Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 27, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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KHIkIoiim Note* will appear
In tll** Thursday Issue »f the
Kmerald next week. Headline
for religious new* for the col
umn w111 be 3 p.m. Wednesday.
Christian Science
The Christian Science organl- .
zatloa for University students
will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
on the first floor of Gerllnger
Christian House
The annual Senior Supper to
honor all graduating seniors will
be held at 5 p.m. Sunday at
Christian House, 736 K. 16th.
Students who are not senior*
may purchase tickets at Chria
tlan House. Seniors will need no
tickets, but are asked to make
The regular Sunday morning
activities at Christian House are
the "Donut Hour” at 9:15 and
the Bible study class, led by Vic
tor P. Morris, dean of the busi
ness school, at 9:30.
The regular Sunday evening
worship seivice has been cancel
led because of Memorial Week
end activities.
Christian House alumni will
hold their second annual ban
quet June 6. An informal re
union will begin at 5 p.m., with
the dinner scheduled for 6 p.m.
Wilma Chance and Winona Kish
hack are handling arrangements
for the banquet.
Officers for the Married Stu
dents' group next year were
The Fraternity Problem
(t "ntinnrd from pour
should get umirl and climb on
thin )wn4 wagon.
The fraternity discrimination
clause ia ticklish tousinesit. The
problem has been solved at some
m bools simply by cracking down
on the fraternities. This seems
like overly harsh treatment
since the local fraternities are
only following national rules.
The trend is against discrim
ination. and It seems certain that
within a short time national fra
ternities will have to give in as
a whole. Thus the problem will
solve itself without the neces
sity of forcing a local showdown.
Most people are agreed that
fraternities hold the potential
to supply the very best In uni
versity housing. They are small
enough to offer a high type of
group living experience that
could never be found in a college
Men of different interests,
united under a common fraternal
bond are able to cultivate a spti it
of brotherhood and develop it
into life long friendships. No
doubt about It. fraternities can
be extremely worthwhile.
But these virtues are unable
to ripen and bear fruit when a
fraternity opciates at boarding
house level and falls from its
principles into immaturity,
mediocrity and anti-intellectual
The challenge of a belter fra
ternity system lies with IFC and
the UO administration ... the
rewards are worthwhile and
many . . . the time for thought
is now and action next fall . . .
so get the lead out!
Gamma Alpha Chi
To Hold Initiation
Initiation for Gamma Alpha
Chi will be held Thursday, June
2, in the Allen room at 6:30 p.m.
A banquet will follow with
Alpha Delta Sigma at 7 p.m.
in the Student Union. Dress will
be short silks and heels. Tickets
are $1.50.
elected at the group's annual pic
nic: Tuesday. They include Mr.
and Mr*. Henry Chaney, co-presi
dent*; Dick Fiear. vice-presi
dent, and Mr*. (Jerry Rawyer,
The Westminster Foundation
cabinet Will hold a luncheon
meeting at noon today.
Light breakfast at 9 a m. will
open the Sunday activities at
Westminster. 1414 Kincaid. The
study clas* will meet at 9:30
a.m. to discus* the "Brief State
ment of the Reformed Faith,”
A steak fry Is scheduled for
5:15 p.m. Sunday in the West
minster Foundation yard. Stu
dents are asked to bring their
own steaks to cook over the
coals in the outdoor fireplace.
There will he a 25 cent charge
for salad and dessert. Vespers
will begin at 6:15 p.m. Sunday.
Student chape] service will be
held from 12:30 to 12:50 Wed
The fellowship supper at 5:50
p.ra. Wednesday will be followed
by a talk on "The New Testa
ment Influence in Life'* by Fay
Luther House
Luther House students wl) be
gin the task of tearing down
their garage at f) a.m. Saturday.
Students who plan to help with
the Job arc asked to bring ham
mers. Lunch will be served at
noon at Luther House.
