Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 27, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    USC Favored in PCC Track
By Chuck Mitchelmom
Emerald Co-GporU Editor
Southern California's Trojans
fire strong favorites to walk off
with their 15th straight Pacific
Const conference track cham
pionship this weekend In the 25th
annual running of the meet on
Hayward field.
Scattered showprs are predict
ed to greet the more than 160
athletes who will descend on Ku
gene for qualifying trials this
afternoon and finals Saturday.
A weather bureau report late
Thursday called for light rain
beginning Friday evening and
holding over through Saturday.
I HC Hum Two Chani|>*
The Trojans have only two
defending champions back from
last year s PCC meet at Seattle,
but Ixiast seven men with best
marks on the coast this spring
Hrnie Shelton, America's top
threat to the seven foot high
Jump challenge, will be aiming
at the 6' O',*” mark he set in the
lk.Vl championships. Shelton has
done 6' 10" this year.
Otlvr returning winner for
USC is Jon Arnett, the football
halfback who destroyed Oregon’s
Rose Bowl hopes last fall. Ar
nett leaped 24' 6%” to take first
place in the broad jump at Seat
I>urk Sprint Hop*
PCC Meet Records
100-yd dash 9.6
220-yd. daah 21.0
440-yd dash 46.4
880-yd run 1:51.6
Milo run 4:09.3
2-mil" run 9:12.5
120 yd. high hurdles 14.0
220-yd. low hurdle* . 23.1
High jump e'O1-,"
Broad Jump 25'
Pole Vault .14*11”
Shot put . 58' 2‘s’’
IMaC-us 183'5 V*
Javelin .235 9%"
Mi !• relay 3:12.3
Jeffrey (Si 1939
Davis (C) 1942
Anderson <C) 1938
Borah (U8C) 1927
Jeffrey (S) 1939-40
Anderson (C) . 1950
Klemmcr (C) 1941
Mltchel (UCLA) 1951
Liebowitz (I) 1941
Gamer (W3C) 1940
Attlesey (USC) . 1950
Davis (U8C) ..1953
Atllesey (USC) 1950
Shelton (USC) 1954;
Robinson (UCLA) .19401
Meadows (USC) 1937
Sefton (USC) 1937
O'Brien (USC) ... 1963
I ness (USC) 1952
Long (S) 1954
Washington State 1937
Frosh Trackmen
Top OSC Rooks
By Bob Roger*
Emarald Sport* Writor
An improved OSC Rook track
team nearly upset the invading
Oregon Ducklings Thursday al
Bell field, and came within 11
points of spoiling the undefeated
season of the Frosh. The final
score was 71 to 60.
The big race of the afternoon'1
was the mile relay, a nip and
tuck affair until anchor man
Burt Williams of Oregon broke
the tape two strides ahead of the
Rooks' Wendell Brooks. Although
Coach Bob McCollum’s club
would have had a one-point mar
gin without a win in the relay,
the broad jump score was not in
nnd OSC led by two points, 55
to 53.
The meet produced four double
winners, with three from Oregon.
As expected, Jack Morris turned
in a repeat performance by edg
ing Sam Wesley in the 100-yard
dash with a time of 9.8 and win
ning his specialty the 220 low
hurdles in 25.1. The lows was
extremely close, as Bill Fred
ericks ran a close second.
Don Mcskimen of Oregon won
the mile and two-mile events by
large margins. Bill Smith of OSC
was second in both events and
Oregon’s Jim Gleason was third
in these races. With an effort of
12 feet 6 inches in the pole voult,
Sam Whitney displayed some of
the form which put him in the
prep state record books. Whitney
also won the broad jump with a
leap of 21 feet \ inches.
For the Hooka. Wayne Moss
was the big gun, by winning the j
shot put and the high jump
events, with 42 feet 7 Inches and
6 feet 1 inch,
Milr Don Mc.kimcn O. Smith 0§C.
Gleason (). Time, 4 :47.4.
440: Wendell Brooks OSC, William** O,
Perkin'! OSC Tifn, :52.2.
100: Jack Morris O. Wesley OSC. Fred
rick* OSC. Time. -.09.8.
High hurdles: Hill Fredricks OSC. Lei
nan OSC. Barba OSC. Time. :15.t*.
880: Hob Dry ran Of Cromwell O. Thorn
Ion O. Time 1 :59.7.
Shot pul: Wayne Moss OSC. Kershncr
O, Alvarado O. Distance 42' 7".
220: Jyim Wesley OSC. Midgiey O.
O'Brien OSC*. Time, :23.0.
High jump: Wayne Moss OSC. Tenney
O. Livingstone O. Height, 6* 1".
Javelin: Kon Jolley OSC. Chapman O.
Fredricks OSC. Distance. 177'. 4".
Two-mile: Don Meskimen O, Smith
OSC. Gleason C). Time. 11:31.5.
Pole vault • Sam Whittle}. Foley OSC,
Carrigan OSC. Height 12’ 6”.
Low hurdles: Jack Morris, Fredricks,
Leman, OSC. Time, :25.1.
Ilroad jump: §am Whitney O, Tenney
(). Wesley OSC. Distance. 21' 5-4”.
