Weekend Movies Offer Diversion By Bob Ross Emerald Reporter All education majors should doff their latest research proj ect, don their best double-breast ed suits, and dash to the Heilig to see “The Blackboard Jungle" this weekend. This superb audio visual aid depicts the problem of juvenile delinquency in an American city high school. The problem is solved by a typ ical education school graduate (Glenn Ford), who of course stresses the seven cardinal prin ciples as well as the four basic aims of education. He provides the maladjusted pupils with a learning experience which integrates them with the school program and prepares them for a more wholesome life in the democratic society. Louis Calhern is good as a veteran Kfeacher who is slowly dying from chalk dust. Acting as students are several real-live Los Angeles high school stu dents. Even though the film is a little preachy, it does zealously attack a very real problem. Caron Shows Forehead This week end at the McDon ald Leslie Caron’s forehead may be seen for the first time in “Daddy Long Legs.” Without her bangs. Miss Caron traipses through this plotless, musical, danceful, colorful, and comical rcra I * M Doors Open at 12:45 Now Showing i A SHOCK STORY of Hoodlum* in High School* 1 Glenn FORD Arm FRANCIS Loots CALHERN Also Charles Boyer 'The Happy Days' Now thru Sat., May 14 2 British Films ‘Heart of the Matter’ —Also— “An Inspector Calls” Starts Sun., May 15 Top British Film “The Holly and the Ivy” Starts Wed., May 18 It is Earthy, Sexy and Funny! “Bread, Love and Dreams” Italian Film film with Fred Astaire. The story concerns a wealthy, mid dle-aged American (Astaire), who sends a young French or phan (Miss Caron) through col lege. There will be sex at the Rex Friday and Saturday when "Mambo" is shown. A deep psy chological prober, it is the ex alting story of a slum girl (Sil vana Mangano) who has un pleasant (and unmentionable) experiences with a count (Mi chael Rennie) instigated by her boy friend (Vittorie Gassman). Lifting poor Silvie from this abyss is Shelley Winters who adds her to her mambo troupe. Miss Mangano finds forgetful ness and healing for her wound ed soul in the absorbing world of the mambo. This movie is not recommended for the children. Greene N ovel Filmed Playing Friday and Saturday at the Mayflower is "The Heart of the Matter.” a distinguished and somtimes disappointing at tempt to film Graham Greene's 1948 novel. Portraying a human mind’s struggle with religion, it sometimes gets into messy theo logical tangles. However, the acting is superb with Trevor Howard as the cen tral character, who is striving with sin and salvation and such things, Elizabeth Allan as his wife who does not struggle with much of anything, and his girl friend, Vienna-born Maria Schell, who starts all of the strife. Set in British West Africa, the skilled photography catches the tumultuous mood of the tropi cal port. fijt- THE EUGENE SCREEN Ends Sat. Show Starts At Dink ROCK HUDSON | BARBARA RUSH MORROW IndTopHitl HOUSE; Mmti 9m UMT£0 ARTISTS TWO TOP SUNDAY SHOW STARTS M _ MINT »Y TECHNICOLOR ('^CHARCOAL -BROILtTJ /3 HAMBURGERS '/f l$-u.s'Choke ground Cm'K, ^ ^ J $«/ *"'/* ,Y >[ 9 9 Movie Schedule FIRST RUN FILMS HEILIO. Runs through Wed., ltlack ln*ard Jungle. 3:10, 6:50, 10:30; Happy Tunc. 1 :30. 5:15. 8:55. MCDONALD. Fri. %n<\ Sun., Daddy Long Leg*, 1 :10. 5 : 111. 9 ?20 ; Stranger's Hand, 3 :30, 7 :35. Sat., Daddy Long Legs. 2:45, 6:50, 10:50; Stranger’s Hand. 1, 5,9:05. MAYFLOWER. Fri„ Sat., The Heart of the Matter, 7. 10:20; An Inspector Calls, 9. Starts Sun., Holly and the Ivy, 2, 3:55, 5 :50. 7:45. 9:40. REX. Fri., Sat.. Mambo, 1 40. 4 :40. 7:40, 10:40; Air Strike, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9 :30. SECOND RUN FILMS FIRS. Fri . Sat.. Return to Treasure Is land, 7. 