Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    Ducks. OSC, Eye Pennant
T*#m W L Pc».
Om^.,11 X | HH7
Oregon Sltttr #, J ,f(57
U * 'lliiikton Sltttr I i . ‘)<I
VN * tlitMgton 6 7 .Aui
Mai... <j ]j ,000 !
Oregon and Oregon State battle
or th<* Northern Dlvlshm pen
nant on Howe field this after
noon in a doubleheader starting
at 1:30. The first game will be
nine innings and the nightcap
Will go seven.
Saturday the two teams move
to Corvallis, where they will
continue the series on Coleman
Golfers Bill I
Final Match
Oregon gets its last chance
to regain Home lost golf prestige
today and Saturday when fve
Northern Division teams battle'
through a 36-hole title tourna
ment at Moscow.
The Ducks finished third in j
the conference during regular
match play this season and will
Is- out to def.-nd their medal-play
crown on Idaho’s home course.
Idaho won the match-play title
this year and will be a favorite
in the two-day championship.
Oregon I)r fen els Tit 1«*
I <aat year Oregon won by 15
strok*1* over second-place Oregon
State when the NO »neet was
played on the Eugene country
club. The Ducks had a 606 total,
OSC had 621, Idaho was third
with 625, Washington was a close
fourth with 627 and WSC was fat
behind with 661,
Par for the short but tricky
Idaho nine-hole course is a short
70 for the is holes. Improvement
in league teams and the short
course will prcgably result in a
much lower total for the winning
Four Ducks Travel
Duck Coach Sid Milligan nom
inated two seniors and two soph
omores to represent Oregon at
Moscow Captain Neil Dwyer, the
most consistent swinger in the
ND, and Letterman Dob Takano
plus Sophomores Harry Ott and
Bob Norquist made the trip.
The Webfoot. team will have
to be at its best to win the tour
ney again. Oregon State, with
1951 Medalist Bob Donnelly and
Jerry Cloninger; Idaho, wdth a
well-balanced team familiar with
the course where it beat both
Oregon and OSC this year, and
nn always-strong Washington
team are all threats again.
2 Teams Advance
In IM Go!f Final
Phi Delta Thetn, the defend
ing champion, and *Hale Kane, a
tough challenger, advanced in
the finals of the intramural golf
tournament Wednesday with a
pair of close wins.
The Phi Delt’s had the tough
est time getting to the final
bracket as a stubborn Phi Gam
ma Delta team fell by a narrow
61 a -51 count at Oak way golf
Hale Kane, a pre-tournament
favorite with a strong team,
gained the right to meet the de
fending tit lists with a 7la-4Vi
win over Legal Eagles, last
year’s runnerup.
The two teams were scheduled
to meet in the playoff Thursday
at Oakway with four men from
each team playing single compe
tition of 18 holes each.
Sports Stall
Desk Editor: Jack Wilson.
Staff: Jerry Claussen, Chuck
Mitchelmore, Mumbles Nelson, Ai
field In another twinblll. Starting
titne will again be 1 :'i() p.m.
Oregon needs only t.wo wins
for a third consecutive ND cham
pionship, but Oregon State must
1511,1, BLOIHiKTT
l-tnt OMC Scriitt
win three games to finish on
Duck Coach Don Klrseh has
named sophomore righthander
Terry Maddox (5-0) to pitch
the first game. After that it
will he either mil Blodgett,
Bill (iarner, Pete Williams or
John Lundcll.
Taking the hill for Oregon
State will probably be lefthand
ed AI Guidotti, a junior from
Oakland, Calif. Coach Ralph
Coleman may decide instead on
righthanders Lynn Mohler, Lo
well Pearce or Dick Wilson.
Oregon will have to match
the Beavers’ heavier hitting with
superior defense and pitching.
In 21 games (13-8) OSC has a
team batting average of .303.
Oregon's is only .277.
The starting lineup for Oregon
will be John Keller. Jim John
son, George Shaw, Dick Schlos
stein, Williams, Jerry Ross, Jim
Pingree, Neal Marlett and Mad
Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats
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13th at High St.
TILL 11:00 i
Dial 4-1342
dox. In case Coleman should
start a righthander instead of
Guidotti, lgfthanded batting
Norm Forbes would go to right
field instead of Pingree,
Lineups (with season’s batting
Oregon State
Frederick, rf (.315)
Buob, *«. (.333)
Jantzc, If (.385)
fJean, lb (.458)
Kxlcy, lb L458)
Fink, Zb (.20%)
Bettendorf, 3b (.305)
Love joy, c (.286)
(iuidotti, p (.389)
(.303) n<i Keller
(.333) 2b Johnson
(.321) cf Shaw
(.257) lb Schlo**tein
(.305) 3b William*
(.297) If Ro**
(.238) rf Pingree
(. 188) c. Mar let t
(.308) p. Maddox
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