Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1955, Page Eleven, Image 11

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    Ex-Ducks Fly High in Pro Ballj
By Jack Wilton
Emerald Att't Sportl Editor
Ah the high-voltage ma
chines Ilf Ihf professional foot
bull ranks got their regular sea
hoii uniler way thla weekend,
talented ex-DUcks will be spark
ing several top club*.
At the head of any lint of ex
Oregon great* currently playing
for pay must come the Lom Ange
leH Kama' Norm Van Brockiin.
top passer in ttie National Foot
ball la-ague. Beat year the Fly
ing Dutchman again led the
league by connecting for 139
completions and 2,1«7 yard*.
Thirteen of hiH pitches were for
lewli Kotin for KauiH
With Van Brockiin on th*
Rama i« hiH old Oregon team
male, Woodley U'wlt, who in
now primarily used an a kiekoff
ami punt runbaek specialist. The
fleet, fiery Lewis Ih always a
hard man to bring down.
Newest star In the professional
cosmos Is George Shaw, the all
around athlete who left Kugene
last spring as the bonus draft
pick of the Baltimore Colts.
Shaw will make his league play
debut September 2-5 against the
Chicago Bears, but he has sev
eral highly Kuoce.-sful pre-league
games under his belt already.
'■'!»»« f avored by Coach
Shaw, who led the nation in
total offense during the ‘54 sea
son, showed so much spark in
his summer outings that Coach
Weeh F.wbnnk has given him
the nod over Stanford's Gary
Kerkorian and Maryland's Jack
i .\ i r.ii i
Baltimore Blockbuster
Scar bath for the starting QB
j role.
The Shaw-led Colts ran the
top-ranked New York Gianta into
the ground during the first half
of th* ir exhibition game. Shaw
j «at out th<- second half as Kw
bank tried to jack out his Num
ber 2 quarter, and the Colts
dropped a narrow 17-14 de
i ctsion.
First of the long-awaited Shaw ,
Van Brot kiln duels will come off
November 20 at Baltimore, with ■
Oregon Grounded
In New Grid Look
A i urn to ground power foi
offensive drive for a Shaw-les;
team in the key feature of the
1955 Oregon football outlook.
Coach Ix*n < asanoia and his
assistants placed the accent on
running play* after the depar
ture of <|uurtcrbuck George
Shaw created a large vacancy
In the signal culling and pass
ing department for the first
time in some while at Oregon.
The brilliant Portland back
held h tight grip on the Webfool
aerial reins his junior and seniot
Sept. 23 USC at Los Angclet
Oct. 1 Washington at Portlanc
< night)
Oct. 8 Colorado at Eugene
Oct. ir» California at Portlanc
Oct. 22 Arizona at Tucsin
Oct. 29 Idaho at Eugene
No. 5 WSC at Pullman
Nov. 12 Stanford at Palo Alto
Nov. 19 OSC at Eugene
years after playing defense am
utility roles during his under
classmen seasons with Hal Dun
ham and Barney Holland quar
Previously Duck football hac
been highlighted by the Stella
passing play of Norm Van Brock
lin and consistent work of Eai
Stelle at the key T-formation
With Shaw’s graduation the
quarterback mantle fell on
John Keller and Wally Bussell,
neither outstanding passers,
and the Webfoot brain trust
began shopping for a new
offensive emphasis.
A raft of speedy freshman anc
junior college halfbacks, plus a
pair of busting fullbacks in Jack
Morris and Fred Miklancic put
Oregon in the rushing business
hut the presence of one 'of the
coast’s top ends in Phil McHugh
has not ruled out the passing -
To handle the new look. Casa- *
! nova chose Tom Crabtree, a half
. back from Marshfield high with
some play calling experience as
i a prep school freshman. Crab
■ tree's performance in spring
i practice was a pleasant surpri.se. ;
as the halfback convert made {
! few false moves.
The addition of junior col
lege transfer .lack Crabtree
helped bolster the ipiarterbaek
contingent when Keller mar
ried. Sophomores dim Shanley
Leroy Phelps anil Jark Krown,
plus junior Chuck Osborne
rounded out the halfback group
with veteran Dick James.
The line, however, was weak
ened by the loss of Jack Patera,
Hal Reeve, Keith Tucker, Ron
Pheister and Dick Mobley. Junior
college transfers Bruce Brenn,
George Slender and Bill Tarrow '
aided the end department where ;
McHugh had been the only left- j
Art Weber moved in at center
after Pheister left, but will get
stiff competition from Nick Mar
kulis and an improving Norm
Veteran Keanous Cochran
anchored his old guard spot,
and his high school teammate
Spike Hillstroni took a hold
on the other. Hurry Mondale,
a li)51 letterman, and Jim
Jacques, who earned a stripe
in 1952, are back at guard
after service tours.
Season Captain Lon Stiner
heads the tackle list, with letter
man Chuck Austin and Harry
Johnson returning also. Jerry
Kerschner and John Raventos
.offer support from the 1954
Frosh ranks.
Final touches to the Oregon
new look were the promotion of
Bill Hammer from Frosh coach
to line mentor and the hiring of
Jerry Frei to replace Hammer
with the freshmen.
Kicking for Colts
the squads doing a repeat in
LA December 4.
Back to the Colts from the
service is Monte Brethauer.
rugged Oregon end who was
drafted by the Baltimore outfit
in 1953. Brethaue.r is certain to
see lots of defensive baekfield
action and is handling the Colt
punting as well. Jack Patera,
drafted along with Shaw, has
seen summer action as an offen
sive guard. Patera will certain
ly have trouble breaking into the
big. rugged Colt forward wall,
which has yet to be pushed
around by anyone, but the easy
going all-Coast selection has the
stuff to make the grade in any
Hal Reeve, four-year Utter
'».. •..jz.
Ho just keeps rolling
winner who teamed with Shaw
and Patera in Oregon days, will
play tackle and end for the Cal
gary Stampeders.
Beavers' Coleman !
To Tour in Japan
Oregon State's baseball head ;
man. Coach Ralph Coleman.;
leaves Friday for a month's tour |
jof Japan to conduct baseball,
clinics for the Air Force.
Coleman. 1955 president of the
American Association of College 1
Baseball Coaches, made two sim
ilar trips to Europe for .service 1
clinics in 1945 and 1954.
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