10:05; Apache, 8:34. Starts Sun.. Jupiter’s Darling, 5, 8:33; The Long Wait, 6:55, 10:26. LANE, Fri., Sat., Sun., World for Ransom. Dawn at Socorro. McKENZIE, Fri., Sat., The Racers, Out law’s Daughter. Starts Sun.. A Man Called Peter, Yellow Mountain. REX. Starts Sun., Call North side 777, 2:40, 5:30, 10:20; Where Sidewalks End. 1. 4; 50. 8 :40. VARSITY. Fri.. Sat., Sun.. Clanghusters, Fast and Furious. DRIVE-IN THEATERS (Show starts at dusk) CASCADE DRIVE-IN (Springfield) Fri., Sat., Sun., Dragnet, Scarlet Spear. EUGENE DRIVE-IN. Fri., Sat . Captain Lightfoot. Big House CSA. Starts Sun., Hit the Deck, Jessie James Woman. MOTOR-VU DRIVE-IN (Springfield) Fri., Sat., Green Fire, Never Let Me Go. Starts Sun., On the Waterfront, Flame of Calcutta. NORTH-END DRIVE-IN. Rims through Tue*., The Long Gray Line, Jungle Man-Eaters. aCiitenina ~3n ...On KWAX Friday 91.1 mgs. 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News Till Now 7:00 Chicago Roundtable 7:30 Senator Morse Speaks 7:45 Letter From Italy 8:00 French in the Air 8:15 Public Health Series 8:30 Navy Bandstand 8:45 Guest Star 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:55 Final Edition 11:00 Sign Off Sub-Chairmen of Workshop Named Sub-chairmen for the Creative Arts Workshop, to be held Thursday in the Student Union ballroom at 7:30 p.m., have been announced by general co-chair men Sally Calkins and Dick Frear. Dance chairman is Lisa Hart, and the music chairman is Willa Morris. Nancy Hagglund is pub licity chairman, and Jean Smith is in charge of the drama section. Ruth Lear is exhibits chair man, and in charge of literature are Valerie Govig, Lawrence Kott and Mary Ann Mowery. The program will consist of original student work, and an exhibit in the browsing room will also be held in conjunction with the Workshop. READ EMERALD WANT ADS » wL THEATRE Kiddies Pla^qiourui 'none 4 0429 ^ -.99 N.„laMi. No.of Over Ends Tue. May 17 Johnny Weissmuller -i JUNGLE JIM ' Jungle Man eaters I Tyrone POWER Maureen O'HARA THE LONG I Technicolor A COLUMBIA PlCTUft Shakespeare Festival Offers Realistic Setting The Oregon Shakespearean 1 Festival in Ashland presents nightly during August a reper j toire of Shakespeare's plays so I that the visitor may stay four ! days in Ashland and see four different plays. This season's schedule is "Mac 1 beth", "A Midsummer Night's Dream”, ''All's Well That Ends Well," and "Henry VI, Part III." In addition the seldom-produced "Timon of Athens” will be play ed two nights. Before the regular perform 1 unce, which berths ut 8:30, au dience members may enjoy the j Tudor Fair with its Elizabethan music and dances. .Single admis sions for the entire performances are $2.40. $1.80, and $1.20. Played in the open air. on a reproduction of the Fortune Theatre of Shakespeare’s own • day, the uncut versions flow un interupted by scene-breaks or intermissions. The productions are embellished by brilliant cos tumes, decor and properties es sential to the action. X DRIFTWOOD Featuring Delicious Dinners for MOM or DATEI • STEAK • CHICKEN • SEAFOOD Open Weekdays—11 A.M. to 11 P.M. Open Friday and Saturday—11 A.M. to 2 A.M. Sunday—11 A.M. to 11 P.M. For Reservations, Call 51st and McKenzie Highway in Springfield SWIM NOW Daily—Noon to 11 p.m. and Sunday all summer long New 30' Water Slide BENTON LANE POOL Hiway 99W 4 Mi. N. Junction City Phone 8*2836 WELCOME TO OREGON'S Junior Weekend from The NEW LYNWOOD CAFE Eugene's Best on 99 N. (Vi mile North of the Overhead) Complete Dinners $1.50 to $3.50 Seafoods — Chicken — Steaks Plenty of Free Parking For Party or Dinner Reservations Dial 5-9064 • • • Treat Mom or your Junior Prom Date For Distinctive Dinners At the Cardinal House! • Delightful Home-Like Atmosphere — Candlelight, Silver • Choice H<>ce-Cooked Meals Chicken - Hame - Turkey • We also cater, Too — For Weddings, Receptions—Anywhere in Oregon CARDINAL HOUSE 315 East 13th - Phone 3-5211 Open Daily 5:30 p.m., Sunday, 12:30 p.m. Make Reservations After 8 p.m.