VOL. LVI I'NIVKKMITY OK OKKOON, KIKiKNK, TIU RSUAY, JUNK 2, 1955 NO. 141 Editor, Business Manager Announce Emerald Staff Knterald staff appointments for next year were announced at the annual Rmerald banquet Tuesday evening. New editor Gordon Rice named Sam Vahey managing editor. Vahey'a assistant will be Val erie Uriah. Anne Ritchey was bin choice for editor of the edi toilal page. Sally Ryan and Anne Hill will be associate editors. Bob Robinson, present assis tant news editor, will become news editor at the beginning of next year. Assistant news edi tors will be Kathy Morrison, Sue lamb, Mania Mauney and Bill Mainwaring. Chuck Mitchelmore will be sporta editor. Mollie Mon roe will tie women's page editor. Donna Runberg, who cont linues as business manager, also revealed the incoming business staff. John Itadlch will serve as advertising manager, assisted by Joan Kainville. Nancy Shaw, as sisted by Becky Towler, con tinues as office manager. Pat Cushnie will be classified adver tising manager. Air Force Lists Award Winners Nine senior* of the Air Force ROTC graduating- clut of 58 men were designated Distin guished Air Force ROTC grad uates and recognized during the presentation of awards at the annual Governor's Day review Tuesday afternoon on Hayward fieid. James Archer, Neil Dwyer, Charles Greenley, Neal Marlett, Donald Mickelwait, Kenneth Ro scnlof, Dean Van Leuven. Tho mas Warnock and Peter Williams were commended as outstanding graduates at the review. Individual Awards Given Williams, Dwyer and Greenley also received individual awards. The Air Force association silver medal went to Williams. Dwyer was given the Convar Aviation ;:ward and Greenley whs award ed the Air Science IV Achieve ment award. John O'Keefe received the Air Science IV Drill Team Achieve ment award and also accepted drill team certificates for each member of the Air Force drill team. Everett Stiles won the Repub lic Aviation award and the Air Science III Achievement award was given to Richard Van Allen. Donald Bick received the Air Science II award and Ronald Brown the Air Science I award. McKenzie Gets First Rifle team awards were given to Michael McKenzie, first place; Richard Buffington, second place; Gary Allen, third place; Donald Tonole, fourth place, and Owen Watkins, fourth place. Mc Kenzie received the third place award in the Army Air Force rifle match. Cadet Major Paul Foster and Cadet T-Sgt. James Chapman, commander and guidon bearer, respectively, received the ribbons for the "B” squadron, judged best squadron on Armed Forces day. Another highlight of the ban quet wan the presentation of sev eral traditional awards. Jerry Harrell, present editor, was given the Sigma Delta Chi award, given annually to the out standing male journalism gradu ate. Ed Beeler made the presen tation. Past editor Joe Gardner pre sented the Turnbull-Hall honor plaque to managing editor Paul Keefe. This is given annually to the outstanding senior on the news staff. Dick Koc was given the Win jship-Pegg award which goes each year to the outstanding senior on the business staff. Editor Jerry Harrell presented Emerald "O" pins to staff mem bers completing nix terms of work. They included Carol Beech, Sally Jo Greig, Marcia Mauney, Kathy Morrison, Carol Craig, Valerie Hersh, Dick Lewis, Janet Kneeland, Bill Mainwaring, Sam Frear, Donna Hunberg, Buzz Nelson, Doug May, and Don Lov ett. President O. Meredith Wilson opened the banquet with a few remarks. Graduating seniors were hon ored guests. They were Len Cal vert, Bob Funk, Joe Gardner. Jerry Harrell, Paul Keefe, Dick Koe, Dick Lewis, Jackie Wardcll Rice, and Mary Salazar. Traditional humorous awards were also presented at the ban quet. Senate Approves 'Race Proposals By Salty Ryan Emerald Aueciata Editor Approval of two Millracc pro posals to start the process of restoration of the 'Rate high lighted actions of the ASUO Senate in their last spring term meeting Tuesday night. The proposals were for Senate approval of the appropriation of money from the Millracc Restor ation fund for an engineering survey of the 'Race to be com pleted this summer. The survey would give specific recommenda tions on how to create a min imum satisfactory sanitary flow in the Millracc. Supports Boathouse The Senate also moved to join with the Student Union board in requesting that the SU and Educational Activities budget committee allocate funds for the construction of a boathouse and the purchase of canoes this sum mer. The boathouse would revive the tradition of the old Anchor age and would be ready for use at the first of fall term. In other business, the Senate voted to put the Ore-Nter under the control of the publications Student Union to Administer 'Race Recreation Program The Millrace recreation pro gram will be administered by i the Student Union, the SU Board ' decided at its meeting Wednes day. Adoption of the Militate pro gram came after Bob Schooling, of the Millrace Restoration com mittee. told the Board that re ; Htoration Is entirely feasible. | It is only a matter of time before it is restored, he said, and limited facilities should be started now to make it useful to students as soon as possible. The Board's executive com , mittee ha