LETTERS TO THE EDITOR i Clarification Emerald Kdlt.ur: Your story ri-ferrlng to the Hchool of Architecture student proposal whh in error In Hinting that the studi-ntw "resented the liMi* by the faculty of the no grade system, a j-ystom in which a project either passes or failM.” The no-grade system was de signed to operate no that each priihlem would carry an estab lished number of credit hours. The student would receive this credit wheu the project was accepted by the faculty. We do not object to this in any way. We object to recent misuse that has taken place in certain ure&a of the design se quence. Rather than accepting the problem for full credit or turning It back to the student for further development, a prac tice haa evolved in which the problem, i« often accepted for ieaa credit, thus becoming a grad ing system in terms of credit hours. Yours truly, Jim Purcell I’ruily Duclch Bill Yeomens Eric Norstad Industrialists Find Area Attractive By Joan Dennis Emerald Reporter I adust riahsts are finding the Northwest "very attractive," and this in ter eat will continue to grow as long as the regional market continues to increase. The present trend la to establish industries near the markets. This opinion was expressed by Harvey s. Perloff, director of the program of education and re search In planning at the Univer sity of Chicago, while he was on campus Tuesday and Thursday, Perloff predicted that inter national trade on the West Coast will pick up as Far Eastern coun tries build up their production and trade. This will bring more Industries. However, they have been reluctant to locate here for national trade because of trans portation problems, he claimed. "Power is Important, but power alone is not enough to attract industries now," Perloff said. "Being near a good market is more important." Other factors are considered, too. The Hyde Park-Kenwood Community conference. com posed of about 100 block com mittees in Chicago, has been suc cessful, Perloff believes. The res Idents in these blocks discus*, urban problem* pertaining to them and then act upon their decision*. He then added* that he thought thi* group i* one of the best in the nation and that it ha* had a lot of influence in ihe city of Chicago and the surrounding area*. Ellickson, Clark Will Fill Posts Temporarily Ray T. Ellickson, head of the physic* department, has been ap- ’ pointed acting dean of the grad uate school, temporarily filling the vacancy which will be creat ed when Dean Eldon L. Johnson leaves Oregon to become presi dent of the University of New Hampshire. Temporarily replacing Johnson as the dean of the school of lib eral arts will be R. D. Clark, head of the speech department. READ EMERALD WANT ADS Unusual Graduation Cards FLOWERS UNLIMITED Phon. 4 6244 193 £»»l ftdwy Sociology Club Initiates Eight Alpha Kappa Delta, national sociology honorary, initiated eight new membeis Wednesday night. New initiates are: Robert Du bin, sociology department head; Davide Wolfe, graduate student; Mervyn Gadwallader, graduate student; Norma Glazier, senior; Lawrence Schwartz, senior; Ken Cunningham, junior; Kenneth Vergas, junior, and Dorothy Yergen, Junior. Officer's of the sociology hon orary are Jack Gibbs, president, and Dorothy Yergen, secretary junior. Oregon has had only three baseball coaches since Northern Division competition was started in 1930. Coach Don Kirseh has been at Oregon since 1948. AN OUTtlMt " • ffOST VUO COLLEGE PM V SICS COMING /4”^w $49.50 SUMMER SUIT SPECIAL $39.50 100% Dacron _ Slacks ALL WOOL AND BLENDS Regular 17.95 _NOW _r- NOW_ $11.95 $9.95 Regular 12.95 Pajamas ENTIRE STOCK _ EACH £ 3»95 ODDS AND ENDS IN SUITS $39.50 JACKETS Suedes and Cloth Values to 24.95 -NOW $12.95 CREW NECK SWEATERS Regular 12.95 <£ O AE -now S SPORTCOATS Reg. 39.50-45.00 - NOW $27-30 Sport SHIRTS Values to 8.95 OR -NOW SOCKS Regularly $1.00 3 *®r $1.00 NOW ON THE CAMPUS 881 EAST 13th AVE.