Investigation (('uiilinurit from /»<#»/<• mu') of Bet a Theta PI, Berwick wiml <■(1 to know why tin- Greek hoiiMen Hhouldn't net, credit for the Or** ^1-r, or be able to put It, out, it they pay f„r |f, 'phc booklet eontu from $(100 to $1)00 a year. An [KG committee of Bob Mc Cracken, PrcHklent Kent Dor win, Jack Boeolofaky, Jerry Kar t«w, .Inn Martin amt le-inhton Wilbur, Home of whom have al ready been working on the prob lem, Scheduled further dweux hIohh with DuBhane for 10 toduv. Dorwin promleed Home deoinion by the tune of the IKC meetin;; next Thursday. MathematicsHonorary Names New Officers Jock Goebel was elected presi dent. o Pi Mti Hpmlon, national mathematics honorary, ai. a re cent meeting of the local chapter. Hylvla Sommerer will he vice president, and I-oretta Humph reys, secretary-treasurer. New membera elected to the honorary Include Long Basham, William Blake, Bruce Bloom field. Pat Inman, Pat South worth, Bob Possum. Wesley Nel son, Gordon Pefley, Stan Wil liams. George Wilkins. Verbal 3n« ok. Henry Lfnd, Forrest McMains, Kirkland Stewart, Charles I Chicks, Richard Barlow, Mary Cary, Yasuo Ishida and Abdur Ansari, IlK Al> RMKRAU) WANT ADS Unusual Graduation Cards FLOWERS UNLIMITED Phon« 4-6244 J93 E»»» Bdwy SAVE UP TO 56i NOW! on famous ODO*RO’DO Limited Time Only deodorants er-Tk M SPRAY Regular $1.25 sin CREAM Regular $1.00 $»*• ONLY 50' pl»t TIFFANY-DAVIS Store No. l-8»h & Willamette Store No. 2-1950 Franklin Blvd. COME TO OUR jj. • • ananan Stde Sh ow featuring AUTHENTIC HAWAIIAN PRINTS Designed and Made in Hawaii by / Sweet and haunting Poly nesian music ... the rhythms of a hula dancer. . . brilliant tropical colors of authentic Island prints ... all straight from Hawaii to you! Don't miss it! Friday night at 7 . . . on the 2nd floor of fashion. & Beach Boy Shirt in vivid native print tops trim pedal pushers. 9.95 2-way halter surr dress in gorgeous prints from the is lands. Can be worn as sun-back. Lined and bon ed throughout. 9.95 Sportswear, 2nd floor THE BON MARCHE Eugene Exotic Hawaiian fashions ... as dramatic as the fabulous beauty of the islands . . . shown in a new col lection of sun dresses, swim wear and play clothes featuring colorful new tropical prints you'll wear for a glamor ous season. MISS HAWAIIAN SWIM SUITS 8 95 9.95 HOPI COAT to match 5.95 to 8.95 ELASTICIZED SKIRT to match 5.95 to 10.95 TROPICAL SUN DRESSES 9.95 to 18.95 BEACH BOY BLOUSE and PEDAL PUSHERS 9.95 Miss Hawaii Swim Suit, elasticized, shirred and contoured to give you a perfect fit. 8.95