Farewell MHH. ItKTn 40 MK IIAEU M, of Long Reach, Calif., way*, good-hye to Pretty Hoy, a pot parakeet, after « judge award ed temporary euntody of the hlrd to her estranged hiiwltand, tieorge, pending trial of their divorce suit. They had agreed on dlxNlon of otlier property, hut each wanted the Idrd. CM* \\ I re photo) Additional Witnesses To Testify on Power WASHINGTON (AP) A spokesman for a congressional committee investigating the ad ministration's public power poli cies indicated Monday that addi tional critical witnesses will be called to testify thia week. A reporter was told several more witnesses will be called before the House government operations sub-! committee hears interior depart ment officials defend their poli I Cies. The spokesman, a staff official 1 of the subcommittee, did not iden tify the prospective witnesses. As a result of the decision to call additional witnesses and a one-day postponement of th<- date for re sumption of the hearing, two in terior officials probably will not be heard until next week. Hearlr g Resume* Thursday The hearing, which recessed last. Thursday, will resume Thursday instead of Wednesday. The date was changed to avoid a conflict with a meeting of the full commit tee. Masten G. White, interior de partment solicitor under the Tin man administration, is expected —j China Premier Offers To Renew Negotiations TOKYO (API Premier Chou En-Lm of Red China has reaf firmed his offer to negotiate the touchy Formosa issue hut has accused the United States of de laying talks by evasive and puzzling responses, Peiping, radio said Tuesday. The official Chinese Red ra dio, in a broadcast heard here, said Chou renewed his offer Fri day in a feport on the Bandung Asian-African conference to Red China’s National congress. President Eisenhower said at a news conference on April 27 that the United States would be glad to talk with the Chinese Communists on a Formosa cease fire. Chou's Report In a sweeping report, Chou also: 1. Insisted that U.S.-Red China talks on Formosa must exclude Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist government. 2. Accused the United States of "intensifying its active prepara tion for new wars." 3. Demanded a seat in the U.N. and charged that the United States had “manipulated'' reso lutions in that body. 4. Charged that "certain per sons" sought at the Bandung meeting in April to “confuse the objective of the Asian and Afri can peoples in their struggle Hgainst colonialism.” It was at Bandung that Chou first made his offer to negotiate with the United States on For mosa. He described U.S. responses as "evasive and equivocal.” Four days before President Ei senhower responded to Chou’s Bandung offer, the state depart ment laid down a set of condi- < tions for U.S.-Red China talks on Formosa. U.S. Conditions It said Red China first must agree that the Nationalists could sit in; demonstrate sincerity by agreeing in advance on an imrae- j diate cease-fire in Formosa ! Strait; release imprisoned U.S. ! airmen and civilians; accept a | U.N. invitation to talk over ways to end hostilities permanently in j the Formosa are^. Eisenhower in effect overruled all the state department condi- ! tions. He said Nationalist China would not have to be present. In commenting on Chou's new est offer, officials in Washing ton said the United States is seeking to find out what the Chinese Red Premier has in mind. Lacking diplomatic relations with Communist China the United States has encouraged volunteer mediators such as Brit ain, the Scandinavian countries. India and Pakistan in its quest, the authorities said. to complete his attach or the present department's power poli cies Thursday. Presumably he will be followed by the presently unidentified witnesses. Undersecretary of Interior Clarence A. Davis and Regional Solicitor .lames D. Ceissinger of Denver will be next. Changes Hurt Davis and Ceissinger will be Questioned about interior depart ment regulation changes which former interior officials testified would help private power com panies and hurt rural electric co-operatives and public bodies which depend on low-cost federal power. Among regulations repealed last year was one requiring that surf lus capacity of private traris miss’on lines crossing public lands be made available for the "wheeling” of federal power to tin co-operatives and other pre ferred customers. The subcommittee spokesman said Cemsinger would be ques tioned about a memorandum he wrote last year commenting on regulation changes proposed by private utilities. Some of the pro posed changes were approved hv interior. Dtt U.S. Olympic Teams seed your support WE MOST BE THERETO WJ* 1 I Send a contribution to U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM FUND Ml Nortk MicWta Aw.. Chitiji 11. Bak By *ppc*ntm*r.t ptuwyoft o» to*p to III* l*t* Kin| Geoijt VI. Y»idl«y X Co, lid , louden Yardley brings you a new feeling of well-being— London style The way to arrive at litis happy slate, gentlemen, is to use \artlley Alter Shower Powder morning and night. Here is a cooling, masculine body powder—conceived in England and now made in America —which has a special drying action effective in the muggiest weather. Its deodorant properties are invaluable. At \ our campus store. $1.10 pins tax. Makers and distributors for 1 . S. A., Yardley of London. Inc.. New \ork. Journalism Group To Honor Students Award# for the outstanding freshman wrrman and outstand ing sophomore woman in jour nalism will he presented by Theta Sigma Phi. women's journalism honorary, at a coffee hour at |6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Allen loom of Alien hall. Several women also will he tapper; for membership by the ' ;;roup during the coffee hour. ! The meeting will be open to any [women interertec! in journalism. Why do more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette? BECAUSE ONLY VICEROY GIVES YOU A PURE, NON-MINERAL, NON-TOXIC FILTER WITH 20,000 FILTER TRAPS IN EVERY FILTER TIP! 1. 2. 3. Yes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,000 tiny filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering action in any other cigarette. Resides being non-mineral and non-toxic, this cellu lose-acetate filter never shreds or crumbles. The Viceroy filter wasn’t just whipped up and rushed to market to meet the new and skyrocketing demand for filtered cigarettes. Viceroy pioneered. Started research more than 20 years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. 4 Smokers en masse report that filtered Viceroys have • a finer flavor even than cigarettes without filters. Rich, satisfying, yet pleasantly mild. 5 Viceroy draws so easily that, you wouldn’t know, • without looking, that it even had a filter tip'. . . and Viceroys cost only a penny or two more than ciga rettes without filters! That’s why more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette ... that's why VICEROY is the largest-selling filter cigarette in the world! 20,000 TINY FILTER TRAPS plus Richer, Smoother Flavor