Many Dead, Missing in Collision • _ mu* w • PASSENGERS, MOST OF THEM CHILDREN, jump and slide off the dis ks of the Japanese ferry Shuin Marti as it sinks shortly after collision with another ferry in Japan’s Inland Sea (May 11). Divers have recovered 138 bodies. Still missing are 60 persons. A total of 773 were rescued. Includ ing 31 injured. This pk'ture was made by an amateur photographer aboard ferry I'daka Marti which collided with the Shuin Maru. (AP Wire photo) Crack, Bang, Rumble End 1955 Nevada Bomb Series <•: LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) — A mighty “crack, bang and rumble” * just before dawn Sunday wound up the 1955 atomic test series. Supersonic planes participated for the first'~time. The 14th and final nuclear shot at 4 a.m. i PST i lighted the west ern sky. It appeared as strong or stronger than the preceding. Adenauer's Men Win in Germany , MAINZ. Germany (APi — Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's Christian Democrats help the new freshmen get ac quainted when they arrive in the fall. Additional information may be obtained from Joan Kraus. 4- 1739. or Shirley Parinenter. 5- 9090. 50 million times a day at home, at work or on the way L There’s nothing like a I 1. SO BRIGHT IN TASTE... nothing like it for sparkling, tangy goodness. 2. SO QUICKLY REFRESHING... 1 nothing like it for it bracing bit of energy, !’ with as few calories as half an average, juicy grapefruit. I BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMEANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF EUGENE 2000 Franklin Blvd. "Coke" is o registered trade-mark. C IMJ, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY