Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1955, Page Ten, Image 10

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By Chuck Mitchelmore
Emerald Sports Editor am
Summer brings an end to college newspaper publication
but not to news oi college athletes which keeps piling up
necessitating some sort oi review at summer’s end.
Coach Bill Bowerman’s Oregon track men provided
i a good share of the summer headlines, capping one of
their most successful seasons with individual triumphs in
additional open meets.
The Duck cindermen copped fifth place in the Facifk
Coast conference meet on Hayward field, then moved to Lot
Angeles and snared fourth place in the NCAA meet, theii
highest national finish in history. Previous best Oregor
high was seventh in 1939.
Distance Stars Shine
Performances by Bowerman’s talented distance trio —
Bill Dellinger, Ken Reiser and Jim Bailey — highlighted
scoring action for the Webfoots.
Dellinger won the mile. Reiser the two-mile and
Bailey the 880-yard dash in the PCC meet. At Los
Angeles Reiser walked off with two-mile honors and
Bailey upset Dellinger and UCLA’s Bob Seaman to take
the mile in 4 :Q5.9.
Sophomore standouts Martin Pedigo and Ed Binghan
added valuable points with places in the broad jump anr1
javelin respectively.
Dellinger Betters Time
Dellinger ran the best Oregon mile in history in the PCC
Big Ten meet following the NCAA competition, but lost out
in a stretch battle to his old rival, Seaman. His second place
time was 4 :04.6.
Bailey ran the best half mile ever run by an Australian
runner in winning the PCC-Big Ten 880 with a 1:51. The
record will probably not be recognized, however, as
Bailey was racing in a United States collegiate meet.
Reiser had a bad day in the PCC-Big Ten two mile, in
contrast to USC’s Fernando Ledesma, who set a new col
legiate mark with a terrific 8:58 clocking.
Reiser Tours Europe
Following the collegiate meetings, Reiser left on a tour
of European competitions with other United States track
stars and competed in Finland. Czechoslovakia, Scotland and
England before returning to go on active duty as an Army
second lieutenant in Kentucky.
Bailey spent some time in Canadian meets during the
summer, as did Doug Clement, Duck middle distance
star, who broke two records in the Canadian pentathlon
championships, and pole vaulter Bob Reid, who reached
the top height of his career at 13’6”.
Reiser and Clement will not return to Duck competition
but Dellinger and Bailey will be back in action this fall when
cross-country season begins. Next spring should find Bailey
in the mile spot and Dellinger filling Reiser’s two-mile shoes
if predictions run true to form.
Senior Gridders Active
George Shaw and Jack Patera were members of the College
All-Star squad in the annual collegiate-professional football
game in Chicago last August. Shaw saw.no action for the
Stars as Notre Dame’s Ralph Guglielmi quarterbacked the
entire game.
Patera, who was named captain of the All-American Sigma
Chi team, was in the game briefly. Both Shaw and Patera
have played in exhibition action for the Baltimore Colts.
Last year’s Duck grid captain, Ron Pheister, was drafted
by the San Francisco 49ers as a center, but accepted a coach
ing job at Tigard high school.
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One to Get Ready
Moore s Gotta Go
"That’s my boy,” sa>s Al Weill, manager of h«-a\> m right cham
pion Korky Marciano, as he gives his fighter a good-luck sendoff
before his Tuesday figlit with light-hcu\yucight king Archie Moore.
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carried bv radio and closed television circuit tonight la-ginning at
«:30 F.si.T.
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