Webfoot Gridders Set Preview Clash Today By Buzz Nelson Emorild Attitfant Sports Editor Oregon grid fans will see tt "new" Oregon football team to day when Coach Iquad in conjunction with the varsity meet today on Hayward field. The two freshman teams will run at the same time as the Otegon-OSC track squads with the meet slated to begin at 1:30. Coach Hilbert Lee’a freshman tenni s team will also go against its Kook rival today with a match scheduled for the OSC courts at 10 a m. Both the Duek and Beaver varsities will al io be playing at the same time at Corv&llis. Morris Leads Trackster* The Brush tracksters will be led by sprinter-hurdler Jack Mor i is, who is the leading fullback candidate on the varsity foot ball team. Morris is an air force veteran who last week ran the low hurdles in 23.3, a mark ex ceeded by only one athlete in the nation this year. The Rooks will b>* led by high-jumper Wayne Moss, who has topped the 6'4” mark. Lee will probably use his usual lineup in the tennis match with the Kooks. This would include Stan Kalapus, Marv Woods, Stewart Jone*^ Brian Booth. Don Robinson and Phil Lowthian. The Rooks' top man is Gary Boedig heimer. Southern California has won the Pacific CfTast conference track title 14 times in a row. Oregon last won in 1924 its only fust place finish. HEAD EMERALD WANT ADS | faces n mighty rebuilding Job : for 1 Ofifi, with eight regulars gone from last. year’s team that finished with a 6-4 record on the season and 5-3 in the Pacific Coast conference. For today’s scrimmage the 60-odd men out for spring foot ball, minus those on the In jury list, will split Into two teams. The first unit — the protaihle starting eleven for 1955—will likely team with the fourth unit and they will faro another group made up of the second and third elevens. Under PCC rulen, teamn are 1 : allowed only 20 days of practice and the Ducks have benefttted i from recent fine weather. Cas- : Hrfiova has called thia springs' practice the moat "enthusiastic” | in yeara and ia expecting great i things from the youngsters who will step in for the departed veterans. I The biggest hole in the lineup was left by the departure of quarterback George Shaw, a four-year regular, and the Na tional offense leader in 1951. At present, Tom Crabtree, who play er! halfback last season, is being groomed for Shaw's spot. Back ing up Crabtree are Wally Rus sell anrl John Keller, who plays shortstop for baseball Coach Don Kirsch, which keeps him out of spring football. At fullback all three letterman Jasper McGee. Larry Rose, an'! Dean Van Leuven are gone, but speedy Jack Morris, a four-year air force veteran, is counted on to carry Lhu load. * The halfbacks size up as Dick James, top PC< scorer in 1954, and either Jim Shanley or l>-Itoy Phelps. James w ill l>e unable to play in today's game, due to an arm injury. Chuck Osborn, another half back, will miss the game be cause of a bail foot, as will Jack Pocock, Keanous Coch rane, Dick Pavlat, and Steve Danchoek, alt out with injuries. In the line the Ducks will be missing the services of such stalwarts as Jack Patpra, Ron Phiester, Hal Reeve, Keith Tuck er and Dick Mobley. Phil McHugh is back at end after a brilliant sophomore year and pairings with him will be either Bruce Brenn, Bill Tarr, J. C. Wheeler, or Mel Flohr. Captain Lon Stiner and Harry Johnson are back at tackle. John son moving in for Tucker. Be hind these two are Chuck Austin, Hal Duffy, John Raventos and Jerry Kerschner. Cochrane returns at guard but will miss today's scrim mage. The other guard posi tion is a battle, with Spike ilillstrom Inning a slight edge. Welcome Back Mothers and Dads! WE'RE GLAD TO SEE YOU! Have a Good Time . . . and Stop In and See Us at CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR On Campus Edge . . . 13th Near Alder A gap was left at center with the graduation of Phiester. Art Weber, Nick Marculis, Norm Chapman and Pocock are fight ing for the Job, but Pocock will miss the scrimmage because of illness. Assisting head coach Casano va, who will start his fifth year on the Oregon campus, will be Jack Roche, assistant coach; John McKay, backfield coach and Bill Hammer, freshman coach. Cine Coach Vern Sterling has ac cepted another coaching position and a replacement will be ob tained for him during the sum mer. Oregon Netmen Schedule OSC Oregon's tennis team invades Corvallis today for a final North ern Division dual match with the Oregon State Beaver squad. The Webfoots, now holding second spot in the division stand ings behind perennial champion Washington, posted two triumphs last weekend when they trounced both Idaho and Washington State. Losers only to the Washington Huskies in match play, the Ducks edged Coach Irwin Harris' OSC performers in an earlier match in Eugene. A doubles victory by Dick Gray and Dick Hamil ton provided the winning margin for Lee's forces by a 6-3, 6-3 margin. In other results in the first match, Ron Carlson of the Ducks defeated sophomore Norm Mer rill of OSC. 7-4. 1-6, 7-5: Pete Overton of the Staters took Bob Baker, 3-6, 6-1, 7-5; Gray beat another State sophomore, Bob Jensen, 6-3. 6-3; Hamilton lost to Emory Keolanui, 4-6, 6-4, 8-6 and Don Bonime of the Ducks lost to Dick Jacobson, 6-3, 6-4. Second-year men Merrill and Jensen are expected to spark the Beavers again, with Jacobson, Overton and Keolanui in sup porting roles. Merrill teams with Jensen and Jacobson with Over ton in usual doubles tandems. The regular first five men are looked for in the Oregon camp, with Carlson and Baker in one dobles team and Gray and Ham ilton or Bonime in the other. Treat Yourself to a Smorgasbord Dinner While You're On Campus. 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