Graduation Tickets Now in Alumni Office Senior* may now receive com mencement tickets, instructions nboul commencement, and a pro* Kr:,nl of events In the alumni of In*- on the mezzanine of the Stu dent Union. All seniors arc also urged to register an early an possible in tin- alumni office to fin out grad uate record questionnaire forma for tin- permanent alumni file*. The regular yearly alumni due* have been induced from $4 to 52 for graduating aeniora tor the flrat year. Life membership due . are *66, payable In inatall mentx of $12 a year for a nix year period. Senior* may assign breakage fee* for the flrat in stallment. 25,000 The alumni office, which haa permanent record* on approxi mately 25,000 alumni, urges aen ioia to remember to notify the office m the event of a change of address. Alumni chapters of the Uni versity of Oregon exist in auch lie I aa New York, Washington. l,f‘ Seattle, Spokane, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Honolulu and Manila as well as in many smaller cities. Ae held May 2re’s a career to look forward to in food retailing at SAFEWAY One in a series about carter opportunities in a challenging field