Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 02, 1955, SECTION III, Page Three, Image 15

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    Temporary Repairs Fail to Solve Maior Problems
MUlrac* history since the war
has been one of gradual rietertoi
«tt«»n; Hint temporary repairs and
maintenance applied to damaged
sections have fulled to solve the
problems of low level, slow flow
and unsanitary water. The pres
ent mlllraee committee, begin
ning with an engineering study,
Is looking for an anawer to these
The biggest example of where
temporary repairs have not an
swered the problem Is the Intake
dam. at the mouth of the Mill
race Originally this structure
stretched all the way across the
river to the north bank. Floods
and high water caused the north
end to wash out, however, and
erosion was quick to take hold.
City officials, seeing the problem,
attempted to correct it by dump
mg gravel out into the river
above the dam to divert the wa
tel to the rnilirace outlet. This
served the opposite purpose.
however, arnl instead caused the
water to rush around the north
end of the darn even more.
By referring to the aerial
photo on the following page, the
reader can see that the river
hiiH waahed almoat three acres of
city land down the river, despite
the gravel Jetty which extends
into the river.
Another trouble spot lies on
the south bunk of the Willamette,
\ just below the flam, or on the
; north bank of the millraee canal
! wall. High water in the 1940's
caused a portion of the wall 75
feet long to topple into the liver.
The canal on both sides of the
break was dammed up and a pipe
buried to connect the two sides;
New York Alums Ask 'What to Do?'
(Following Is a copy of a in
ter received by the Kilgeue
city manager April 18, I Woo.
It was read before the coun
cil on April 25, and then re
ferred to the city’s Mlllraee
committee. The signers of the
letter are sonic oi Oregon’s
outstanding alumni, several
from the class of 1923, one of
the University's most promi
nent classes.)
In Days of Yore
OXC h l S’ON A TI.MK, then* was milch canoeing on the Millracc.
\ll I he Millracc houses had itume type of hoat. and an afternoon
«ruiie wu "just the thing” for a hot spring afternoon. There
ar« sttn plenty of ‘Shady place* by the <dd .Millracc," but a lack
at canoe* kept student* off the water. By fall term however,
tin Student I'ttion plan* to cxpann it* recreation program to the
Mlllrace area with u boathouse mid canoe rentals.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
The Common Council of the
City of Eugene, Oregon
From time to time some word
reached us former students of
the University of Oregon resid
ing on the East. Coast, of pro
posals to restore the Mill Race
to something like its original
form, or perhaps, through fore
sighted plans, to make it even
more attractive as a small wa
terway of recreation and beauty.
Wishing that we might be of
some use in whatever is under
taken or done, we are sending
this letter indicating our desire,
and also as evidence of our ap
preciation for the efforts you
are making to help work the
problem out with the University.
All of us here remember the
beautiful old stream. The Univer
sity of Oregon Club in New York
includes former students as far
as sixty years back, from about
1891 to 1954. Our oldest member
is Edward (“Ted") P. Shattuck
who was in the University in
1893 and will be remembered by
old timers as a famous football
player. He is a very successful
and still active lawyer in New
York City. Several members of
the class of 1954 have found
their way to New York and we
have a sprinkling of students
all along the years.
We have constituted the Execu
tive Committee of the Oregon
Club a special committee to do
what we can to help make the
Old Mill Race a beautiful fea
ture of the landscape and a
source of pleasure and pride to
the students of the University
and the people of Eugene.
We will appreciate any report
of pi ogress from the" City Coun
cil and any suggestions of ways
in which we can encourage or
help in the restoration of the old
stream so dear to us.
Yours very truly,
•John M. MacGregor, ’23
Philip Bcrgh, *27
C. M. Calloway, '23
L. A. Culbertson. ’23
Laura H. V. Keunon, ’ll
Allen Eaton, 1902.
First Fete in 14 Years
THIS FLOAT, IHJiLT by Tan Kappa Epsilon, I*hl Gamma Delta, Carson hall anil Alpha XI Delta
took first plaee honors in the 1855 Canoe Fete, the first since 1941. Many returning alums and
townspeople, remembering the fetes of previous years, ranked this as one of the best ever.
One of the problems facing the Canoe Fete committee was a means of propelling the floats. They
coukl not have swimmers push them because the health department labelled the water unsani
tary and prohibited swimming in it. A sanitary flow Is one of the aims of the present millrace
commttee, which is planning an engineering study this summer.
but even now this pipe is starting
to leak.
Water that does get into the
Millrace, and flows through the
entire distance hits a bottleneck
at the lower outlet. When the
superhighway was built, the
highway crews installed only a
j 30 inch pipe to carry water the
1 remaining 2000 feet to the river,
j The cost to replace this pipe
with*a larger size is almost pro
hibitive, and the committee is
looking for another outlet.
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4 Smokers en masse report that filtered Viceroys have
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