unde Milties Famous Wrecksall Sale 2 Sharts lor the Price of i • Buy one short-sleeve sport shirt at any price (2.95 up) and get another shirt of the same price for only lc more. Hurry down to Uncle Miitie's now and take advantage of this value. Uncle Miitie’s Shirt Shop 1045 WILLAMETTE ST. ACROSS FROM BURCH'S Smoke Tomorrow's better cigarette* Today < Enjoy a Cool Mildness never possible before! r PUT A ^ SMILE IN YOUR rtffNG LIGGETT 1 MYERS TOBACCO CO. SMOKING ! Chesterfield BEST FOR YOU ! O') Lee nr & Myiii To&a rm Cn