Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1955, Image 1

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    5(>th ) car of Publication
NO. 188
Bostic's Band Plays
Here Wednesday Eve
Karl Bostic and his band will
present a concert at the Student
Union ballroom next Wednesday
The concert la sponsored by |
the Student Union board as a !
special attraction for Univcraity
Tickets will go on aale at the
SU main desk beginning Satur
day noon. Admiamon price ia 75
cents per ticket.
Only 1100 tickets will la- on
sole with students getting first
preference. After Tuesday eve
ning tickets will be available to
Bostic's last appearance was
in the Blackhawk in San Fran
leader of Ja/.z
Army Drill Team Wins
Award from Air Squad
The Army ROTC drill team
won a unanimous decision over
I he Air Force in Tuesday after
noon's drill competition for the
M-Sgt Walter Ledbetter award
Led by Herb West, the Army
unit looked sharp in all phases
of the dull demonstration, par
ticularly in the manual of arms
The losing Air Force team also
put on an outstanding perform
ance which can be shown by the
fact that none of the three judges
gave the Army a large margin of
victory in total points.
Drill Highlight
One of the highlights of the
drill was a stunt by the Air
Force team in which one of their
cadels marched «*ht of rank and
across the field as if he had not
heard a command. The Air Force
leader promptly pulled a pistol
and shot the cadet (with a blank
shell of course) and immediately
announced that the squadron
would accept petitions for a new
drill member.
The Army's win was its first
in the competition since the Led
better award was established last
year. The Air Force was victor
ious in the first contest.
Master Sergeant Walter Allen
is the non-commissioned officer
in charge of the Army drill team.
Warrants Issued
To Tardy Payers
Local motorists will not be
sent warning notices on unpaid
traffic tickets after May 21. At
that time warrants will be issued
| for tardy ticket payers, accord
: ing to Police Chief Vei n Hill.
A wanted list for people who
have delayed payment on park
ing tickets will be established.
The cars these people own will
be impounded until the tickets
are paid.
The Issuance of a warrant will
result in an additional charge of
' $5 and towing fees on towed
cars, Hill said.
Freshman Named
To Air Academy
Richard Ramsey, freshman in
mathematics, has been selected
as a member of the first class
of the new Air F'orce Academy,
which will open July 11 at Lowry
Air Base, Denver.
Ramsey was one of three Ore
gon students selected from 60
who took the competitive en
trance examinations. The class
consists of 301 students.
Ramsey received official noti
fication from Air Force offices
in Washington, D C.. Tuesday.
A graduate of Eugene high
school, Ramsey is a member of
Command Squadron, a
Hinkson Appoints
Three for Cabinet
The names of the three ap
pointive ASUO cabinet members
which will be presented to the
ASUO Senate Thursday night for
approval were announced at the
AWS Honors assembly Tuesday
afternoon by Bud Hinkson,
ASUO president.
Those named were Carol De
Vilbiss, campus social chairman;
Phil Lynch, athletic manager,
and Bob Maier, public relations.
J The appointment of Miss De
Vilbiss was recommended by the
AWS executive council. She will
serve as a member of that group, j
Lynch, who returned to the j
campus this term, was president
of Skull and Dagger last year. !
He also was elected Joe College.
Maier, a member of this year's
Senate, is chairman of the ASUO j
traffic couit. He is a member of ;
Druids and Skull and Dagger.
Ex-officio positions on the cab
inet will be filled by the AWS
president, Jane Bergstrom; Stu
dent Union board chairman, Em
erald editor, and ASL’O presi
dent Hinkson, and vice-president,
Sam Vahey.
Hinkson's plans for the cabinet!
include its use as an advisory
group. An executive committee
is to be appointed at a later date.
'Probability' Topic
Of Joint Seminar
George Polya, professor emer
itus of Stanford university, will
speak here Thursday at a sem
inar on the “Definition of Prob
This is the second of two sem
inars by Polya here sponsored
jointly by the University and
Oregon State college. Yesterday
faculty members and students
from the two schools heard
Polya speak on "From Elemen
tary Solid Geometry to Differ
ential Geometry.”
Students to Present Work
At Creative Arts Workshop
Jim Jones will be master of
ceremonies for Thursday night’s
Creative Arts Workshop pro
gram, to be held in the Student
Union ballroom at 7:30 p.m.
A radio drama, entitled “Bright
Lights and Heavy Hearts,” will
be directed by Jean Smith. It
was written by Joe Baldwin, and
has an alternate title of “Horace
McGregor's Problem.”
Members of the cast include
Bruce Holt, Gerry Chase, Loanne
Morgan, Patti McCann, Winston
Rust and Dan Frank. Bill Cook
will be engineer, with Chuck
Stauffacher doing sound effects.
Vocal Solos
"Last Year’s Doll,” composed
by Aileen Hudson, will be sung
by Clarissa Berning. Another
composition by Miss Hudson,
"Scherzo,” will be played by the
A short story by Bob Cham
bers, entitled “Finesse,” will also s
be presented.
“Quartet for Strings,” com
posed by Nelson Tandoc, will be
played by a string quartet com
posed of the author, Sharron Mc
Cabe, Willa Morris and Otto
A poem by Valeria Govig, "The
Indian Dead,” will be read be
fore intermission.
“Portions of Sleeping Beauty,”
with music composed by Rodney
Vlasak, was choreographed by
Zelda Mortimer. Accompanists
are to be Ronald Spicer and
Donna Brewer.
