Six Webfoots Named On ND All-Star Team Oregon's three-time Northern Division champion bum-ball team dominated the annual league all alar team announced Tuesday with nine men on the top two teams. The Ducks, who hurt, year put five men on the first all-star team, even more completely monopolized the first team .spots for 1955 with six men. Oeorge Hhaw made the team for the third straight year; Pete Wil liama, Neil Marlett and Johnny j Keller repeated from last year's team and Jimmy Johnson and Terry Maddox made it for the [ first time. I>enn l>*uds Hitters Jay Dean, Oregon .State’s All American firstbaseman and the league’s top hitter this year with a record .545, was the top vote getter in the poll for the all j star team. The giant Beaver two sport man was put at the initial sack for the third straight sea I son with a perfect 20 points. I' *' OKKCiON buM'hall stars played their last games of the wn»on against UKF Saturday. From left to right they are Norm Forties. John Keller. Neal Warlett, Fete Williams and (jeorge Shan. All are seniors except Keller. Trojan Nine Tops Oregon Oregon's baseball team closed out the season last Friday and Satin day, dropping two one sided tilts at Los Angel'-s to the University of Southern Califor nia. Scores were 7-1 and 10-1. It was the third straight year the Ducks made it to the PCC playoffs. Last year they triumph ed at Eugene but in 1953 they lost to Stanford at Palo Alto. It was a simple story of ton much Trojan pitching and hit ting. In Friday's game CSC hiirler Vie 1-aplner da/./.led the Ducks with » four-hitter while his teummutes bashed out four homers off the Oregon pitch ing. Saturday Oregon star Terry Maddox was battered for .seven runs in seven innings as Ralph Pausig of USC throttled the Duc k hitters with one run. Shortstop John Stevenson did the most damage for the Los Angeles school. Stevenson slash ed out three-for-four each game and handled 13 chances cleanly afield. Included in his hits were two homers and a double. Outfielder Gerry Mason also lived up to advance billing as an All-American candidate with two homers in the second game and one in the first. He batted in seven runs in the two contests. John Keller collected three lids In the two-game series to lead Oregon hatters but com mitted two errors. The pair of losses left Coach Don liirseh’s team with an 18-10 mark for the season. The Wcbfoots won the Northern Division championship with a 10-8 won-loss record. Line scores: K II F. Oregon .000 010 000 1 4 1 .010 013 20X 7 10 1 Garner, Blodgett (8) and Mar let t; Lapiner and Garten. It H F. Oregon .001 000 000— 1 7 2 use .210 102 13x 10 11 2 Maddox, Blodgett (8) and Mar lett; Pausig and Garten. The other three spots on the first team were divided between OSC. WSG and Washington. Bea ver outfielder Jerry Kxley and Cougar flychaaer Terry Sparks j were named to outfield positions along with Shaw, while Bill Reams, the Huskies’ top hurler witn a 4-2 mark, was put on the pitching staff with Maddox. Shaw was the second-high vote getter for the team behind Dean with 17 points. Sparks got 16, j Keller, Marlett and Maddox each got 15, Reams had 14, Williams got 13 and Kxley and Johnson each received 11. Th<» addition of Oregon’s Jerry Ross, Norm Forbes and Dick Schlosstein to the ND’s second team completed the sweep for the champion Ducks. It gave the Oregon team a solid lineup of all-stars with Pitcher Bill Gar ner getting honorable mention. The rest of the second team was composed of WSC’s Oordy Mersey at second base. Idaho’s Flip Kleffner at third, OSC* Phil lantzo in the outfield, WSC’s Ron Foisy at shortstop, and, aa, pitchers, OSC’s A1 Guidotti and loe Epperle and WSC’s Ron Webb. The first team included six repeaters from the 1954 team, which had only two seniors. OSC Outfielder Jack Pinion and W8C Pitcher Lee Dolquist. Dean, Wil iams, Keller, Sparks, Shaw and Marlett all were on last year’s Learn. Forbes, a pitching all-star ast season, didn't play too reg llarly as an outfielder and was put on the second- team. Chuck Fisk, OSC returnee at second »ase, got hurt late in the season ifter hitting poorly all year and jot only honorable mention. All-star choices for 1955 in-! :lude: FIRST TEAM First iaw Jay Dean, OSC Second Inw Jim Johnson. Oregon Third base Pete William*. Oregon Shortstop Johnny Keller, Orgon Otufielder George Shaw. Oregon Outfielder -Jerry Exley. OSC Outfielder Terry Spark*, WSC Catcher Neal Marlett, Oregon Pitcher Terry Maddox. Oregon Pitcher Bill Ream*, Wa*hutgton SECOND TEAM First base Dick Schlosstein. Oregon Second ha*e Oordy Hersey, WSC Third base Klip Kleffner. Idaho Shortatop Ron Foi*y, WSC’ Outfielder Phil Jantze. OSC Outfielder Jerry Ho**. Oregon OutfirkicT Norm Korbe*. Oregon Catcher Jack Brady. Washington Pitcher Al Guidotti. OSC Pitcher Joe Kpperle, OSC Pitcher—Ron Webb. WSC HONORABLE MENTION Infieldrr* Bobby liuoh. Chuck Fi*k and lerry Bettendorf, OSC. and Jack Scott, Washington. Outfielder* John Frederick. OSC. Ron Braden and Boh Kalash. Idaho, and Lou ^ocelli and Rod Pressey, Washington. Catcher Dan I-ovejoy. OSC. Pitcher*-- Jerry