A skating party will be held
Sunday after a short meeting at
6 p.m. Transpoilation to the
rink will be provided.
No luncheon will be held Wed
nesday. Instead, the second an
nual spring picnic will be held
at noon Thursday in the back
yard of Luther House, 1376
Alder. Food will be furnished by
women of the Eugene
Springfield churches.
TtiurMay morning Bible
studies will continue through
June 2.
Catholic Newman
Newman Club will not meet
The next regular Sunday meet
ing of the group will be held at
4 p.m. June 5. in the Sacred
Heart hospital recreation room.
Christian Fellowship
Inter-Varsity Christian Fel
lowship will end this year's ac
tivities with a picnic at 2:30
p.m. Saturday at Benton-Lane
picnic grounds. Sack lunches will
be in order. "The University chap
ter will join groups from Oregon
State college and Oregon College
of Education for the afternoon
activities. Students who wish
transportation are asked to
phone- Richard Proctor, 4-6717.
Regular noon prayer meeting*
will be held on Tuesday and
Thursday at 12:40 in Library
Final fellowship meeting of the
year will be held at 7 p.m. Tues
day in the Student Union. Gradu
ating seniors will participate . n
a panel discussion.
Wesley Foundation
Wesley Foundation’s planning
retreat will begin today at Sut
tle Lake.
Because students who attend
the retreat will not. return to
Eugene until Monday, the regu
lar Sunday meetings will net be
held at Wesley Foundation. Th“
building, however, will be open.
Graduating seniors will be
honored at a potluck dinner
Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Chapel will be held at 9:30
a.m. Thursday, at Wesley, 1236
Student Church Directory
First Congregational Church
490 East 13th Avenue
Phone — 5-8741 x
Two Services — 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a m.
University Class.11:00 a m.
Wesley Goodson Nicholson, Minister
Student Adviser, Dr. Wallace Baldinger
Sunday Services: 8.45 and 11:00 a.m.
Bible Class: 10 00 a.m.—Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader
Grace Lutheran Church
East Eleventh and Ferry Streets
W. B. Maier, Pastor Kenneth Streufert, Assistant
First Christian Church
1166 Oak — Phone 4-1425
8:30 and 10:50 Services
9:30 a m. Donut Hour & Sunday School
Dr. Victor Morris, Teacher
5:30 p.m. Study and Fellowship Hour
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
166 13th East Phone: 5-7452
8:00 — 9:30 (Family Service) — 11:00
Canterbury Club—6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall
The Holy Communion, 7:00 a m. Gerlinger Hall
Rector: The Rev. Perry Smith
Chaplain to Episcopal Students: The Rev. Robert Ellis
Emerald Baptist Church
(American Baptist Affiliate)
Rev. Charles W. Moore
1992 Potter Street
Tel. 3-3198
Sunday School — 9.45 A.M.
(University Class for Students)
Morning Worship — 11:00 A.M.
Evening Worship — 7:30 P.M.
Services held in Roosevelt Jr. High School
24th and Hilyard Streets
Dr. Vance Page Webster
9:45 a m. University Class
6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hour
First Baptist Church
First Methodist Church
1785 Willamette — Phone 5-8764
Worship Services — 9 30 and 71:00 a.m.
Dr. Rec’or Johnson
Wesley Foundation
Student Center
7 236 Kinee d
Eugene's First Assembly of God
West 13th aro Madison
9:45 — Sunday School
11 00 — Divine Worship Service
6:30 — C. A.'s (Youth Service)
7:45 P.M. — Evangelistic Service
5:30 P.M. - KASH, dial 1600
11:00 P.M. - KUGN, Dial 590
Central Presbyterian Church
10th and Pearl Streets Phone 5-8724
Minister: Paul S. Me'lish
Church School — 9 30 and 1 T OO
Morning Worship — 9 30 and 11:00
Westminster Foundation Student Center
1414 Kincaid
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Chris'*,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Brodaway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger