8 Net Squads In Quarter-finals Of IM Playoff Eight Intramural tennis learnt*, four 1 rom fraternitiea anil four Independents, advanced Into th< quarter-finals of the spring ten ths championships last weak. The bracket waa narrowed to the eight tcama from an original fielil of 30 in two week* of ac tion that waa featured by all eight matches being played with no forfeits marring action. I Inal Match One Thursday Qtiarter-finaln In the tourna ment were to have been com pleted this week, with semi-finals slated for today and Wednesday and the championship final scheduled Thursday. I e-gal Eagles, Beta Theta PI, Dorm counselors. Campbell club. Male Kline. Chi Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Delta Tau Delta were the eight survivors of the second round of tennis play. Hale Kane was runnerup last year while Campbell club was a s the Oregon-OSC meet May 14. Sam Whitney will pole vault and run the high hurdles, and versatile Don Steen will probably enter the high hurdles, the jave 1 lin and the discuss. Paul Tu , chardt will make a strong bid ' for points in the discus, and other weight men include Jerry Kershner, Norm Chapman and ; Bill Alvorado. ' gon hitters for the Northern Di vision season with a corrected average of .556 on 15 hits in 26 at bats. George Shaw spurted to finish with .354 and led in hits with 17. Dick Schlosstein batted in 15 runs to lead in that de partment while John Keller and Jerry Ross knocked in 10 apiece. . Posting victories on both Fri day and Saturday, Terry Maddox wound up with a pitching record of six wins and no losses and an earned run average of 2.25. Combined staff ERA waa 4.09. Northern Division final aver ages: Forbei. rf Maddox, p ...... darnvr, p Shaw, ef . l.undcfl, p .. Johnaon. 2b Keller, *►* _ Ro*a, If SchWaatein, lb William*, 3b . Marlett, c . Pingrce, rf . Blodgett, p Wagner, rf .... Averill, rf .... Bond Totals . Williams Maddox . Blodgett darner I.undeH Olsen Uhl Stiles Totals AB H HR .20 15 I 6 1 3 0 10 8 3 . 52 45 13 .51 14 47 13 53 12 45 15 10 .. 6 .. 9 1 435 125 IP .48 24 26 ... 7 - 1 ... 1 1 110 w 0 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 10 48 17 1 I 0 15 1 2 RBI Pet 9 .556 4 .375 0 .375 .354 .333 .289 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 L 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 10 0 7 11 .289 11 .278 15 .277 8 .226 .222 .200 .200 .167 .000 0 .000 84 .287 ERA 0.00 2.25 4.12 5.00 9.00 9.00 18.00 18.00 4.09 NL Huklers Find 'Klu' Back Again NEW YORK (AP)—Ted Klus zewski, the famed “Mr. Muscles” of the Cincinnati Redlegs, finally has started belaboring National league pitchers with home runs and base hits in the manner to which they’re accustomed. Kluszewski slammed three ho mers last week to deadlock Duke Snider of Brooklyn for the lead at 11. He also collected nine other hits in 23 at bats—a .522 pace—and pushed his batting average to .321, good for a sixth place tie with Milwaukee's John ny Logan. The veteran Redlegs’ first base man hit 49 homers in 1954 and for a time threatened Babe Ruth's all-time mark of 60. For the record, both he and Snider are all even this season with the Bambino's 1927 pace. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Jack Wilson. Staff: Jerry Claussen, Chuck Mitchelmore, Buzz Nelson, Bob Rogers. Phi Delts, ATO Grab Victories In Track Meets Phi Delta Theta and Alpha Tau Omega moved into the quar ter-final bracket of intramural track and field competition as they powered to wins over Hale Kane and Sigma Chi Monday. The intramural softball final between Sigma Chi and Phi Kappa Psl, originally sched uled for Monday, was post poned until Wednesday or Thursday because of a con flict in dates. Final decision on a date will not be made un til later today. The Phi Delt’s, who gained the semi-finals by whipping Sigma Nu, piled up 52 points to 17 for Hale Kane, which got in via a forfeit win over Chemey hall. Bob Wilcox was a double winner for the Phi Delt’s. He took the broad jump with an effort of 19’ 8” and collected a second blue ribbon in the 75-yard dash. ATO, after downing Philadel phia house to make the semi finals, drubbed the Sig's, 44-24. Sigma Chi had moved up by edg | ing Delta Tau Delta, 35-33. Standouts for the ATO’s includ i ed Jerry Ross, who won the sprint and ran a leg on the win ning relay team; A1 Morris, win ner of the pole vault and % mile and Max Anderson, who took a first in the hurdles and tied for first in the high jump. Action today finds Sigma Al pha Epsilon, victors over Camp bell club in the last round, pit ted against Beta Theta Pi, who won by forfeit over Phi Gamma Delta. Sigma Phi Epsilon, for feit winner over Tau Kappa Ep silon, takes on Theta Chi. In composite Northern Divi sion baseball standings since 1930, Oregon leads the league by far with a .614 winning per centage. Selling .. Buying? • • • University 5-1511 Extension 218 Whether you are selling ... or buying, THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is the place to advertise! We are proud of EMERALD ad results and proud that we can offer you ad space for as little as 4c per word for WANT ADS . . . and 63c per column inch for DISPLAY ADS!