Washouts, Bottlenecks Slow Race Flow MAP OF MIURACE: BEGINNING EO END 1. Beginning of outlet pipe under highway. 2. Culvert under Franklin Boulevard. 3. Railroad diversion dam. 4. Location of Physical Plant. 5. Site of Anchorage boathouse. 6. Break in Millrace wall. 7. Intake dam near Judkins Point. 5 — Next Fall: Canoes, Boathouse ROOM FOR ABOUT 20 CANOES will be provided in this boat house, which is planned for a site east of the physical plant. Subject only to the approval of the budget board, it will be operat ing with canoes by fail term. The Student Union wu< operate the canoe rentals. This is just one facility of u larger project “The Anchorage," which Is planned for the future. The larger unit will include dining, dancing and other recreation fucilites. 1 - The Plug THLS IS THE LOWER OUTLET of the Mlllrace, after the stream has flowed past all the Mlllrace houses. From this point, the water flows through a SO Inch pipe for about 2000 feet under neath the highway, before finally emptying into the river again. 3 — The Outlet? eu ..a......'.v jt jm .zxammamL.. .wai ■ wn.' .taon THIS DAM WHICH ALLOWS water to overflow the ’race Into a channel which heads to the river, could be re-built, In order to provide for a much greater flow out of the millrace. Since engi neers do not consider the outlet pictured at the left to be adequate If the flow would be greatly niereased, this site would probably be used to get the water out of the millrace. Althiugh It would not Increase the flow past the Millrace houses, It would never theless provide a sanitary flow. 7-The Dam Ain't Long Enough THIS VKItlAI. PHOTO shows clearly two of the problems fared In restoration of the mlllmee. Arrow 7 points to the dam, show ing how the river has waahed a round the north end. The city attempted to stop this had flow hy dumping rock and gravel from the north bank out to the dam. This did not stop the washing out, however, and now the river has gouged a large hole out of the north hank of the river, carrying away almost three acres oi city owned land. In addition to washing out the north hank, thi*. current is directed to the south bank, where it is under mining the unprotected hank of the Miilrace. Arrow 6 points to the break in the miilrace canal which occurred in the 1940's. The canal was dammed up on both sides of the break, and a pipe carries the water from one side to the other. 6 —The Bottleneck; Fore and Aft Till" TWO PICTURES ABOVE are different shots of the same site. The photo oil the left gives a view of the washout from downstream; tin' right photo gives the upstream view. When the wull was wushed out in the HMD's, tlit* 'Race was dammed up oil both sides of the break, and uu underground pipe was installed to carry water from one side of the break to the other. The (frill lr the lox-'r left hand corner of the right picture shows where the water enters the pipe. This pipe controls the flow of the inillrace, since all millraee water must pass through it.