Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 19, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    Tower Nearing Completion
THE FIRST OF THE OFFSHORE radar plane-detecting towers is nearing completion at the
Fort' River shipyard at Quincy, .Mass., and will be launched soon. The huge, triangular shaped
steel platform, weighing 2000 tons will be towed to sea and placed In position on caissons in tin
ocean on Georges Banks, about 110 mites ea-t of t ape Cod, Mass. The towers will make up a
radar chain stretching along the Atlantic coast front Norfolk. Va„ t« Newfoundland, u distance
of 1500 miles. (At* Wirephoto)
Parking Confusion
Partly Explained
By Bob Rogers
Emerald keoorfer
Although there has been some
confusion as to the parking sit
uation on campus, the arrange
ment is relatively simple, accord
ing to I. I. Wright, superinten
dent of the physical plant. The
city of Eugene controls the
streets while the University has
jurisdiction over all parking lots.
Parking areas on campus are
free for student use. except the
reserved zone near Johnson hall
and two designated areas in the
Emerald parking lot which have
been reserved for the u»e of in
firmary officials and faculty
The area near Johnson hall is
only restricted between the hours
of 8 to 5 on week days and from
8 to 12 a.m. on Saturdays. The
only other possible University
parking restriction is the yel
low line along various curbs.
These are placed in convenient
locations for two main purposes:
the conveniency of supply de
livery to buildings and for emerg
ency cases.
The red parking meters in
front of the Student Union and
Emerald hall are controlled by
Campus Briefs
0 The Student Union movie
committee will meet on the third
floor of the SU tonight at 6:45.
Old members are requested to
attend along with the new chair
0 Alpine club will meet to
night at 6:30 in the Student
Union to discuss summer climb
ing schedule and to nominate
officers for next year.
0 Outing club will meet today
at 4 p.tn. in the physical edu
cation lounge on the second floor
of Gerlinger hall.
0 Catholic Mass will be held
at the Sacred Heart hospital at
4:15 p.m. Thursday. The Feast
of the Ascension will be held at
that time.
the city and are set-up for the
convenience of business men who
would otherwise have difficulty
finding parking space.
Violations of these campus
parking laws result in the tow
ing away of automobiles to the
towing lot. where owners must
paj the towing fees before get
ting their cars back.
Too Much Drinking
Grounds for Divorce
TACOMA (APi A divorce
complaint filed in superior couit
here Wednesday listed as
grounds for divorce the fact that
the husband drinks too much.
Names of the parties Erma
L. and Alvin Booze.
The smallest known fish in the
world is the Pandaka pygmea.
These are about the size of an
ant and are almost transparent,
the large eyes being the only
feature clearly visible.
'Workshop Has Displays
THREE PARTICIPANTS in tonight's Creative Arts Workshop
show examine architectural displays, also a part of the Work
shop, in the browsing room. The three are, left to right, Roger
Middleton, Jean Smith and Nelson Tandoc.
Kleinsorgc to Go
To Conferences
Paul L. Kleinsorge. professor
of economics, will participate in
two conferences in Portland this
At Portland State college on
Friday he will attend a meeting
sponsored by the Federal Media
tion and Conciliation commission
; on arbitration procedures.
Kleinsorge will play the role
of arbitrator in a mock arbitra
; tion trial which is being spon
sored by the International Wood
I workers of America, Saturday in
; the Portland civic theater.
Job Opportunities
United Air Lines. Flight En
gineers, Stewardesses. Mr. Cole
man will be on the campus to
interview interested students to
Hallmark Greeting Curds.
Sales Training Program. Mr.
Griffith will interview May 24.
Montgomery Ward Company.
Accounting, Merchandising, Pro
duction. Larry Jones will inter
view on campus May 26.
Students interested in mak
ing appointments for inter views
with the above representatives
should contact Karl Onthank, di
rector of graduate placement, in
student affairs office of Emer
ald hall.
Want Ads
RAIES: 4 Cent* per Word First Intertion, 2 Cent* per Word Thereafter.
If you are married or fe
male ami now paying more
than $30.40 a year for pub
11c liability and property
damage auto insurance re
newals, you are throwing
money down the drain. May
flower will give you PL. &
I’D insurance for $15.20
per 6 months renewable.
Check your old policy today.
If you are paying a penalty,
AGENT before you renew.
Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or
stop in at 962 Oak street.
Modern convenient, two bed
room house, near Univer
sity. Fireplace, Elect, range.
Refrigerator. Garage, near
grade school, playground,
bus line. Food market. $80
mo. Phone ',-1297. 5-18tf
TV Home and portable radio
service, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., 9
years TV' experience. Phone
Tele-tronics 3-5422. 1042
Oak Street. 5-17-tf
Lost: Slate-blue glasses with
rhinestone trim. In a red
case. Contact Beverly Bar
ker at 4-9318. 5-21
W K have openings for
I* I \ K MK\’ interested in
summertime insurance
work with guaranteed re
newals the rest of the
J 11< ‘.HI'.ST commission
and expenses guaranteed
during training period.
Call or see CL K. Jack,
Pyramid I,ife Insurance
Co. 210 Ardel Offices,
I elephonc 3 2.132. 5-1 Itf
I need three persona of high
cnllber to work with com
pany opening new office in
this area. Work from 4 til)
10 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Apply room 104, HHfj
Oak St. between 9 u.m. and
3 p.m. 4-7-tf
for architect*) office, adja
cent to campus. Girl must
be a good typist with pleas
ant disposition and neat ap
pearance. Rhone 4-8432, Mr.
Wilmaen for appointment.
Costume and formal rentals,
all Hisses. 230 East 14th.
Phone 5-2682. 5-20
For Sale—Bell 8c Howells
Portable Cabinet for 12 in.
speaker. J5.00. Call 5-0221.
Building's Inside Destroyed
FIKEMKN BATTLE FLAMES early Tuesday which engulfed
thi*. four story frame structure !u Tueonw, Wash. Two persons
were suffocated, about 12 persons, some in their nightclothes,
fled to safety. The entire Interior of the building was destroyed.
(At' Wirephoto)
YWCA Will Hold Nursery School
Open house at the University |
YWCA Cooperative Nursery
school will be held May 24 from
9-12 a.m. at Plymouth house.
Parents interested in enrolling
three or four year olds for fall
term are invited to attend. School i
activities and rules will be ex
Membership in the school is
open to all, first priority going
to children of University stu
dents. Children of University fac
ulty and staff are next, and if
further openings exist, children
of non-University people may be
Cooperative nature of the
school is emphasized. Mothers
take turns assisting at the school,
thus keeping fees at a minimum
$5 a month for three-year-olds,
and $7 a mouth for four-year
olds. Attendance at a monthly
meeting for mothers is compul
The school was organized in
1947 primarily for the benefit of
student wives.