Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 02, 1955, SECTION III, Page Two, Image 14

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    Space Travel Faces 'No Real Problem'
Em*'raid Reporter
“There is no real unsolved
problem in space travel,” says
E. G. Ebbighausen, associate pro
fessor of physics. The only thing
which must be ascertained in
how human beings will act tinder
conditions when they feel weight
On a trip to the moon, the
rocket must leave the surface of
ttie earth; pass through the
earth’s atmosphere, which is
about 150 miles; and pass
through the 240.000 miles to the
moon which is nearly a perfect
Then the rocket would have to
land on the moon successfully.
As the moon has no atmosphere,
people leaving the plane would
have to wear space suits. After
an examination the rocket would
have to come back through the
vacuum, penetrate the atmos
phere, and land on the earth. The
rocket would have a difficult
time boring through the earth'*
atmosphere due to the frictional
force of a body at high speed.
Ebbighausen went on to say
that a rocket going through this
vacuum would have to take every
thing which it would need—fuel,
food, water, oxygen, and a device
to remove carbon dioxide from
the air in the rocket. All of these
things have weight, and a rocket
contemplating such a trip would
have to be larger than any which
have been constructed previous
During the Second World War
the Germans used V-2 rockets.
These rockets were 30 feet long
and about 6 feet in diameter.
They carried 16 tons of fuel, and
completely loaded the ship weigh
ed 20 tons. This fuel was used
up in 60 seconds and by this
time the rocket was going a mile
a second.
Consider the hypothetical case
of a trip to the moon. It would
be about a three-day trip, with
the round trip taking about a
week. The main difficulty would
be landing the rocket when it re
turned to earth. Its speed would
be limited by the fact that excess
speed could cause two things—
the burning of the plane due to
friction, or the break-up of the
ship due to the high rate of speed
St which it would strike the
When hitting the outer atmo
spher at high speeds, the same
thing would happen as would
have if the rocket had hit a thick
wall of concrete. The rocket
would need a reserve supply of
fuel which would be used to slow
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it down so that it could land
The rocket capable of travel
ing to the moon would be from
three thousand to five thousand
feet long and 80 to 100 feet in
diameter. says Ebbighausen. The
vast size would be needed mainly
to car ry fuel.
The rocket would have to be a
"multi-stage” rocket in order to
have enough power to travel
through the atmosphere of the
earth. This is the kind of rocket
which has subsidiary rockets
which are propelled from the
larger rocket, and make them
capable of attaining greater
But suppose instead of the
moon, one wanted to take a trip
to Mars. This small planet is
only about 4000 miles in diam
eter and is never closer to the
earth than 30 million miles. Fine
detail on this planet is elusive,
and scientists are anxious to find
out more about it.
A trip to Mars would take a
year for a one-way trip, travel
ing at a mile a second, and an
other year to return to Earth.
This would call for more fuel
and a bigger ship. In order to
increase the speed of the rocket,
still more fuel would b needed.
The project would be expensive
enough so that only the federal
government would be capable of
financing it.
Another problem which had to
be considered was the possibility
of a meteor striking the rocket.
The damage done would depend
on the size of the meteor most
of them are tiny, about the size
of a grain of sand. Meteors the
size of a tennis ball are rare, so
that possible damage has been
somewhat overestimated. There
would be less danger from me
teors in a trip to the moon than
the chances for an automobile
accident on earth during the
same time.
The major problem which con
fronts those interested in space
ships is the way which human
beings would behave in the rock
ets. As one travels through space,
he gets the impression that all
objects are weightless. Kvery
object in the rocket must be tied
down, states Ebbighausen. and
the travelers must be specially
trained not to forget. Sleeping
will be simplified, as objects and
people are able to float in the
Some people, through an in
jury to their ears, lose the abil
ity to stand up straight. The per
son traveling in a rocket ship
has the same feeling—there is
no sense of direction as there is
no gravity. The person may bo
fimu' disturbed when he can't
find "down,” and in case of long
periods of this, scientists are
fearful of whut might happen.
The problem of space medicine
concerns people more than the
technical aspects of the flight
A possible solution to this
problem is to have 11 spinning
rocket which will give h motion
j of centrifugal force. All object*
will tie thrown to the outside of
the ship to give the person a
ammo of direction.
Ebbtghauaen believes thiit if
a concentrated effort were made
to put all knowledge to use iru
medtately. u rocket capable of
tiavcling to th<< moon could be
built in about five years.
The Oregon Daily Emerald in published five day* a week during the «ehc*ol year except
examination and vacation period*, hy the Studrut PuhlKatum* Hoard of the UfNveratty 0I
Oregon Kntrrrd a* second cla*» matter at the J«»*t other, Eugene, Oregon. Sub* t iptiun
rate*. $5 per ichooi year; $2 a term.
Opinion* e<pre*srd on the editorial |*agr» are tho«c of the writer ami do not pretend to
represent the opinion* of the ASIJO or the Poivrriuty Unsigned editorial* arc written hjr
tbc editor; initialed editorial* hy memlrrr* of ftie editorial Imard
JMO<\ IIAKRELL. I iitm DONNA RI'NIIKKC. Ilu..nr*» Manager
_ DICKTEWt£, SALLY teVAN. Ataoci** I
HAI L IvKEKK, Managing Editor nil I MAl^WARING, Advert <» ?.g Maiurcr
OORDoN KICK. New* Editor NAteffTSlI A W, nil... Manager
_ JERRY t LAI S S K N. ( life K Ml'Ii III ! MOKE, < o Sport* I l.loti
EDITORIAL HOARD: Jerry Harrell, !'. I»<k lev,’*, don K»ce, J^i.kio
Wardrll kir#> a 11 v W«an
t : -rf M.t krti}> S.im V.ihry
A*»*t M.in.itriivk Editor*: Valeric Hcrth,
liorolhy Tier
A***’t New* Editor* : Carol Craig, Anne Hill,
Anne Kttchey, Bob Kubinwin
Morgue Editor : Kathy Mornoon
Women’* Cage Co-Editor*: Sally Jo Crrig,
Marcia Mauney
Nat l Adv. Mgr.; Uur» M..im
(‘ifmlafton Mgr Ki«*k iu><irrt
A** i Ollier -'lifr Ann
< tellirirt! Adv. ■ Pit Cunhmr
Kayoitt Manager Oick K»c
K*wili»t Nr»rrUr> Hrvrrly I.an«i<m
Am'i Adv. Mgr : hvclyn NtUm
For solution sec paragraph below.
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DROODLKS, Copyright 195:
by Roger Price
©A. T. Co.