Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Letters to the Editor
Pre-Frosh Fund
Emerald Kill lor:
When referring to the Emerald
editorial of Tuesday, May 24,
entitled "Both Barrel*,” an In
nocent reader may easily draw
some falxe Impression* and "hop”
on a "bandwagon” that doesn't
exist. Certainly this la a situation
that needs clarification from the
IKC standpoint.
First, we are not leveling
"both barrels” at the Inlver
sity administration, we are
simply attempting to adjust a
rather untenable situation
through sensible negotiation.
Secondly, there is no students
vs. the administration "battle”
existing and I'm sure that no
wounds have been Inflicted. The
Issue Is not a "Heated” one, but
simply another in the long line of
student-administrat ion discus
sion and well-planned action.
Thirdly, we do not feel the
fund is unjust; we recognize the
necessity of a Pre-froth account
but feel that we .should not be
one of the sole contributors to a
fund that benefits the entire Uni
Fourthly, I he fund does work
for the Greek organizations it
represents. Without the assist
ance of the Office of Student
Affairs, which collects anil dis
seminates large quantities ol
Greek information, the Greek
organizations would be lost.
The l*re-fros!i account finances
a part of the secretarial work
In Student Affairs and the
Greeks benefit greatly as a re
The solutions offered by the
Kmerald, then, would seem to be
a bit hasty and founded partly
on heresay. IFC does seek a fi
nancial adjustment, and Student
Affairs Is now fully aware of
this and Is now working on pos
sible solutions. Such adjustments
require a well planned program
which takes time. We're confi
dent a solution will be reached
that will satisfy the interests of
both concerned groups.
Kent Dorwln
President, IKC
On Bowling
An Open Letter to the Phy
sical education Department:
Why is it though the Uni
versity has on its faculty one
of the very best bowling instruc
tors in the whole country (this
is not an exaggeration), some
one else Is allowed to teach
bowling classes? Louis Bellisimo
has been a top bowler for more
years than he cares to remem
ber; his four 300-games were
bowled quite a few years ago. He
lias contributed feature articles
on bowling form to several na
tionally-circulated bowling mag
azines; the latest appeared in
March this year. And he is known
by many current and past howl
ers and bowling fans up and
down the Pacific Coast for his
enthusiasm for and over-all
knowledge of the sport of bowl
Bowling at the University has
certainly benefited from his
teaching. In spite of it.- remote
ness from any area of serious
1 bowling, Oregon, In the first
| three years of college competi
tion, has twice won the Northern
: Division Championship and
i placed third the other year. Bet
| ter yet, Oregon has finished first.
; fourth and second in national
college competition. We on the
team maintain that coaching, not
talent, has been by far the most
important factor In these ac
I complishments.
Contrasted with Mr. Bellisimo
is the present instructor in the
girls' classes. She is certainly a
j hard worker, free with her time
! and effort; and it was generous
of her to take over Mr. Bellisi
1 mo's classes last year, when he
was In the hospital. But enthus
' iasrn alone cannot possibly com
pete with ability. It Is obvious to
anyone with even a fair knowl
edge of bowling that she is “in
over her head.” Due to her very
limited knowledge of the game
i her teaching can be, at best, only
I confusing. Unfortunately it is
harmful; girls who had hoped to
i learn to bowl have stopped try
ing in class, too perplexed to con
tinue. Others have complained
openly, hoping only that no one
in the PE Department overheard
j them. It is for these girls that
this letter is written; there seems
to be no sufficient reason for
the continuance of this sad sit
University Bowling Team:
Robert <j. Boyle
Bryce L. Relmer
Blake Boggess
Scott Page
Vernon Jackson
Kay Christensen
Chances for Real Informality
At Big Four Meet Grow Dimmer
AP News Analyst
Time-taking and a deliberate
approach to problems are usual
ly considered helpful in interna
tional affairs, but this doesn't
seem to be entirely true of the
projected Big Four conference.
(It now appears that the
meeting will take place even
later than originally expected.
S|H'culation that detailed ar
rangements util await the ar
rlval in the United States of
Kussian Foreign Minister .Mol
otov, who is eomlng to the
United Nations anniversary
meeting late next month, have
lieen at least partially conflrm
ed by Secretary Dulles.
Then, presumably, Molotov will
have to return to Moscow for
consultations in the Kussian pat
tern. which frequently seem in
terminable. Under these circum
stances the conference seems
likely to he delayed beyond the
July target date frequently men
This is not all bad. Aside from
providing time for proper con
sideration of issues and the pol
icies to be applied to them, there
is a concrete impact of this per
iod on international relatons.
For instance, the best esti
mates are that Red China will
make no overt moves in the For
mosa Strait conflict while the
conference is pending, lest they
interfere with international Com
munist tactics.
If this is correct—and it is
bolstered by the relatively
quiet attitude taken by the
I’ciptng regime lately—It eon
tributes, ulong with the pres
ence of the U. S. 7th Fleet, to
extension of a period in which
better solutions than war may
l>e worked out.
The extended time interval be
tween the suggestions for the
conference and its probable con
vening, however, creates piob
lems for the diplomats as well as
time for deliberation.
President Kisenhower made a
remark the other day which
some might have interpreted as
a willingness to consider neu
trality for Germany under cer
tain circumstances. That had to
be denied, and Secretary Dulles
did so Tuesday, very flatly.
It is an example of how the
conference participants will be
taking policy stands on many is
sues before they ever get to
gether—public stands which will
be very difficult to modify to
meet counter-offers or counter
policy from the other side.
The buxines of sticking to
policy at all essential points,
yet maintaining sufficient flex
ibility to take advantage of any
possible points of compromise,
is always one of the diplomat's
most difficult problems. #
The original idea of an infor
mal, top-level conference was to
get away from that as far as
possible, with the big boys just
kicking the ball around to see
where it might bounce. But it is
now obvious that a lot X)f con
crete is going to set before They
even meet.
' ^NT^ECAMPUS - 852T" .
’Stock Market*
NEW YORK (AP)~ The stock
market made it two advances in
a row Wednesday with expand
ed business a feature of the rise.
Volume came to 2,100,000
shares. That* is well below the
daily average so far this year,
but the significant fact is the
striking increase from Tues
day’s 1,650,000 shares. That was
the low point for the past seven
The Associated Press average
of 60 stocks was up 90 ceats at
$163.80. It was ahead 40 cents
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