Fairy dancers will be Elinor
Cotey, Mimi Bean, Peggy Darr,
Sharon Ott, Susan Larson and
Patricia Epplett. Variations on
the Pas de Deux will be given
by Lynda Jones and Norman
Nancy Hagglund will be the
reader for a poem by JoAnne
Rogers, entitled “A Short Bi
ography of Mrs. X.”
Three poems, to be read by
Linda Shumaker, are by Allen
Reed. Sally Cummins and No
lene Wade.
Titles are “The Heart Can
Never Give Itself Wholly,’’ "An
Echo for Narcissus" and “Poem,”
by the three authors, respective
Progressive Jazz
Progressive jazz arranged by
Roger Middleton will be played
by Middleton's quintet. Members
besides the arranger are Glenn
Benner, Katie Taylor, Ray John
son and Bruce Patton.
All work in the program has
been done by University students
and is to be presented by stu
dents. Additional events for the
workshop include a literature ex-;
hibit, in the S.U. browsing room,
and an art exhibit which is dis
played in the art gallery.
Scholarships Awarded
At Assembly Tuesday
At the women's honors as
sembly held Tuesday many schol
arships were awarded to Oregon
Phi Theta Upsilon awarded
scholarships to Patricia Taylor,
Agnes Thompson, Carole Beech,
Oharlaie Parker and Jean Holz
Kwama scholarships were pre
sented to Doris Allen, Bonnie
Coons, Beverly Anderson, Ro
berta Guess, Tomiko and Sue
Quota club’s award was pre
sented to Harriet Horn beck and
Ihe Zonta club’s award was given
to Mary Claire Allen.
The Delta Delta Delta scholar
ship to an incoming junior went
to Beverly Bellarts, and the
scholarship to an incoming sen
ior was awarded to Pat McCor
The Carson cup which is given
r,ach year by the Portland Moth
er's club was given to Mary Sal
azar and the Hendricks hall citi
zenship plaque was awarded to
Geraldine Sabey.
First prize of the Peter Pau
per Press award went to Craig
Philips, and the second prize
went to Nancy Dunnington.
The Hazel Schwefimg scholar
ship went to Bonnie Bracken,
and the Janet Davis scholarship
was awarded to Lisa Hart.
The traffic court scholarships,
presented by Bob Maier, went to
Sandra Schori, Chuck Mitchel
more and Ronald Spicer.
A book award went to Jac
queline Saylor, presented by Al
pha Lambda Delta.
SU Board to Pick
Chairman Today
The Student Union Board will
meet today at 4 p.m. Both this
year’s and next year’s members
are to attend. Items on the
agenda include:
• Treasurer’s report
• Special attractions report
on Bostic concert
• Special events report
• Election of officers: chair
man, assistant chairman, direc
torate chairman, secretary and
0 Approval of personnel com
mittee members
Members are reminded to wear
dressy clothes.
Italian Author
Lecture Subject
Chandler Beall, professor of
romance languages, will lecture
on the Italian author Giovanni
Boccoccio tonight in the brows
ing room of the Student Union
at 7:30 p.m.
The lecture, entitled ''Boccac
cio,” will be mainly concerned
with the over-all literary char
acteristics om his main work, the
Decameron, and its importance
in the history of Italian litera
ture. Beall will also comment on
the author himself, outside of
the book.
Discussion leader for the lec
ture will be R. C. Gordon, assist
ant professor of English.
This will be the next to the
last lecture in the series of
browsing room lectures which
have been given this school year.
UO Rally Board
Picks Fourteen
The rally board selected four
teen semi-finalists from 35 who
tried out for rally girl last night.
Final tryouts and interviews for
the candidates will be Thursday
at 4 p.m. in the dance room on
the second floor at Gerlinger.
Women selected as semi-final
ists are Rue Anderson, Carolyn
Courtemanche. Bobbye Harris,
Frannie Heitkemper, Connie
Long, Shirley McLean, Evelyn
Nelson, Em Overhulse, Joan Pal
mer, Sue Ramsby, Cindy Randall,
Jean Singleton, Harriet Swanson
and Mary Helen Williams.
Candidates will wear pleated
skirts and sweaters for the final
tryouts and should be prepared
to give suggestions for next
year’s rally squad.
Rally Band
Rally board is now calling
for petitions for a rally band.
ASl’O forms will be used, and
all students interested are
urged to participate. Petitions
for this newly-initiated activ
ity will be due May 27 at 5 pan.
The board is especially inter
ested in groups or individuals
who are familiar with jazz and
Dixieland music.
Yell king was also selected
last night and a recommendation
has been submitted to the ASUO
Senate for approval. The king
will be announced in Friday’s
Emerald after the Senate meet
ing Thursday evening.
Final selections of rally girls
will be announced in Friday’s
Emerald also.
Nelson and Brookshire, DG
Win Bridge Tournamenf
Buzz Nelson and Ken Brookshire
were men's winners, and Mary
Wilson and Janet Sayre, playing
for Delta Gamma, were women’s
winners in the all-campus bridge
tournament held Tuesday night in
the Student Union.
The tournament, under the spon
sorship of the Student Union, waa
under the direction of Robert
Oarth, from Eugene bridge tour
naments. Campus chairman waa
Darlene Leland.
The tournament was held under
the duplicate bridge, or regular
tournament, arrangement. Win
ners will receive trophies.