Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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By Beverly Chamberlain
(morale! Reporl*r
At Alpha Delta Pi
Carol Baldwin announced her
engagement to Walt Lovell, a Chi
I’m, recently. Sally Slate re
V' ali-d her pinning to Mi rrlt Bar
bour, Sigma Chi, last Saturday
At Alpha Omicron Pi
Two engagement* were an
nounced at the Alpha Omicron
I’i house recently. Janet Filbert
revealed her engagement to Den
niH Kapp, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
and Janice Bibbv t« engaged to
Gary Alden, Campbell club.
At Alpha Phi
Barbara Hogard announced her
pinning to Phi Pal Ju*tin Smith
with the traditional candlelight
c eremony Monday evening.
At Alpha Xi Delta
A shower will la- held for two
Alpha Xi Delta* who will tie mar
ried in June and September.
Carolyn Keith will lie married
to Bob Kounda, a Pi Kappa Al
pha. and Diana Skidmore 1* en
gaged tci Rollie Meyer. A spring
fireside will be held at the Alpha
Xi Delta house this Saturday
At Carson Hall
Sally Larson recently an
nounced her pinning to Dick
Bngg*. Campb«-ll club president.
At Chi Omega
Joan Havland announced her
engagement to Angus Stewart.
Phi Kappa Psi. Mr. Stewart is
attending the University of Ore
gon medical school In Portland.
The engagement wa* announced
Tuesday evening at dinner Mon
day night,' after closing hours.
Susan Shaffer announced her
engagement to Garry McMurry.
Sigma Phi Epsilon.
At Delta Delta Delta
Freshman Julie Astrup wan
pinned to Berge Borrevlk, Sigma
I'hi Epailon Friday.
At Delta Gamma
Bev Braden ia engaged to Jack
Bally, Phi Gamma Delta. 'Hie
Delta Gamma big and little Mis
ter dinner will be held Thursday.
At Delta Zeta
Claire Fry announced her en
gagement to Kick Hayden, Delta
Upailon, Saturday, and Dorothy
Allen and Don Glisan were en
gaged recently.
At Gamma Phi Beta
Sharon Holder announced her
engagement to Bob Meaney. a
Sigma Alpha Epailon, recently.
At Kappa Alpha Theta
■Nancy Adams is engaged to
Phil Draper, Sigma Chi.
At Kappa Kappa
Joan Hay revealed her pinning
to Sonny Stoynov, Alpha Tan
Omega, by candlelight at the
Kappa Kappa Gamma house re
At Pi Beta Phi
Julie Miller announced her pin
ning to Mike Nosier, a Phi Delta
Theta, Monday night at the Pi
Phi house. Puccia Woodside is
engaged to Herm Hemmington.
also a Phi Delt. Shirley Gerhard
announced her engagement to
Dave Ballash. a Chi Psi. serving
with the marines at Quantico,
Virginia, recently.
At Sigma Kappa
Jacke Jolley was chosen White
Rose of Sigma Nu at the fra
ternity's spring formal, and Ag
nes Thompson was awarded one
of the Phi Theta Upsilon scholar
> ships at Tuesday's Honors as
AFL Threatens
Trucking Strike
a "new and acceptable*" offer is
forthcoming, the powerful AFL
Teamsters Union will strike three
trucking firms Thursday morning,
a union spokesman said Tuesday.
Frank Brewster, Seattle, presi
dent of the Teamsters' Western
Conference, made his announce
ment only a few minutes after an
other spokesman had said the
three firms would be struck Wed
Brewster said the walkout has
now been postponed for 24 hours.
He added that negotiations will
continue until that time.
Union officials and representa
tives of truck firms have been
negotiating for a month for a mas
ter contract involving 28,000 driv
ers in 11 western states.
If the walkout takes place
Thursday it may be the forerunner
of a widespread strike.
The three firms against which
the strike is threatened are Con
solidated Freight Lines, Pacific
Motor Transport and Pacific In
terrnountain Express.
Jets to Fly
4840 Miles
YOKOTA. Japan 1AP1 Six
U.S. Thundrejets capable of de
livering an atomic bomb roared
off this airbase near Tokyo Wed
nesday on a planned record 4840
mile non-stop flight to Australia.
Two or the Thunderjets, flying
as alternates, will drop out at
Guam if all goes well. The flight
is headed for Williamstown. near
Sydney. Pilots expect to make it
in eleven hours.
Theta Sigs to Tap
New Members
Theta Sigma Phi. women’s jour
nalism honorary, will hold a cof
fee-hour at 6:15 p. m. Thursday
in the Eric Allen room of Allen
New pledges will be tapped dur
ing the coffee-hour, and the out
standing freshman and sophomore
woman in journalism will bo
named. Dress is plain campus
clothes, and any women interested
in journalism is invited to attend,
according to Dorothy Her, presi
Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats
Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream
OPEN FROM 9 A.M. Till 11 .Afl Pl
13th at High St. - Dial 4-1342
Gamma Alpha Chi
Pledges 8 Women
Gamma Alpha Chi, women's ad
vertising honorary, pledged eight
new members at a meeting Tues
day night.
