Movie Schedule STAGE UNIVERSITY THEATER. Kiss Me Kate, 8. FIRST RUN FILMS HEILIG, The Prodigal. 1:15. 5 :4S, 10:20; Return of October, 3:30. 8. McDONALD, Fn. Sat., Strategic Air Command, 1, 3 :30, 6, 8:30, 11 :05, Sun.. Strategic Air Commaud, 1 :40, 4 :10, 6 :45, 9:15. REX. Fri., Sat., Mr. Hulot’s Holiday, 12:30, 3:35, o:40, 9:45; Tony Draws a Horse, 2:05, 8:10, 11 :10. Sun., Eternal Sea, 1, 4:15, 7:30. 10:35, I Cover the Underworld, 2:55, 6:10, 9:25. SECOND RUN FILMS FIRS, Fri.. Sat., Captain Paradise, 7, 10:29; The Racers. 8:35. Sun., A Star Is Born, 5, 8:23; Mr. McGoo Merry-Go-Round. 7:33, 10:51. LANE. Fri., Sat., Sun., So This Is Paris, West of Zanzibar. McKENZIE, Fri., Sat., Untamed. Wom en’s Prison. Sun., Man Without a Star* ®°y Scout Jamboree, World of Beauty. MAYFLOWER. Fri.. Sat., Country Girl. 7:17, 9:20. Thru. Wed.. Country Girl. DRIVE-IN THEATERS (Show Starts at Dusk) CASCADE DRIVE-IN (Springfield) Fri., Sat., Sun., I, The Jury and The Golden Mask. EUGENE DRIVE-IN. Fri., Sat., Under water, Twist of Fate. Starts Sun.. Broken Lance, White Or chid. MOTOR-VU DRIVE-IN (Springfield), Fri.. Sat., Conquest of Cochise, Battle ground. Starts Sun.. Sabrina.'Cease Fire. NORTH-END DRIVE-IN. Fri., Sat., Ten Wanted Men, New Orleans Un censored. Starts Sun., Carmen Jones, Saracen Blade. oListening . sn ...O.KWAX 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News Till Now 7:00 Gai Paris 7:15 U.N. Story 7:30 Senator Morse Speaks 7:45 Songs of France 8:00 Window of the World 8:15 Public Health Series 8:30 Navy Bandstand 8:45 Guest Star 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:55 Final Edition 11:00 Sign Off OLD TIME DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT W. O. W. HALL 8th & Lincoln Vera McAdams Orchestra • Support The. EMERALDS Weekend Entertainment By Bob Rots Em»r»ld Rioorttr Sunday school was never like M-G-M's Biblical brawl, "The Prodigal,” now playing at the Heilig. This sexed-up version of the parable of the prodigal son, 1 recorded in the New Testament ■ by Luke, stars Edmund Purdom as the prodigal and Lana Turner Radio Honorary Holds Banquet Kappa Rho Omicron, radio honorary on campus, presented its fifth annual awards banquet Tuesday night in the Student Un ion. Seven awards were presented to members at this banquet. Awards for outstanding con tributions to KWAX, the cam pus radio station, were presented by representatives from six lo cal radio stations. The following received the awards: Curt Huey, KRGA; Jean Smith, KORE; Lo anne Morgan, KUGN; Jane Cot ton, KASH; Chuck Stauffacher,! KERG, and Laura Harker, KVAL. The Richfield Reporter trophy was awarded to Jim Jones for making the most outstanding contribution to KWAX during the past year. Rick Thomas, KXL disc-jockey, flew down from Portland to act as guest speaker for the occa sion, and entertainment was pro vided by Bill Hathaway and Spencer Snow. Appreciation and thanks for contributions "above and beyond the call of duty," were given to E 1 w o o d Kret singer, Victor Heyden and Jon Powell. Those tapped for membership by KRO are as follows: George Guldager, George Johnson, Peg gy Gathercoal, Marlene Emmitt, Bill Cook, Jerry Chase, Jim Shull and Tom Waldrop. Under the Weather Informary patients Thursday, according to hospital records, were: Mary Shafer, Gay Kam fcer, John Lincoln and Birger Brandt. Today's Staff Makeup Editor: Paul Keefe. News Desk: Anne Ritchey, Bob Robinson, Carol Craig. Night Staff: Mary McCroskey. SELL IT THRU THE'1 WANTADS The New Management of the former MANDARIN Restau rant, under the ownership of Mr. Leslie Tsou, invites you to A visit them and enioy . . . • Delicious CHINESE Dishes • Good AMERICAN Cooking • Fine Foods in a Homely Atmosphere • Catering Service f Banquet Service When you have a rendezvous with good food make it with LESLIE'S MANDARIN RESTAURANT . The Home of Good Food on the Campus Edge 11249 Alder Phone 3-6234 Wo Hr IA* pt*" S,*d® —" Phone 8.2836 ss the pagan Goddess of Love. Purdom decides to leave his peaceful farm home in the sub urbs of Palestine and live n life of wild extravagance and sin in Damascus, the riotous metropo lis. after he sees Lana. He finds her harder to resist than salted peanuts and finally spends his share of the family fortune on her and falls into poverty. Lana deserts him and he goes and wallows with the pigs. Naturally he does not really like the pig pen so he returns home and his father welcomes PE Dance Concert Planned Thursday A modern dance concert will be presented by the physical edu cation department for women Thursday in the University thea ter at 8:15. The program will be presented by the University modern dance classes under the direction of Otilia Garcia, instructor in phy sical education. Dances in the program will range from light comedy num bers to abstract movements. The music will range from works by Brahms and Straus to Perez Prado, creator of the Tropical Mambo. The Tropical Mamho will be the finale and production number. All the dances to be presented in the program are either orig inally created by Miss Garcia, or one of the girls in the modern dance class. Some of the dances have stories while others are just expressions of ideas or moods. A vocal selection by Audrey Mistretta will also be included in the program. Soloists will be Wayne Thomas and Otilia Gar cia. Evelyn Trumbo is accompan ist. Price will be 65 cents per ticket. Castcll Plans Speech Alburey Castell, head of the philosophy department, will speak at the Phi Delta Kappa banquet Friday night at 6:30 at the Osbum hotel. The topic of his speech will be “If This, Then That; Or, Who Among You Have Taken Logic?” i y *«HW tt'j MKO MtlSIS plane*. 11 goes U)tO spcetacu lar detail concerning the work ing* of airplane*. Tying this flying le**on, together I* a senii mentally sticky story about a Ntar baseball player (Janus Stewart)