55 Senate Record Includes Canoe Fete, Other Traditions By SaJly Ryan Emerald Aatoaiate Editor Traditions the Millrace. pig ging. Canoe Fete. Senior Ball a a ade. * The Senate agreed to the plans for the Canoe Fete in line with its plan for eventual Millrace restoration, and the possibility of the re-establishment of one of Oregon’s oldest traditions ap pears more than likely as the result of groundwork laid this year. Current plans call io: an independent engineering survey of the 'Race this summer to establish definitely what can be done. Retire Number 14? Sentiment of a snore athletic sort was raised over the issue of retirement cf football jersey li—the number worn by Gcorgr Shaw. Senate investigators, found that to retire Shaw's number, would make is the only number so retired in University history. They then recommended that his jersey be retired to a place of honor in the trophy case. So the matter stood, until the athletic department came up With a new’ plan: for an athletic hall of fame. Oregon. athletes of aa earlier era will also be repre sented, and Shaw will be con sidered by the committee for a position alongside them. An atrophied remnant of Ore OLD TIME DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT W. O. W. HALL 8th & Lincoln Vera McAdams Orchestra • Support The IMBRALDS gon's attempt at an honor code was removed by the Senate fall term. After three years of little action, the honor code committee was disbanded. And a remnant of the honor code committee, the test files committee, was killed by the new Senate at its first meeting two weeks ago. The new Senate moved to let the YMCA assume responsibility for the care ami i protection of the controversial files. The ASUO entertainment com . mission was re-established, per AGS platform of last spring. Duties of the commission, estab lished in October, are to advise and be responsible for the ASUO exchange assembly. The power of the commission may bo ex panded to cover other areas of student entertainment. AGS found a need for such a commission after last year's ex change assembly was banned in two Portland high schools. UIS disagreed in their party plat form. AGS won the election and the commission was established. •Ball' Abolished Apathy, a $500 deficit, and the feeling that the money could be better spent for something of more permanent benefit led the Senate to vote 10 to 3 to abolish the Senior Ball. Another tradi tional dance was thus eliminated for future years from the social calendar. Two years ago, the Mortar Board ball and Military ball were eliminated by the student affairs committee. The Military ball re turned this year, as a depart mental dance. This year's Senate spent little time replacing itself as com pared to the 1953-34 body. Only five positions had to be filled this year: those vacated by Bob Glass. Gary West, Don Smith. Tom Arata and Buss Cowell. Don Rotenberg, Anne Ritchey, Doug Basham. Travis Cavens and Don Bonirne were selected to fill them. IT'S TIMt FOR A PICNIC . . . AND A QUICK STOP AT .. . BOB’S SUPERETTE Handy to the Campus — Corner of 13th and Patterson Picnic Supplies BEVERAGES OF ALL KINDS / OPEN FROM 9:00 A.M. DAILY & SUNDAYS TILL 11:00 P.M. "Thanks for the Happy Memories!" RUSH INN ON THE CAMPUS 854 EAST 13th AVE.