They are Jeyly Klahre, I’at Case.
Donna Lory, Suzanne True, Car
men Yuzon. Kvelyn Nelson. Diane
Johnston, Joan Iiainville and
Laura Morris.
Newly-installed president of the
group ia Donna Runberg, and her
vice-president is Barbara Wilcox
Jean Sandinc was installed as re
cordlng secretary, and Carolee
Peters as treasurer, Marlene
Grassesehi is chapter reporter.
Single Heart
Causes Death
DETROIT (APi Failure of a
single heart they shared caused
the death of Siamese twin girls,
who died Monday night 33'2
hours after their birth.
The single, unusual heart and
its failure were disclosed by an
autopsy Tuesday, Doctors orig
inally thought both had a heart.
Besides the heart, physicians
also found other shored or joined
organs, including liver and low
er intestine, that would have pre
vented the girls ever being sep
arated by surgery.
The babies were delivered by
eaesajean section Sunday to Mrs.
Nona Herring. 27, wife of a De
troit factory worker. Richard. 30
Her condition remained satis
OSC WRA Invites
UO to Racket Day
Oregon State's Women's Recrea
tion association has invited Uni
versity women to a Racket day.
tennis play. Saturday, May 21, on
the OSC campus.
Those wishing to sign up may
do so on the tennis bulletin board
in Gerlinger or contact their WRA
house representative, according to
Robbie Mulkey, WRA president.
Films to Be Shown
At WEE Theater
Three films will be shown in
the Wednesday Evening Educa
tional theater tonight in Com
monwealth 13S.
The shows are “To Hear Your
Banjo Play." with Peter Seeger;
"Two Wagons Both Covered.”
featuring Will Rogers, and "La
ment." with Jose Linion.
Two showings, one at 7 p.m.
and one at 9 p.m., will be given.
University Co-op
on the
Emerald Women's Page
Sally Jo Greig and Marcia Mauney,
YWCA in 66 Countries
Celebrates Centennial
YWCA, the world's largest or
ganization of women and girls
with a Christian purpose, is cele
brating the 100th anniversary of
its founding this year.
Established in London in 1855.
the YWCA has since then spread
to sixty-six different countries,
with membership reaching the
millions. Membership in the
United States alone is estimated
at about three million women.
The Centennial celebration now
being observed affords all mem
bers of the world-wide organ
ization an opportunity to join in
rededication and reaffirmation
of the purpose of the 5’WCA.
Each individual student and
community group is pledged to
raise a certain amount of money
to contribute to the national
Birthday Gift to be used in
strengthening the program and
services of the organization. The
national goal is S5.000.000.
The University’s YW group is,
in the process of raising its
Students to Meet
For 'Y' Conference
All University students inter
ested in attending the regional
YW-YMCA conference at Seabeck
in June are fequested to meet &t
6:30 p.ni. today in Gerlinger.
Plans will be made for the skit
to be presented by the University
delegation to the conference.
Theme for the skit is the "Student
Christian Movement.-’ portraying
how the different^" groups in the
nation arc related. Miriam Yaalcr
is in charge of the meeting.
Mrs. Thatcher, Perkins
To Appear on Panel
Mrs. E. P. Thatcher, member
of Lane county fellowship for
Civic Unity, and Mrs. J. C. Perk
ms. acting head of the religion
department, will bo on a panel to
discuss the "New Testament and
Race Relations."
The panel will follow a 5:30
p.m. dinner at Westminster
house Wednesday evening.
$1000. Projects for this purpose
on the campus include the Sun
day night suppers for freshmen
women during winter term, pop
corn ball sales by the sophomore
cabinet members, and the shell
jewelry sale. More projects dur
ing fall term will complete the
drive for funds.
YW Sophomores
Sell Popcorn Balls
Popcorn balls will be sold today
and Thursday in living organiza
tions by the YWCA sophomore
cabinet, Kathy Thurston, chair
man of the project, announced
Psice will be 10 cents apiece,
with proceeds to go to the YWCA
centennial fund.
Must be poised, attractive, 21
to 27 years of age, in good
health, Inveshgate this oppor
tunity for an interesting and
varied career.
Who can qualify for our Flight
Engineer Training Program.
Need Commercial Pilot's Li
cense. No minimum hour re
quirements. Age limits are 21
through 28 years (to 30 with
additional qualifications). Ad
vancement to co-pi lot and
Appointment Through the
Graduate Placement Office
Handy to the Campus —
Corner of 13th and Patterson
Picnic Supplies
TILL 11:00 P.M.