Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Floats Sail Down Millrace
For First Time in 14 Years
U. tmtinued from pm/c niir)
Th« "Float of Hongs" was built
by Higinu Nu, Phi Sigma Kappa
and Alpha Delta Pi and took the
third place trophies. It featured
a music staff background with
colored notes and mimical in
atrumentM all over the float.
The children of the audience
especially enjoyed the float,
"Babes in Toyland," which fea
tured three "babes” riding a
merry-go-round. Ked and yellow
topped the carousel and the
horses were black and white. Al
pha Tau Omega. University
house and Kappa Kappa Gamma
built the float.
The King and Queen of Hearts
were holding Alices trial on the
"Alice In Wonderland" float,
built by Theta Chi, Delta Zeta
and Orides, Cards appeared in
the background while standing
on the float were the Mad Hal
ter. the Hare and Alice standing
before the King and Queen.
Any wishes could be made as
the next float passed by. Alad
din's lamp with a huge geni ris
ing from it portrayed the famous
"Arabian Knight*" tale. At the
base of the gold lamp sat Aladdin
with two young maidens.
The highest float in the group
was the scroll representing the
Campus Briefs
• Tin' Journal Huh of the
department of foreign language*
will hold it* spring term meet
ing Tuesday night at 8 at the
Faculty Hub. Herman Cohen, an
nuitant professor of speech, will
apeak on “Hugh Blair. Theorist
and Historian of Eloquence."
• Infirmary patients Friday,
according to hospital records,
were: Marge Melum, Betty Jean
Walter*. Marlene Perry, Larry
Kotl, Jack Pocock, James Shull
and Lee Stot hers.
0 Theta Sigma Phi, women’*
Journalism fraternity, will meet
at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday jn the Allen
ioom, Allen hall.
Senior in Business
Wins Book Prize
Howard Peterson, senior in
business administration, has been
awarded the Oregon Slate So
ciety of Certified Public Account
ant's prize foi outstanding work
in the accounting school.
The award consists of $50
Worth of professional books of
the winner’s choice. Announce
ment of Peterson’s award was
made Friday by Norman Swan
son, president of the society.
Violin, Piano Recital
Presented Tuesday
Robert Groth, violinist, and
Varda Ullman, pianist, will be
presented in a Sonata Recital by i
tlie school of music on Tuesday:
night at 8 in the school of music
Their numbers will include
“Fugue in G minor,” by Bach,
and Klaus Egge’s 1932 "Sonata."
Also to be presented will be
“Sonata." by Dubussy, and “So
nata, Opus 12, No. 1," by Beet
Embrace, Driving
Cost Junior 'Five'
It’.nl Anderson, junior in busi
ness, found out recently it
doesn’t |>ay to mix other pleas
ures with driving;.
According to Eugene politic
records, Anderson was fined
five dollars early tills month
for “driving while in an em
Bill of Right* built'by Delta Thu
Delta, Alpha Chi Omega and
Delta Upsilon. A Bible in the
light hand corner represented
freedom of religion.
At the left was a radio micro
phone representing freedom of
speech, and in the lower corner
was a pen representing freedom
of the press. A solid white back
ground with gold lettering and
gold edging on the scroll made
the float very colorful and im
The last competitive float went
down the race to the strains of
"School Days" as it portrayed
the problem new freshmen at
the University must face. A large
green dragon, grinning from ear
to car, wore a graduation cap
ami a bright red tie a* he looked
at the blackboard which had
"Welcome Kreahmen, English
Comp. Ill," written on it. Phil
adelphia house, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Delta Gamma and Rebec
house, built the float.
Rlpha hall and Delta Delta
Delta came through with - the
comic float which allegedly was
entitled "Up the Muddy Mill
race." Feature attraction of the
float was Len Calvert sitting in
a bathtub pulled behind the float.
He was bathing in "pure infec
tious hepititus” water.
Robin H. Nel.-on, author of the
Fete’s theme song, presented the
trophies to the winning houses.
Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats
Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream
OPEN' FROM 9 A.M. Til | si P.
13th at High St. Dial 4-1342
Campus Leaders To Be Honored
The ASUO cabinet for next
year will be announced at the
AWS Honors assembly to be bold
at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Student
Union ballroom.
Bud Hinkson, ASUO president,
will act as master of ceremonies
at the assembly, the first of its
kind to be held on the Oregon
campus. The assembly. spon
sored by AWS, is designed to
honor campus leaders. Leader
ship awards and scholarships wi0
be- announced at this time.
Anwonc wishing’ to mak" an
award at this assembly should
contact Jeanne Scales, chairman
of the event, at Alpha Chi Ome
Friday, May 20th, is the
For Turning In your Cash Register
Receipts for Refund.
Please Leave Your Envelopes
At the Office.
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