Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    Big 4 Smile After Signing Treaty
BIG FOl'K FOREIGN MINISTERS and Austrian Foreljjn Minister Leopold I. center, smile
and wave from balcony of \ ienna’s Belvedere palace to thousands of people below after signing
Austrian independence treaty Sunday. Left to right are France's Antoine I’inay, Russia's it. M.
Molotov, Fisrl. Failed States' John Foster Dulles and Britain’s iiarold MacMillan. (Ai* Wire photo)
Navy Desires
Another Sub
Navy has advised a Senate-House
committee it is changing its new
budget to provide for an addi
tional atomic submarine. Sen.
Jackson < D-Wash * reported
This will mean a total of four
nuclear-powered submarines in
the budget for the fiscal year
starting July 1. instead of three
as originally planned.
8 Atomic Subs
Overall, it will eventually give
the Navy eight such atomic
craft. Four already have been1
authorized and one of these, the
Nautilus, now is undergoing its |
shakedown trials after a success
ful debut.
Jackson said the Navy also
was pushing ahead with plans!
fcr a nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier. He said there were indi
cations the Navy was making
good progress on a reactor to
provide the power to operate a
L*jSm Russia Race
The senator said he personally
believed the United States was
in a race with the Soviet Union
in this field, and that he was
“fearful” Russia soon would an
nounce it had developed nuclear
powered naval vessels.
Jackson heads a Senate-House
atomic energy subcommittee on
military applications which has
been conducting a series of se
cret hearings with top officials
of the armed forces.
Police Find
Passing pedestrians stared sus
piciously at the Coral Gables po
lice station Tuesday. The place
smelled like a distillery.
And no wonder. Inside, Sgt. F.
F. Brooks said it w-as virtually
rainingmoonshine liquor.
Brooks found a puddle of whitte
lightning beside his desk Tues
day morning. More was falling
from the ceiling. The powerful
odor filled the station and wafted
out into the streets.
Investigation disclosed that
moonshine in a 5 -gallon can
seized six weeks ago and stored
in the attic had eaten through
its metal container and was
leaking through the plaster.
Russians Prepare
Troop Withdrawal
VIENNA. Austria (APi Rus
sia appeared Tuesday to !>■ pre
paring to withdraw liei 44.OX)
occupation troops from Austria
almost immediately.
Austrian government quarters
reported several Russian com
manders in Soviet zone towns
had officially informed Austrian
police that local Soviet head
quarters would be closed within
a day or two.
The Big Four powers signed a
state treaty Sunday giving Aus
tria her freedom.
The pact does not actually
some into effect until it has been
ratified by the parliaments of
Austria and the Big Four. With
in 90 days after ratification.
70.000 Russian and Western oc
cupation troops are to be out
of the country.
Chancellor Julius Raab'3 cabinet
met Tuesday morning, approved
the 38-article treaty and decided
to send the text immediately to
Parliament for action.
Job Opportunities
A United Airlines representa
tive will be on campus Thursday
to recruit air line stewardesses
and flight engineers.
Men who have private pilot's
licenses are eligible for the train
ing program of United Airlines.
Men and women interested in in
terview appointments should
contact Karl Onthank, director
of graduate placement, in the
student affairs office in Emerald
It's 'Corporal' Now
For David Schine
ANCHORAGE. Alaska (An —
It's Corporal G. David Schine
The former aide to Senator
Joseph McCarthy and heir to a
hotel chain waa promoted from
private first class Monday along
with 24 other members of the
7lst Military Police company at
Ft. Richardson.
The extra stripe increases his
base pay front $99.77 a month
to $122.30.
Corporal Schine Is scheduled to
be rotated back to the states in
October and discharged in No
Soldier to Face
Abduction Charge
ASTORIA (APi-A 19-year
old AWOL soldier who was try
ing to “live off the land" with a
crossbow in the forested Coast
Range was accused Tuesday of
abducting a 7-year-old boy two
days ago.
The boy. Tommy Woodard, was
released this morning, and found
by searchers as he walked across
a field back toward his home ut
Elsie, a logging community 40 ‘
miles southeast of Astoria.
Residents quickly backtracked
to the pup tent where the boy
had been held and seized Wil
liam E. Kent, an AWOL private
from Ft. Campbell, Ky„ who has
a record of child molesting.
Young Tommy was apparently
unharmed, but about the time
Kent was turned over to police
an angry crowd of residents
+ Campus Briefs +
0 Catholic Mass will l>e held
at Sacred Heart hospital at 6
a.m. and 4:15 p.m.
