Johnson Elected President of NHU By Anns Ritchey fmarald Ai«ut«nt Ntwi Editor Eldon'■L. Johnson, clean of the college of liberal arts and the graduate school, Iihh accepted h position hk president of t h*- Unl vi'iHily of New Hampshire. He will be the thirteenth presi dent of that university, which has an enrollment of apprdxi mately 3100 students. Johnson regards the position as "a real opportunity profes 11 KAN KUHIN JOHNSON, Who will lake over as presi dent of liie I Diversity of New Hampshire on August 1. sionally," but he haves the Uni versity "with many regrets." Takes Over in August He and his family will leave Sometime in July, and he will ! take over the new position Au gust 1. Johnson's responsibility here has been the administration of the hugest collegiate division on campus, and he has been at the University since 1945. He was head of the department of political science originally, and in July. 1947, he received the double appointment as dean ; of the libera! arts and graduate ] schools, which position he has held since. He was acting director of the 1946 summer session. Horn In Indiana Johnson was born in Indiana and educated at the Indiana State Teachers college. He re ceived his Ph.D. at the Univer sity of Wisconsin, in 1939. He has devoted his entire ca reer to the field of education, serving as a teaching assistant and fellow in the University of Wisconsin's political science de partment following his gradua tion. Later he taught in secondary schools in Indiana and Wiscon sin. Hired* Graduate School Between 1941 and 1945 he was director of the graduate school Mile Offers Prizes For Travel Essays Two prizes of $200 each are being offered by Mademoiselle magazine for a "Europe on a Paycheck” contest. Women 30 years old and under who have traveled abroad and have secuied employment to pay for their trip msy enter. Contestants must describe the job and how it was obtained in 1500 words or less. The job can be part-time or full-time. The deadline is October 1. Man uscripts must be double-spaced and typed on one side only. They should Include the contestant's name, age and address clearly on each page. Entries must be mailed to College and Careers, Mademoi*elle, 575 Madison Ave nue, New York. of the Department of Agriculture In Washington, D.C. He took a two-year leave of absence during hi* service with the Agriculture department, to study at the University of Chi cago. His first trip to the Univer sity of Oregon campus was through an inspection trip of the 25 schools connected with the Department of Agriculture. Has Taken Tours He has a wife and two daugh ters, with whom he traveled to Europe in 1951. During the seven-month tour they visited eleven countries in western Eu rope and he did extensive re search and study at the London School of Economics and Politi cal Science. At the University of New Hampshire he will work with a faculty of 400 and a student body which requires upper 40 percent scholastically from prep school. The university is located in Durham, New Hampshire. a”d is 70 miles from Boston. It is a land-giant institution, publicly and privately supported. Main courses of study are lib eral arts, agriculture, technology and the natural sciences. Wolf Hunting '‘Bam. t tb*"*' - IMH K LKK, HI our Wedding Piease Pnone 4-3432 THE FEHLY STUDIO T2T4 Kincaid ON the Campus With “TRUTH DOLLARS”-(Ws how! Your “Truth Dollars” fight Communism in it’s own back yard — behind the Iron Curtain. Give “Truth Dollars” and get in the fight! "Truth Dollars” send words of truth and hope to the 70 million freedom loving peo ple behind the Iron Curtain. These words broadcast over Radio Free Europe's 29 transmitters reach Poles, Czechoslovakians, Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians. RFE is supported by the voluntary, cooperative action of millions of Americans engaged in this fight of good against evil. How do “Truth Dollars'* fight Communism ? By exposing Red lies ... revealing news suppressed by Moscow and by unmasking Communist collaborators. The broadcasts are by exiles in the native tongues of the people to whom they are beamed. Radio Free Europe hurting Commu nism in its own back yard. We know by Red efforts to “jam” our programs (so far without success). To successfully Continue these broadcasts, even more transmitters are needed. Every dollar buys 100 words of truth. That's how hard "Truth Dollars” work. Your dollars will help 70 million people resist the Kremlin. Keep the truth turned on. Send as many “TYuth Dollars” as you can (if possible, a dollar for each member of your family). The need is now. FIGHT COMMUNISM / with “TRUTH DOLLARS” Send your Support Radio Free Europe Truth Dollars to CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM cj0 your Postmaster