Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    Trip Completed
FIRST LT< JOHN CONROY, his goal of flying; round! rip from
coast to coast in one day completed, heads for a restaurant with
hi-, family May 21. Conroy breakfasted in Los Angeles, flew an
Air National Guard Sabre Jet to New York and had lunch, and
got back to Los Angeles in time for dinner. With him are his
wife, Jeane. his daughter, Barbara. 4, and his sons. Billy. 1, and
Timothy, 3. (AP Wirephoto)
Piano Recital
Is Thursday
Rosalie Blickenst&fi'. senior in
music, will present a piano recital
Thursday at 8 p. m. in the music
school auditorium.
Included in her program will be
“Fantasy, in C Minor." by Bach;
“Sonata, F Shaip Major, Opus
78." by Beethoven; and "Sonu
tine." by Ruvel.
Miss Blickenstaff will also play
“Etude, in F Major, Opus 10. No.
8." and “Variations and Fugue on
a Theme by Handel." by Brahms.
YW to Select
Duckling counsellors will soon
be selected by the YWCA for
their "big-little sister" program
for next year.
Girls interested in the pro
gram are asked to place their
names and addresses in the box
pmvided in the dormitories. Each
counsellor will be informed this
summer who the freshmen girls
are for whom she will be a coun
Duckling counsellors write to
the incoming freshmen during
the summer and take them on a
coffee date when they arrive on
campus. A training program will
be held the week before finals,
according to Joan Kraus, chuii -
man of the program.
Senate Demos Looking For
True Story' on Air Power
Democrats put on new pressure
Monday to get what Democratic
leader Lyndon B. Johnson termed i
the “time story" on how Amer
ican air power stacks up against :
Senator Symington
who. fired up the controversy
last week, demanded in the Sen- I
ate that the^Eiser.hower admin- j
istration aSswer "the one great
Question . . . how does our j
strength compare with the j
strength of the Communists, j
those who have so often reiterat-'
ed their determination to de-1
stroy us?"
“Get Together”
Johnson, of Texas, said Secre
tary of Defense Wilson owed it
to the people to straighten them
out on the question and to see
to it th^t “he generals and the
secretaries get together so that
Campus Calendar
Noon Soph Honors Com 110 SU
Sinf 111 SU
Soc Club 112 SU
Perloff Lnch 113 SU
Theatre Exec
Com Lnch SU
Psi Chi 214 SU
Marshall Lnch 215 SU
1:00 Marshall Asbly Ballrm SU
UIS * 315 SU
Druids 333 SU
Alpha Lambda Delta
Gerl 2nd FI
5:30 KBO Bnqt 110 SU
U of O-OSC Panhel
Com Lnch SU
6:00 Asklepiads Init 315 SU
6:30 ASUO Millrace Com
333 SU
Scab & B1 334 SU
6:45 Hse Chap 215 SU
7:00 Asklepiade Bnqt 113 SU
Stu fub Bd 337 SU
Orides Gerl 2nd FI
7:30 Concert Lect 202 SU
Yeomen 213 SU
Pi Lambda Theta
Dadsrm SU
Christian Sci Gerl 1st FI
the light hand knows what the
left hand is doing.''
Ten days ago. Secretary of Air
Force Talbott issued a release
discussing the appearance of new
types of .Russian warplanes. That
led Symington at the time to.
question whether Russia might ,
not be gaming air superiority.
Confusing Statements
Since then there have been j
what Senator Johnson called “a I
new lash of confusing state-,
ments." He said “there should be
clarification as to what is the;
true story.”
The magazine Aviation Week
said Sunday that Russian air ad
vancements have shocked “even I
the top level and the most j
knowledgeable military aviation
leaders on the Pentagon.”
The magazine said some high
civilian officials in the govern
ment seem to have been practic- ]
ing ”a deliberate deception” of
the people.
“Not Cost”
Before the controversy worked
up to its peak last weekend.
President Eisenhower told his
news conference on Wednesday
that "To say that we have lost
in a twinkling all of this great
Chicago Prof
Here Today
Harvey S. Perloff, a faculty
member at the University of Chi
cago, will be on campus today
and Wednesday to discuss some
of the problems of industrial ex
pansion in the Northwest with
the faculty and graduates of the
business school. He will be a
guest of a faculty luncheon at
noon today in the SU.
Perloff is interested in re
gional planning, urban develop
ment problems and in the loca
tion and growth of industries. He
“was one of the chief organ
izers of the ‘block committees’
set up to consider the growing
pains of the region around Chi
cago,” according to V. P. Mor
ris, dean of the school of business
technical development and tech
nical excellence as well as the
numbers in our total aircraft is
just not true.”
Returning to the debate Mon
day, Symington told the Senate:
“Evidence continues to pile up
that Communist airpower is
moving up to us in offensive
striking power, and is moving
ahead of us in the fields of de
fense power, production and
Warning Light
“The warning light ia on. Only
the blind, or more sinister peo
ple, will deny that fact.”
Symington was secretary of
the Air Force under President
Finds Rhyme
HELENA, Ark. (AP>— Poetry
isn’t easy for third graders, but
Christie Newkirk found a word
that rhymed when his class made
Mother’s Day gifts recently.
The teacher told them to write
a sweet little verse on a paper j
plate, something beginning with
"mother dear.”
