Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1955, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Supreme Court
MEMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT of the United States pose at the court, Washington, D.C.,
May 23. Left to right: seated. Felix Frankfurter, Hugo Black, Chief Justice Earl Warren,
Stanley Reed, William O. Douglas. Standing, Sherman Minton, Harold H. Burton, Tom Clark
and John M. Harlan. (AP Wirephoto)
Language Prof Author of Book
Edmund P. Kremer, professor!
of Germanic languages, Is the i
author of a book of German pro
verbs and proverbial phrases re
cently published by the Stan
ford university press.
Kremer's book is entitled "Ger
man Proverbs: And Proverbial
Phrases with their English Cotin- i
terparts.” Kremer, who has been j
preparing this book for the past '
12 years, pointed out that these
proverbs "help foster an appre
ciation of the language and cul
ture" of Germany. More than
1500 German language proverbs,
reflecting that country’s circum
stances and dally life, arc in
A native of Germany, Kremer
haa been on the University fue
ulty since 1928. He has a doctor
of laws degree from the Univer
sity of Krankfort-um-Main.
Under the Weather
The number of Infirmary pa
tients was reduced to four Wed
nesday, according to hospital
records, as only Mary Shafer,
David Arnold, John Lincoln, and
Birger Brandt remained. Visitors
are being permitted.
May We Have the Pleasure of Serving You?
We specialize in homemade breads,
pies, and cakes that are the finest.
ROTC Honorary
To Hold Meeting
A question and answer session
with air science department of
ficers will highlight the first
meeting of the Air Command
squadron under its new officers
tonight at 7 in the Student Un
Colonel E. B. Daily, head of the
military and air science depart
ment, and Lt. Col. C. J. Purcell,
commandant of cadets, will an
swer members’ questions regard
ing the AFROTC program.
Also featured will be initia
tion of a new member, accord
ing to Howard Timmons, newly
elected president. Other officers
of the group, elected at the last
meeting, are: Jack McBrien,
vice-president; Chuck Mitchel
more, secretary; Bill Cook, treas
urer; Art Toyooka, sergeant at
arms; Craig Philips, district
commander, and Roger Long,
assistant district commander.
Group adviser is Major Lewis
Campus Calendar
Noon Gam Alph Chi .... 110 SU
Phi Beta 111 SU
Soc Dept 112 SU
Hist Club 113 SU
4:00 Stu Affairs 337 SU
6:00 SU Bd Bnqt 110 SU
6:30 FSFF Bnqt Ballrm SU
IFC 213 SU
ASUO Senate 334 SU
7:00 Air Comnd 214 SU I
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