Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1955, Page Eight, Image 8

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    KWAX Banquet
Set for Tonight
The annual KWAX banquet,
which is sponsored by Kappa Rho
Omicron, radio honorary, will be
held today at 5:30 p.m.
The highlights of the evening
will be the announcement of the
achievement awards, which are
given to outstanding KWAX
workers. Rick Thomas, KXL disc
jockey, ■will be guest speaker at
the banquet and Bill Hathaway
will entertain.
The price of the banquet is
SI.75 and everyone on campus is
The African crested porcupine
is the largest living porcupine,
measuring over three feet in
length and weighing between 40
and 60 pounds.
oCfotenina ~3n
6:00 Sign On
6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade
6:45 News Till Now
7:00 NAEB Special
7:15 Window on the World
7:30 Sport Shots
7:45 Radio Nederland
8:00 U.N. Story
8:15 Navy Bandstand
8:30 Guest Star
8:45 Table Hopping
9:00 Kwaxworks
10:55 Final Edition
11:00 Sign Off
“English parrot" is another
name for the eastern evening
grosbeak, which is about the
sibe of a catbird, has a large,
thick, pale-yellowish beak and a
body which is black, white and
Tea Honors
Namiko Ikeda
Namiko Ikeda, senior in phy
sical education, was honored Sun
day at a silver tea at the Wes
ley Foundation.
Miss Ikeda is from Japan and
will be returning home at the
end of this school year. She has
spent three years at the Univer
sity majoring in physical educa
tion and health.
Before coming to Oregon Miss
Ikeda was a graduate student
assistant at Usuda college, u
women's college In Tokyo, where
she will return as an instructor.
While on the Oregon campus
she has been active in the YWCA.
Wesley Foundation and the
Women's P.K. club where she
held the offices of sophomore
representative and vice-president.
Miss Ikeda is a member of Uni
' versity House.
Campus Briefs +
0 A very Important meeting
of the entire Oregann staff for
this year’s book will be held to
day at 4:13 in the Oregano of
fice. Students who cannot attend
should send a substitute.
0 All new member* of Alpha
Lambda Delta are to meet at
Gerlinger hall at 4 p m. today.
Old members are asked to meet
Ht 3:30. Campus clothes will la
in order, according to Jean I-'uy.
0 There will be a service of
Holy Communion for Kptacopul
students at 7 a m. Wednesday in
Gerlinger hall. Breakfast will
be served afterward.
0 Thomas Sklen*. Mary Sha
fer. Myrna Smith and Buger
Brandt were confined to the in
firmary Monday for medical at
tention, according to hoapital
record*. No visitor* are being
admitted to the second flooi of
the infirmary.
0 rid Theta Cpulton Initiation
will hi1 held Wednesday at -t :t(|
p.m. at Delta l>e|lu Delta. Old
member* are requested to wear
their uniform* and ;iew meniliei
should wear white.
0 There will l»e a t IS meet.
Ing to<lay ut i In the Student
Union. The election of office™
will la- held at the meeting.
0 The rally hoard will meet
today at 1 p.m. in the Student
0 ,\\VS will meet at I2:|', t„.
day In the Student Union.
By Homer J. Livingston, President of
The First National Bank of Chicago and
President, American Bankers Association
Like millions of other Americans, you
probably know that our government’s Series
E Savings Bonds rank among the surest,
safest and best investments in the world. But
I wonder if you realize that an extremely
attractive feature has been added to them.
Today, you no longer need cash your Bonds
at maturity (9 years, 8 months after pur
chase) . You can hold them for as long as 19
years, 8 months. And this enables you to get
a far greater total yield from them, since the
interest paid on Savings Bonds is cumulative.
That is to say, your Bonds pay interest not
only on the principal, but on the accumu
lated interest itself! Now, the longer you hold
your Bonds the bigger this accumulation gets
—and, correspondingly, the more money
your Bonds pay in interest every year.
1! you invested $37.50 in a Savings Bond ten
years ago, it could be redeemed for $50.00
today. You would make $12.50. But if you
keep that Bgnd for ten more years, you will
make a total of $29.84 on your original in
vestment. In other words, if you hold your
U. S. Savings Bonds for double their original
period, your total yield is considerably more
than just double.
So, if you can possibly arrange it, hold your
Bonds for the maximum period—19 years,
8 months. You don’t have to sign any papers
or visit your bank to do this. The extended
earning period is automatic.
And, of course, go on investing in U. S.
Series E Savings Bonds—through the Pay
roll Savings Plan where you work. If self
employed, invest in Savings Bonds regu
larly where you bank.
Ai>- / __
Want your interest paid as
current income?
Invest in 3% Series H.
United States Government Series II
Bonds are new current income Bonds
in denominations of $500 to $10,000.
Redeemable at par after 6 months and
on 30 days’ notice. Mature in 9 years, 8
months and pay an average of 3% per
annum if held to maturity. Interest
paid semiannually by Treasury check.
Series H may be purchased through
any bank. Annual limit: $20,000.
This chart
shows tho 10-yoar
<-*1—wfod earning
i’Vtw ol yoar
txtondod Maturity Vatu*. .,
Original Maturity Vatu*. . ,
r«W Aftor Maturity Oat*
K t* I y*ar....
1 Vi ta 2 y*an..
2'/i to 3 ytan..
3</i t* 4 y*on..
*'/i to 5 ytan..
i'/t to 4 y*an..
4V, to 7 yoort..
*Vt to • yaort..
•Vi to ♦ yaort..
S'/l to 10 y*ort.
Ext*r>d*d maturity vatu*
(to y*an from original
maturity data).
■adomptton Voluor
During Io<ti Yoar
f 101 .SO
Now even better!
Invest more in Savings Bonds!