Christie scrawled on his plate:
Mother dear
Do you like beer?
Skeleton Committee
Petitions Due irf SU
Skeleton committee petitions
for all Student Union committees
are due Wednesday at 5 p.m. in
the SU petition box on the third
floor of the SU.
Petitioners will be interviewed
Thursday evening, according to
Marlis Claussen, SU personnel
Committees include publicity,
public relations, dance, music, re
corded music, movie, browsing
room, art gallery and coffee hour
The common field mouse is short
lived. Only the hardiest live longer
than one year.
Want Ads
RATES: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion, 2 Cents per Word Thereof ter.
If you are married or fe
male and now paying more
than $110.40 a year for pub
lic liability and property
damage auto insurance re
newals. you are throwing
money down the drain. May
flower will give you PL. &
PD inaurance for $15.20
per G months renewable.
Check your old policy today.
If you are paying a penalty, j
AGENT before you renew.
Ph. 4-94 44, Res. 4-2957 or
stop in at 962 Oak street.
Will rent attractive, fur
nished apt. for summer; 4
blocks from Cal. campus.
Rent or swap for sub-let in
Eugene, suitable for couple.
Includes bedroom, dinette,
living room, kitchen, bath.
Linens ami dishes furn. De
sirable tenant. No children.
Block and from 3 buses.
Address inquiries to No. 3.
2f>41 Dwight Way, Berke
ley 4, Calif. 5-27
for architects office, adja
cent to campus. Girl must
be a good typist with pleas
ant disposition and neat ap
pearance. Phone 4-8432, Mr.
Wilmaen for apjxjintment.
5-24 |
Wanted: Two or three riders
to St. Louis and return,
starting June.14. Will be
there approximately onV
month. Phone before 10:30 I
a m. 6-5048. 5-26 j
Lost: 3 leather sofa cushions.
2 led. 1 green. 1 scholarship
plaque, reward. Call house
manager Phi Kappa Psi,
4-5653. 5-27
Lost Pink strap shoe at Al
pha Phi house dance May i
21. Call 5-9250. 5-26
U K have opening* for
MV 1C MKN interested in
summertime insurance
work w it It guaranteed re
newal* the re-t ut the
ilKiHEST commission
and expenses guaranteed
during training period.
Call or see C. K. Jack,
Pyramid l.ife Insurance
Co, 210 Ardel Offices.
Teiepfa>ne > J.vtj 5 111 f
I need three persons of high
caliber to work with com
pany opening new office in
this area. Work from 4 till
10 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Apply room I'M, 883
Oak St. between 9 a m. and
3 p.m. 4-7-tf
For Rent: For summer ses
sion. large, modern com
pletely furnished 3-bed
room house all appliances,
2'j blocks south of cam
pus. Ratio, barbecue. Call
3-3991. 5-20
Walt Gaffney going to New
York, the Kmpi re State,
via Chicago, leaving 10th
or 11th. wishes riders to
share expenses. Driving ’55
Rambler. Call 5-3753 after
0 00. 5-27
TV Home and portable radio
service. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., 9
years TV experience. Rhone
Tele-tronlcs 3-5422. 1042
Oak Street. 5-17-lf
Wanted: riders Interested in
going to midwest or east
after finals contact m«>
im. 214 Science Building.
5-24. 26; 0-2
Lost: White satin brocade
evening bag with gold clasp.
Finder please return to
Plymouth House Call
5-8741. 5-25
FOR SALK: 25 hp Ev in rude.
New. In factory carton.
Never used $50 below cost.
Phone ext. 593. 5-27
Oregon, OSC
Geologists Meet
Oregon and Oregon State atu-1
dents in geology held a joint;
dinner meeting of the Oregon
Section of the American Insti-!
tute of Mining and Metallurgical j
Engineers at the Benton hotel in
Corvallis last Friday night.
Stephen M. Shelton, regional
director of the Bureau of Mines,
gave a lecture and showed a pic
ture on metallurgy of rare mo- j
Seventy students and their
wives were present at the annual
dinner. Next year's meeting will
be held in Eugene.
‘Stock Market •
NEW YORK (APi-Prices!
slipped lower in the stock mar
ket Monday in the midst of light
trading. The decline extended to
almost all sections of the list.
The AP average of 60 stocks
was down $1.00 at $162.50 with
the industrial component off 70
cents, railroads down $1.70, and
utilities off 20 cents.
Volume was small at 1,900,000
shores. That compares with 2,
240,000 shares traded Friday.
Indians Will
Be Relocated
families soon to he flooded out
of their traditional home at Celil
lo Falls by construction of The
Dalles dam would he re-located
at federal expense under terms
of a bill introdiu **d Monday by
Senator Wayne Morse (D-Orei.
The bill calls for re-location
by the Department of the Inter
ior and authorizes transfer of
$210,000 from the secretary of
Army to secretary of the interior
to carry out the program.
Morse, terming the Indians "a
casualty of the march of prog
ress," said they are without funds
or other means to obtain new
He said that he and Senator
Richard Neuberger (D-Ore), who
co-sponsored the bill, would seek
prompt action on it.
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor: Anne Ritchey.
News Desk. Bob Robinson,
Anne Hill.
Copy Desk: Carole Beech.
Nighf Staff: BeV Chamberlain,
Mary McCroskey.