History of Awards To Juniors Told By Mollie Monroe Emerald Reporter Junior Weekend, with it.s tra ditions and fun, Is Riven added importance by the presentation of three annual awards to out standing juniors. These three are the Gerlinger Cup. the Koyl Cup, and the Maurice Harold Hunter Leader ship scholarship. The Gerlinger Cup Is given each year to the junior woman who has been an "all-around'' asset to the University. The re cipient of this honor has the best combination of scholarship, activities, achievement, and per sonality in her class. The rotating cup is given by Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, of Portland, a former regent of the University. She was very promi nent in campus affairs, and it is she for whom Gerlinger Hall is named. The woman who receives this trophy is selected by a committee of faculty, Kugene and student women. It was first given in 1918. The Koyl Cup is given annual ly to the most outstanding jun ior man. The standards for se lection are similar to those for the Gerlinger Cup. The Maurice Harold Hunter Leadership scholarship is pre sented each year to the Junior man who has contributed most through his own achievements and good example, to positive leadership in his class. The schol arship covers full tuition. The recipient's name is en graved on a permanent plaque which is displayed in the Brows ing room in the SU. The schol arship is made possible through 7 gifts to the University by Hon orary Chancellor and Mrs, Fred erick Maurice Hunter, and Ur and Mrs Arthur Francis Hunter. The scholarship is given in honor of their son and brother, respec tively. Captain Maurice Harold WelcomeMom Hunter, rlasa of 11H1, who wax killed in action in Burma, Janu ary 31, 1945. ^^'HAVI YOUR 't our portrait i> the jHTfrrl oift for lho»r sim‘ t'ial people on your list. So make your appoint* nienl today. The Campus Favorite Genuine 4-Season All Colors White Natural Mint Charcoal Navy Jackets We Give Gold Arrow Stamps From I mu; on < utfittmis 61 E. Broadway We Redeem Gold Arrow Stamps AND BEST OF ALL a can a vox RADIOS PHONOGRAPHS That* Inttrumontt ail feature two front- mounted Eitrnded raaqe Speokert.// f ha DUOSONIC Thrilling new Big-Set" coniole performance • Super-ielective 8-tube Chaim • Powerful High-Fidelity Amplifier • 3-Gang Condcnjer Tuner • Wide-Band, Sharp Tuning Switch • Variable Treble Control • Acouitical Wood Cabinet • Plug-in Phono-jack. In lovely decorator colon only $£,7.SO The MUSIC MASTER Incorporates all features of the Playfellow (above) with powerful 8-tube AM Radio, undistorted audio output, lharp, full-range tuning and continuously variable treble control. In mahogany only (wrought iron leg^ optional) June it Gift Monthl For Brides, Graduation, Father’i Day or Annivertariet . . . the fineit gift of e1! it a magnificent Magnavcr ID I Fidelity Radio cr Pr.;r.;-rooh. /O') l The PLAYFELLOW Automatic High-fidelity Phonograph Two Speaker* • High-Frequency Sound Diffuiert • Powerful High-Fidelity Amplifier • 3-speed Automatic Changer • Dual-tipped Sapphire Stylus • Beautiful acoustical Wood Cabinet. Pnc#« begin «t only $99 50 *ID E*c,Miive Magnqvox Integrated Design for Sound Perfection Graves Music and Art 1235 Willamette Phone 4-9252