Bartow and Wes Stock. IN SC. and Bill Garner. Oregon. Duck Records Swatting a healthy .370, rightfielder Norm Forbes ended the season as the Webfoots* top hitter. Forbes, a one-time pitcher who switched to the outfield when he developed shoulder trouble, rapped out 20 hits for 54 at bats and batted in 10 runs. Centerfielder George Shaw followed Forbes in the averages with .324. Shortstop John Keller hit .318 and pitcher Terry Maddox bat ted .306. Shaw led in runs 28. hits 33. homers 4. stolen bases 10, and tied for the lead in triples with three. Pete Williams hit eight doubles to lead in that department. Dick Schlosstein knocked in 24 runs, and Jim Johnson totaled the most sacrifices—five. Sophomore Terry Maddox was the top pitcher with seven wins , against a single loss and an earned run average of 2 80. Williams, who spent most of the season holding down third base, didn’t allow an earned run in 16 innings pitched. Player Bond, 3b Forbes, if Shaw, cf Kcllrr. Maddox, p Johnson, 2!» Ro*s, If Pingree, i f .. . Schlosstein, lb Williams, 3b W inner, i f Marlett. i’ (iarncr, p . Averlll, cf . Blodgett, p Lund ell. p Bowen, c Others Totals Player Williams Nance Maddox Holt 13 lodge tl Lumlt'll Olsen . I.ohl . Stiles .... Totals AB R 8 3 54 102 88 36 102 .. 83 .. 37 98 . 105 24 .. 90 .. 15 24 IS ... 11 6 9 28 H 4 20 JJ 28 11 30 23 10 26 5 IS 910 170 245 . 1 14 . 1 11 5 13 . 3 3 .. 1 2B 3B HR RBI SH SB BA PO A E FA 0 4 lo 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 29 5 II 21 3 24 2 0 in 6 0 .500 2 .370 14 .324 73 3 .318 52 73 .306 .294 61 .277 47 4 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 16 139 26 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 37 .270 14 0 .265 233 3 .257 29 53 .208 9 1 .200 128 22 .200 .167 .111 .091 10 0 .000 14 .000 3 2 .800 I 0 1.000 2 .975 9 .955 I 0 1.000 j 8 .947 j 2 .962 | 1.000 I .975 .901 1.000 .974 .789 I o I 0 1.000 | 2 .835 2 .875 2 .778 .269 702 277 52 .9.-0 PITCHING G IP AB H R ER SO BB W L lo 67 15 1 3 0 74 29<> 63 3 13 3 51 200 51 lo 05 18 '2 6 1 51 224 7 33 6 30 3 13 5 0 37 2 0 27 23 40 29 0 0 5o 43 9 11 8 1 37 8 9 5 26 5 1 38 7 4 230 950 234 152 114 128 102 Pet. 1.000 .000 .875 .000 .625 1.000 .000 ERA ,000 1.000 .000 .643 0.00 0.00 2.80 0.00 4.06 I 4.50 | 4.50 j 6.53 ! 10.28 15.50 15.00 I 4.46 Cindermen Set For AAU Meet By Chuck Mitchelmore Emerald Co-Sports Editor The cream of Oregon’s track crop continued workouts this week as Coach Bill Bowerman’s top cindermen eyed season clos ing competition. Most of the Webfoot thinclads are to wind up the year in the Oregon AAU meet at Portland Saturday, bat the Ducks will send their strong distance crew and possibly two field standouts to the NCAA meet in Los An geles June 17 and 18 and to the Big Ten-PCC competition June 21. Minor injuries hit several Web foot performers following the Pacific Coast conference meet here Saturday, but all but half miler Jim Bailey are expected to be in shape for the Portland trek. Bailey Won’t Run Bailey hurt a knee muscle and will not run in the AAU but will concentrate on the later meets. Broad jumper Martin Pedigo in jured a thigh muscle, but prob ably will be ready to compete. I Doug Clement, senior middle dis- I tance ace, re-injured the leg I muscle that sidelined him early this spring, but he will run the j 440 and possibly the 880. Ken Reiser, the slender senior who shattered a host of two mile records with his PCC perform ance. will switch to the 880 Sat urday for variety, but his dis tance mate Bill Dellinger is scheduled to stick to the mile. Dellinger will be aiming to run his first half mile in the pace. he has figured for his NCAA test. He is defending champion in both the NCAA and PCC-Big Ten miles, but did not compete in the AAU last year. Bowerman held him out of the running with Reiser and Clement due to poor weather and the NCAA meet. Also planning to enter Satur day’s AAU competition are mid dle distance runner Gordon Dahl quist, hqrdlers Doug Basham and Bill Sorsby, javelin ace Ed Bingham, jumpers Dorn and Terry Sullivan, weight men Ben Lloyd and Walt Badorek, and pole vaulters Bob Reid, Ken Hickenbottom, Russ Mannex and Dave Newland. Ducks Bow Out The Portland meet will be the final appearance in Oregon jer seys for Hickenbottom, Sorsby, Lloyd, Badorek and possibly Bruce Springbett, the Canadian sprint star. Pete Mundle, a Northern Di vision champ for Oregon in the 1950 two mile and now a grad uate student, will enter his spe cialty. Freshman Bob Thornton and Jack Morris are also slated to make the trek, Thornton in the middle distances and Morris in the low hurdles and 100-yard dash. Dellinger, Clement, Reiser and Pedigo are to enter the NCAA and Big Ten contests, and Bing ham may enter both, depending upon his performance this Sat urday, according to Bowerman. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Neki Hokey Nel son. Staff: Grumbles Claussen, Ah So Wilson, Muchmbles Mitchel more. Base Johnson. What Will You Do With Your Personal Possessions When School Is Out? 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