Oregon General Reviews Cadets Graduating Kenton and mili tary officials reviewed Air Force iinrt Army ROTO cartels Tuesday on Hayward fiolrt as a climax to tho annual Governor's Day re viow preset.1 Mil i,y tho military ilupai I men! Major General Thomas Uilea, adjutant general of Oregon, rep resented Governor Paul Patter non on I he leviewing at aft ami also look part in tho present# tjon of awards to outstanding cirtetu. •Seniors of both services were recognized in tho. military grad tut lion exercises, aftoi which thoy formed In front of the re viewing Miami for exhibitions by the Army and Air Force drill t’-ama and the review, in which units wore commanded by junior officers. f'adet Colonel Emerson Harvey of the ROTO served as command er of troops and Cadet Colonel Charles Greenley of the Air Force was adjutant. The review was preceded by the annual Governor's Day luncheon at noon for members of the reviewing staff. Following the review ceremony Air Force and A rmy KOTC senioi-s met with General Ftilea In a question and answer |a*riod. In addition to General Rilea, t hi- reviewing staff included O. Meredith Wilson, University president; Charles D. Byrne, chancellor of the state system of higher education; John R. Rieh a ids, vice-chancellor; W C. Jones, dean of administration; V. Kdwln Johnson. Kugene may or. Jolm Gragg, president of the Kugene Chamber of Commerce; Fred Bienne, chamber secretary; Kdwanl W. Older, Kane county sheriff; Colonel Willard B Car lock. chief of the Oregon mili tary district; Colonel Edwin B Daily. professor of air science, and Lt. Col. Robiey D Evens, professor of rnilit 'r science. New kind of kiss made possible by new kind of lipstick Lipstick H't Iht Flrtf Rtolly Inviting Kltft — Iirraiur it ha* no grraay look, ami any ahado you chooae ia a brilliant, vivid liv ing color (com file t li ly, entirely new) and ravifthing with heart •|'|»Cttl. It's the First Really Secret Kite — because il contain* “Indelium" lo help the color Btay on your lipe. It't the First Really Soft Kits — breause it contains Lanolin Plus, prob ably the world's most famous softener. ( I bis means u lot to you, loo, because you don’t suffer rough, dry, cracked lips and you enjoy that desirable lasting loveliness.) It's the First Good Tasting Kits — because instead of a wasy Davor, Lanolin Plus Lipstick has a flavor at enchanting at the frugrance of a hue perfume. ^T|FFAWDM|SJ£§ 797 WltlAME. £ ST. I960 FRANKUK RIVO. Summer Building Projects Planned Summer project* for the Uni vimlty'H physical plant include building a meeting room in the •Student. Union and a lettci men'e lounge In McArthur court, and the addition of a storage room behind the mu:.lc auditorium. The meeting room, 101 SU, i« near the post office. It haa had no specific use previously, and has been an unfinished area of the building. The lettermen's lounge, par tially financed by a smokei sponsored by the lettermon last winter, will contain trophy cases and furniture. The other project, the music room, will serve -v storage space for band uniforms, musical in struments and other equipment. Virgil D. Karl hall, the men's new dormitory, wUl also be com pleted this summer and opened In the fall. Karl hall, together with the present Straub hall, will house most of the freshmen men on campus. KB AD KMKKAIJT) WANT ADS Listening AK HKC’KKTAICY OK STATK John Foster Dalks cocks his head to listen, Pnwiileiit KUsenhower talkw on hops*** for a new relationship with Rusda since the signing of the agreement on Austrian Independence. With cabinet members present, Kisen bower and Dulles talked informally from the President's Vthlte House office prior to a report to the American people on his missions last week to Paris and Vienna. (AP Wirephoto) the perfect graduation suit in rich, all wool fabrics! GENTRY Luxury Flannels You'll find the quality details you are looking for in a beautifully draped flannel suit by Gentry*. .. they're styled along easy, nat ural lines in softly-textured, long wearing wool flannel... tailor ed with lavish care in a host of the season's most popular shades. Sizes 36 - 46. IT PAYS TO SHOP AT PENNEY'S. * Trade Mark Registered main floor • everything in menswear featured in 8 handsome shades! CHARCOAL GREY LIGHT GREY MEDIUM GREY ICE GREY CHARCOAL BROWN LIGHT BLUE NAVY TAN