Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Army and Air Force
Units to be in Parade
With nine armed forces units
on hand, Saturday's A cm ad
Forces Day Parade. including
Air Force aiul Army ROTC ca
rets ami personnel from the
campus, will lie one of the largest
ever held in Kugen<‘.
The parade will be held In con
junction with the Register
Guard-sponaoml Pet Parade.
Armed tureen units will lead the
line of march, beginning at to
am., turning onto Willamette
Street. from Broadway and
marching north on Willamette to
As an added feature n flight
Cosmo Club
Plans Dinner
A Chinese dinner will be given
Finlay night by Cosmopolitan
Club. Following the dinner will
be a program of music arid folk
Dress for the dinner in serni
form.-ti or national costumes.
Tickets are now on sale for $1
in either th<- YWCA office in
Gerlinger hall or the Y.Y1CA of
fice in the Student Union. Tick
ets must be purchased by Wed
The dinner will begin’at 8 p.m.
at the Plymouth house.
Campus Calendar
Noon Soph Honors Com 110 SU
Sinf 111 SU
Pst Chi 112 SU
Drama Staff 113 SU
Rally Bd 302 SU
1 00 Awards Asbly Ballrm SU
■1:00 Pi Lambda Theta
Dadsrm SU
6:30 SU Brdg Tourn 213 SU
Rally Sijd Tryouts
Get! Annex
7 00 IVCF Film 123 SCI
Christian Sri Gerl 1st FI
7:30 Yeomen 313 SU
I of three Air Force F H{) jet fight
ers will fly over the city at 10
a m. One of them will land at
Mahlon-Sweot airport and be on
j display until 3:30 p.m.
Order of I'urude
The marching order is Spring
field high school band. Marine
Corps Reserve, Naval Reserve,
Eugene high school band, Army
Reserve, National Guard, ROTC
units (with bands/, Veterans
groups. Ground Observers and
Civil Defense, Gobi Star Mothers, I
and other "patriotic group*."
The ROTC order of march is
Army ROTC Little Colonel,
Army ROTC Band. Army Corps
of Cadets, Army Drill Team,!
Massed Colors, Air Force Drill
Team, Air Force Little Colonel,
Air Force ROTC Band, Air Force
ROTC Wing.
Agriculture Major
Named OSC Editor
Lattic, Medford, last Saturday
was named editor and Robert C.
Scott, Salem, business manager,
j of the Barometer, Oregon State,
j college student daily newspaper.:
Lattle, a junior in agriculture,
; has been news editor the past
year. Scott, a junior In business
■ and technology, has been adver
tising manager in charge of na-;
II tonal advertising.
The appointments were made
| by the publications committee.
Emerald Petitions
Due This Week
Petitions for the editor and
business manager positions on
j next year's Emerald are being j
| called for this week.
Deadline for submitting the
petitions is Friday at 5 p.m. They
should be turned in at 308 Allen, j
The Publications board will
meet at 7 p.m. May 24 to choose
the two executives.
Papers Read
At Joint Meet
On Psychology
Two instructors and one grad
uate Ktudent from the psychol
ogy department presented papers
at a Joint meeting of State of
Washington and Oregon Psycho
logical associations, held at the
University of Portland May 13
and 14.
Allen Parducci, instructor, and
Kenneth Brookshire, graduate
student, collaborated on “Figural
After-effect with Tachistoscopic
Presentations." Parducci also
gave a paper on the “Direction
of Shift in the Judgment of
Single Stimuli.”
Norman Sundberg, assistant
professor of psychology, dis
cussed the “Estimation of In
telligence by Interview and by
New president-elect of the
Oregon Psychological association
is I>*ona Tyler, associate profes
sor of psychology here.
Six staff members and 10
graduate students from the Uni
versity attended the conference.
Teams to Compete
For Drill Trophy
Today at 2 p.m. the Army and
Air Force ROTC drill teams will
compete for the Master Sergeant
Walter Ledbetter trophy, award
ed annually to the winning group.
The Air Force drill team will
perform first, followed by the
Army team. The judges decision
and the awarding of the trophy
will complete the ceremony.
M-Sgt. Ledbetter donated the
trophy last year. It was won by
the Air Force drill team then.
Judges for the event will be
Captain Gordon Lippman, Cap
tain John O'Connell and Major
Charles Wiper, officers of local
reserve units.
+ Campus Briefs +
• Henry Granat, Tong Cheah,
James Shull, L'-e Stothcra, Mar
lene Perry, Mary Ann Mowery,
Betty Jean Waters, Barbara
Dahl, Donna Peterson and Jane
Ann Abelaon were confined to
the infirmary over the weekend
for medical attention, according
to hospital records. No visitors
are allowed on the second floor.
0 The rally board will meet
tomorrow in the Student Union
at noon.
• Old and new Phi Theta l.'p
silons are to sit together at the
honors assembly today.
£ Theta Sigma Phi, women’s
journalism honorary, will meet
Prior Claim'
To Be Shown
“The Prior Claim,” a 45-min
ute sound-color movie, will be
shown tonight at 7 in the sci
ence building auditorium.
The film, which is being spon
sored by the Inter-varsity Chris
tian fellowship, was produced by
the Moody Institute of Science
in Los Angeles. It deals with a
comparison of the modem day
inventions of man and the lower
forms of animal life and attempts
to show that the two operate on
the same principles.
The movie is open to all fac
ulty members and students and
there is no admission charge.,
Tryouts Tonight
For Rally Squad
Rally Squad tryouts will be
held tonight at 6:30 in Gerlinger
annex for both men and women
Girls trying out for the squad
are to wear shorts and wrill dance
to the Oregon Fight song.
The men are to give one yell
of their choice and then give the
D-U-C-K chant.
at 6:15 tonight in the Allen
j room, Allen hall, to discuss
membership and awards.
0 Episcopal students will cele
brate Holy Communion at 7 a.m.
Wednesday at Oerlinger hall.
Breakfast will be served.
0 The AH'S Cabinet will meet
today at 12:15 in the Student
| Union.
0 The YWCA executive com*
i rnittee will meet at noon today in
i Gerlinger hall.
Have Your
Made for
All Occasions
Father's Day
Your Wedding
Please Phone 4-3432
1214 Kincaid
ON the Campus
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