Discus i Paul Tuchardt O, Saling OSC,
Fredricks. OSC. Distance, 130’ 5 3/4”.
Mile relay : Won by Oregon (Don Steen,
Hill Cromwell, Lee Thornton, Burt Wil
liams). Time, 3:33.8.
tie, but has not gone over 24’
this season.
Wing Top Mller
Others leading the Trojan at
tack with heat marks on the
roast are Sid Wing, mile; Fer
nando Ledesma, two-mlle; Fion
Morris, pole vault; Kay Martin,
shot put; Des Korh, discus, and
Fat Coyle and Howard Bugbee,
tied for 100-yard (lash best time.
In addition to Southern Cal’s
predicted walkaway, California
schools are figured to dominate
the team scoring.
UCLA claims it will enter its
best Bruin cinder team in years,
led by sophomoie Bob Seaman,
Don Vick and Russ Ellis.
Sophomores Pace UCLA
Seaman turned in a 4:09.8 mile
in a distance medley relay. Vick
is runnerup to USC’s Martin in 1
the shot put and Koch in the dis
cus for best distances. Ellis
blazed a 46.7 quarter mile lap in
the Bruin mile relay team’s sec
ond place in the Los Angeles
Coliseum relays.
Coach Ducky Drake also has
defending PCC low hurdles
champ Dave Ftosellini returning.
Jim Ball, high hurdles, and
Chuck Holloway, broad jump,
boast best marks in their events.
Indians Threaten Rwords
Stanford is led by Bob Kim
ball, who has already surpassed
the existing PCC javelin record;
Jim Luttrell, who has bettered
the standing low hurdle mark;
Keith Brownsberger, who has
tied the 220-yard dash standard;
Walt Garrett, who has the top
440 race time in 47.7, and Jim
Herrman, tied for best jump in
the broad jump.
On the basis of this spring's
performances, Oregon is rated
as fairly strong fourth place
finisher. Coach Bill Bowerman
is hoping for firsts from his tal
ented distance trio of half miler
Jim Bailey, miler Bill Dellinger
and two miler Ken Reiser, plus
broad jumper Martin Pedigo.
Pedigo, Bailey Tops
Pedigo is tied for the best
leap on the coast at 24' 1”, and
Bailey's top time of 1:51.2 is 0.4
seconds under the PCC record.
Dellinger and Reiser have both
improved greatly in their last
Senior sprint star Bruce i
Springbett figures to be the
busiest Webfoot in the qualify
ing trials this afternoon. The
small Canadian flash is entered
in the 100, 220 and 440-yard
dashes and relay.
WSC Claims Two Champs
Washington State has return
ing champions in Bill Link, who
captured the half mile last year,
and Bob Gary, winner of the
220. Link, however, has been
hampered by an injured leg
muscle and may not be able to
Washington has neither a best
mark champion nor a defending
titlist, but is expected to pick up
points on the finishes of Gary
Gayton, half mile; Henry Banks.
440; Bob Ledbetter and A1 Tor
gerson. hurdles, and Jim Hilton,
pole vault.
Bears Boast Depth
California has back John Stel
lern, who took the shot put at
Seattle, but the Bear weight
star is in fifth place in the best
mark rankings with a 53' 9"
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OPEN FROM 9 A.M. y|| ■ is aa P.
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throw. Cal has a crew of per
formers who finished well up in
the rankings last year on last
year's second place team, how
Oregon State’s lone contender
is two-time Northern Division
javelin champion Jerry Church,
who has the third best throw on
the coast at 215’ 5%”.
Favorite in 880
round the clock
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Oregon entrants:
100 yard dash Bruce Springbftt, LeRoy
Campbell, Arden Chri*ten»en.
220-yard da*h Springbett, Campbell,
Chri^tenven, Dave Tallx>t.
440 yard dash Gordon Dahkjuist, Tal
bot, Sprir»gl»ett.
880-yard run Jim Bailey, Doug Cle
Mile run Bill Dellinger.
Two-mile run Ken Reiser.
120-yard high hurdles Doug Basham.
220-yard low hurdlev Bill Sorsby.
Shot put Ben Lloyd, Walt Badorek.
Discus Lloyd, Badorek.
Javelin--Ed Bingham.
Pole vault Bob Reid, Ken Hickenbot
tom, Russ Mannex.
High jump Chuck Phillips.
Broad jump Donn Sullivan, Martin
Relay Christensen, Talbot, Springbett,
Time Schedule
3:30—broad jump, shot put, disc
us, javelin.
4:00—440-yard dash.
4:20—100-yard dash.
4:40—180-yard high hurdles.
5:00—880-yard run.
5:15—220-yard dash.
5:20—220-yard low hurdles.'
3:00—pole vault.
3:30—shot put, broad jump, jav
elin, high jump.
4:00—mile run.
4:10—440-yard dash, discus.
4:20—100-yard dash.
4 :35—180-yard high hurdles.
4:45—880-yard run.
4:55—220-yard dash.
5:05—2-mile run.
5:20—220-yard low hurdles.
5:35—mile relay.
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