0 Petitions for chairmanship I
of the University Religious coun- i
cil program for new student
week, fall term, are being called
for and should be turned into
the YMCA office in the Student
Union by 4 p.m. Friday.
0 All committee heads for
Mother's Weekend are to turn
in typewritten reports to Ann
Petterson at Carson hall by Fri
0 YWCA upperclass cabinet
will meet at noon today in Ger
linger hall. Anyone who cannot
attend is to call the YWCA of
0 A Sea beck Popcorn party
will be held in Gerlinger hall this
evening for all those who are in
terested in attending the sum
mer YWCA-YMCA conference.
The party is from 6:30 to 7:30.
0 Student traffic court will
meet tonight at 7:30 in the Stu
dent Union for those who would
like to appeal tickets.
0 University Young Demo
crats will hold elections for next
year's officers tonight in the Stu- j
dent Union at 6:30.
Want Ads
RATES: 4 Cent* per Word F1r»t ln»ertlon, 2 Conn per Word Thereefter.
If you nre married or fe
male and now paying more
than $30.40 a year for pub
lic liability and property
damage auto insurance re
newals, you are throwing
money down the drain. May
flower will give you PL. &
PD insurance for 515 20
per 6 months renewable.
Check your old policy today.
If you are paying a penalty.
your M A Y F L O W E R
AGENT before you renew.
Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or
stop in at 962 Oak street.
Modern convenient, two bed
room house, near Univer
sity. Fireplace, Elect, range.
Refrigerator, Garage, near
grade school, playground,
bus line. Food market. $80
mo. Phone 5-1297. 5-18tf
Lost: Slate-blue glasses with
rhinestone trim. In a red
case. Contact Beverly Bar
ker at 4-9318. 5-21
Costume and formal rentals,
all sizes. 239 Blast 14th
Phone 5-2662. 5-20
\\ K have openings for
I i \ I\ M F.X interested in
summertime insurance
work with guaranteed re
newal-. the rest of the
II IC.H KST commission
and expenses guaranteed
•luring training period.
Call or see C. K. Jack.
Pvratuid Life Insurance
Co. 210 Ardel Office-.
Telephone 3-2TT2. 51 Itf
I need three persons of high
caliber to work with com
pany opening new- office in
this area. Work from 4 till
10 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Apply room 10*1, 88f>
• Oak St. between 9 u in. and
3 p.m. 4-7-tf
for architect* office, adja
cent to campus. Girl must
be a good typist with pleas
ant disposition and neat ap
pearance. Phone 4-8-132, Mr.
Wilmsen for appointment.
TV Home and portable radio
service, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., 9
years TV experience, phone
Tele-tronics 3-5422. 1042
Oak Street. 5-17-tf
Yearly Wage Talk
Resumed Tuesday
DETROIT (APi General Mo
tors. Ford and the CIO United
Auto Workers went back to the
bargaining table Tuesday, with
Ford announcing it has "taken
no position as yet on the guaran
teed annual wage."
The UAW has made a year
around wage its No. 1 goal in a
new contract, and local unions
of both GM and Ford currently
are voting whether to strike to
support that demand. Locals re
porting thus far overwhelmingly
endorse a walkout, if necessary.
The Ford-UAW contract ex
pires May 24, GM's on June 7.
Today's Staff
Make-up Editor: Sam Vahey.
News Desk: Anne Hill and Anne
Copy Desk: Dorothy Griffith.
Night Staff: Claudia Wurtz and
Sanford Milkes.
Internal Auditor
Post Announced
The Civil Service commission
has announced an examination
for the job of internal auditor
in the post office department.
The jobs are located in Wash
ington, D.C., and in branch audit,
offices throughout the United
States. Wages for I ha job* are
from $4205 to $t*>i>0 a year.
No written test is required for
these positions. To qualify, ap
plicants must have had appro
priate experience, part of which
must have been in public ac
counting practice. Education,
college teaching of accountancy
or a CPA certificate may be sub
stituted for part of the required
general experience.
Applications must be filed with
the Bourd of P.S. Civil Service
Examiners, Departmental Per
sonnel Division, Post Office De
partment, Washington 25, D.C.
Friday, May 20th, is the
For Turning In your Cash Register
Receipts for Refund.
Please Leave Your Envelopes
At the Office.
‘the students OWN 5TORf:" .