British Politics LEADERS OF BRITAIN’S incumlient Conservative party and Labor opposition go into high gear as thr general elections near. Conservative standard bearer. Prime Minister .sir Anthony Kden, and Labor's left-wing orator. Aneurin Bevan. left to right above, gesture in recent campaign ap pearances. Labor leader C lement Atlee and Conservative ex-Prime Minister Sir Winston Church ill. left to right below, old political opponents, still face each other on opposite sides of the political fence. (AP W ireplioto) YW-YMCA Will Sponsor United Nations Seminar A special three-day United Na tions seminar will be held this summer in San Francisco in con junction with the commemora tion of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the UN. This seminai is sponsored by I the YW-YWCA and is open to any interested students or fac ulty member. The seminar has j been set up by the Y groups in I California for student participa- i tion in the UN celebration. Seminar "Session The seminar session will be held June 19-22 and will offer j an opportunity for students to j meet as a group with delegates from various countries in in formal sessions, attend UN ses sions, interview members of the UN Secretariat, and visit with members of the United States mission to the UN. Present in some of these bod ies will be Dag Hammarskjold. Madame Pandit. Van Kleifens. Lester Pearson, John Foster Dulles and Henry Cabot Lodge. Ait exhibits and special cul 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News TUI Now 7:00 Campus Review 7:30 Holland Festival No. 4 8:00 KWAX Staff Presentation 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:55 Final Edition 11:00 Sign Off Rosalie Blinkenstaff To j Give Piano Recital A piano recital by Rosalie Blickenstaff, senior in music, will toe given at 8 p.m. Thursday in the school of music auditorium. It is given as partial fulfillment for her bachelor of music degree. The program will include “Fan tasy in C Minor” by Bach, “So nata in F Sharp Major, Opus 78” by Beethoven, and “Sona tine” by Ravel. tural events related to UNESCO. UNICEF, and other UN agen cies and activities will be of fered. Costs Listed Anticipated costs for the trip include registration St: room for three days $4.50; meals from $9 $12. Registration can be done through the Y groups on campus and the registration fee and the first night of lodging should be paid then before final week is over. Conference headquarters will be the San Francisco YMCA. three blocks from the site of the UN Meetings. Government Lab Jobs Now Open to Applicants Applications are now being accepted by the U.S. Civil Serv ice Commission for various gov ernment laboratories in Wasll mpton. D.C. and vicinity. The positions pay salaries ranging from $2950 to $.'>9-40 and require no written test from ap plicants. To qualify, applicants must have had experience in the oper ation and repair of laboratory electronics apparatus, or edu cation pertinent to the field. Applications will be accepted until further notice. They must be filed with the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners, at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C. Old Bridge Collapses BUILiT IN 1902 at a cost of 13,000 dollars, the old Orange Blossom bridge over the Stanislaus river near Oakdale, Calif., collapsed recently as a heavily loaded truck reached the inid-point. Albert Morris, 40, of Fresno, Calif., the driver, suffered injuries on the downward trip. (AF Wire photo) Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1311 — EXT. 31* • EMERALD OEHCE-lnJ flOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: •» Cent* per Word Firit Imertion, 2 Cen»« per Word Thereafter ARE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male ami now paying more than 130.40 a year for pub lic liability und property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. St PD Insurance for S15.20 per G months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty. STOP. See JERRY BROWN, your MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Rea. 4-2957 or stop in nt 962 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS. IT S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf i a Will rent attractive, fur lushed apt. fur summer; 4 blinks from Cal. campus. Rent or swap for sub-let in Eugene, suitable for couple. Includes bedroom, dinette, living room, kitchen, bath. Linens and dishes furn. De sirable tenant. No children. Block and 1 - from 3 buses. Address inquiries to No. 3. 2541 Dwight Way, Berke ley 4. Calif. 5-27 Wanted: Two or three riders to St. Louis and return, starting June 14. Will be there approximately one month. Phone before 10:30 a m. 6-504S. 5-20 Lost: 3 leather sofa cushions. 2 red. 1 green, l scholarship plaque, reward. Call house manager Phi Kapjm Pal, 4- 5653. 5-27 OR SALE; 23 hp Evinjude. New. In factory carton. Never used. $50 below cost. Phone ext. 593. 5-27 40 Old-mobile for sal--. Call 5- 0301. 431 W. Uth. 5-27 MEN WITH OR WITH OUT SALES EXPERIENCE \\ K have openings for FIS 1C MI'X interested in sn miner tint* insurance work with guaranteed re new al» the re-t of the \ ear. jlK.HKST commivsinn | and expenses guaranteed during training period. Call or see C. K. Jack, Pyramid Fife Insurance Co. 210 Ardel Office-. Telephone T-2.VI2. 5-1 lti I need three person* of high caliber to work with com pany opening new offi<« tn thin area. Work from -I tilt 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 10-1, 8H5 Oak St. between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf For Rent: For Hummer ses Hinn. large, modern com pletely furnished 3-bed room house alt appliances, 2'- blocks aoiith of cam pun Patio, barbecue. Call 3-3991. 5-26 Walt ijaffney going to New York, the Kmpire Stale, via Chicago, leaving loth or 11th. wishes ridera to share expenses. Driving ‘55 Rambler. Call 5-3753 after 6; 00. 5-27 TV Home and portable radio service, 9 a m. to 8 p m., 9 years TV experience. Phone Tele-tronlc* 3-5422. 1042 Oak Street. 5-17-».f Lost: While satin brocade evening bag with gold clasp. Finder please return to Plymouth House Call 5-8741. 5-25 Lost -Pink strap aho- at Al pha Phi house dance May 21 Call 5-9260. 5-20 Typing . .. 3-3509. 5-20 It is said that prairie dogs bury their dead and also any other small animals that die in their villages. The U.S. Olympic Team* seed row support Sr fiAK MUST B£ THfflE TO WIK / Send a contribution to U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM FUND 540 North Michigan An.. Chicago 11. Illinois WANTED! lost? found? soiling? in the EMERALD UNIVERSITY CO-OP "THE STUDENTS OWN STORE"