H-Bomb Shelter THIS IS INTERIOR of H-bomb steel shelter erected in Garden City, N’.Y., whose developers say will take care of a family 3 to 5 days. This deluxe model is equipped with five hunks and air mattresses. At rear of tank is fan which draws purified air through special filter. The handle is used only in event of power failure, which would also necessitate use of battery-powered lan terns. Shelter also has radiation detector, electric batter)- radio, protective clothing, blankets, crowbar and shovel, first aid equipment plus other apparatus and supplies needed to sustain fam ily. (AP Wirephoto) Naval, Air Force Exam Scheduled Competitive examinations for appointments to the 1956 classes of the United States Naval and Air Force Academies will be held in Portland by the Civil Service Commission on July 11. Applicants who reside in the Third District who wish to take this examination are to inform j Congresswoman Edith Green by May 28. According to Mrs. Green, no | West Point nominations can be r made by her from this district for the 1956 beginning class. Applicants must be residents of Multnomah county between the ages of 17 and* 23 by July, 1956. However, examination ar rangements also will be made for applicants temporarily out of the district, she announced. Letters concerning these pre nomination exams should be ad dressed to Congresswamon Edith Green, 312 House Office Build ing, Washington 25, D.C. Psi Chi Luncheon To Feature Tysell John E. Tysell, M.D., will be speaker at a Psi Chi luncheon Tuesday, with h;s topic "Somat ic Reaction to Stress.” The group will meet in the Student Union, and the meeting will be held at 12:30 after the luncheon. All students interest ed in psychology, as well as fac ulty members and Psi Chi mem bers are invited to attend. Chorus Line * KKillT 1’KKTTY lilKUS, ull cimirrMlonHl accfttirlnt, strike r pu**'- (.May ID) before the fupitol n» thy kick up a routine from theh forthcoming variety shim. The yuuiK Ladle*, mrinlwn ot thi Congressional Swri'tHrirs Club, will entert «ln legislator* who employ them June 21 ut u show for the l>enpfit of retarded children. (AI* Win-photo) Students Initiated By BA Honorary Six University students have oeen elected to membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary in business administra tion. on the basis of scholarship. Juniors are Karleen Evans and Walter E. Coder. Seniors are Joanne Hardt, John Watson. Gary McAdams and Ward Cook. Initiation for the new mem bers will take place at a dinner to be held in the Student Union at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Kenneth ML Lindsay., visiting lecturer in political science, will be the speaker of the evening. s &nd THEATRE | K idd i t i 0 J+t uMi ^4.0429 ~ 'v.99 N l i Mi. No. of OvcrKco Hv,j End* Tuesday *ThE naBman ^bob math i as STORY ML BUNS When you've only had time to cram for part of the course... SXAM and that's the part you on the final they ask exam... M-m-man, that's PURE PLEASURE! For more pure pleasure... No other cigarette is so rich ■tasting so mild ! s yet P.S. No other brand has ever been able to match the pure pleasure in Camel's exclusive blend of costly tobaccos! That's why Camels are America's most popular cigarette! B. J. Beyiiold* Tobacco Co., Wlmton-Saloni, N. C