Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Luncheon Set
On Old Campus
Or Mac Court
"Up the Lazy Mtllrace In the
Noonday .Sun" la the theme for
thin year's all-campus luncheon,
which In scheduled fur 11:45 a.in.
Saturday on the old campus. In
case of rain, the luncheon will be
held in McArthur court.
Members of Phi Theta Upsl
lon, K warn a, Skull and Dagger
and Alpha Phi Omega will serves
the hot dogs, potato salad and
Tickets for the luncheon are
now on sale in the Student Un
ion, Co-op and the First National
bank downtown for 4i cents.
They will also be available at
the luncheon. Most living organ
izations have purchased tickets
for their members and will not
be wrvlng lunch on Saturday.
Attire for the annual luncheon
is campus clothes.
Under the Weather
Marge Melum. Betty Waters,
Marlene Perry, Jack Pocock.
Janie, Shull, la-e Stotliers and
Larry Kott were confined to the
infirmary Thursday for medical
attention, according to hospital
records No visitors are being al
lowed on the second floor of the
All Degree Candidates
To Turn in Petitions
Any degree candidate Barhc
lors. Maulers, or Doctors, who
has not turned in an application
at th** registrars office, should
do so immediately.
Copy on commencement pro
grams is now going to press.
Campus Calendar
10:00 PAD 112 SU
Noon Mothers Exec Bd 110 SU
Ilal Tbl 113 SU
German Thl 111 SU
2:00 Mothers Reigstration
Lobby 2nd FI SU
4:00 UNESCO 315 SU
0:00 UNESCO dinner 110 SU
9:00 Jr. Prom Mac Ct
On Rampage
, A HWKDI8H SOI.DIKK fiw into full retreat before a rampaging moose which wandered into the
| heart of downtown Stockholm. The visitor from the country led scores of police, firemen,
soldiers and citizens a merry chase before jumping into a nearby lake. Naval operations were
more successful and the moose was captured. (AT Win-photo)
AWS to Sponsor
Award Assembly
Students of outstanding
achievement will be honored at
the first AWS honors assembly
to be held on this campus Tues
day at 1 p.m. in the Student
Union ballroom.
All members of women’s hon
oraries, Kwama, Phi Theta and
Mortar Board have been asked
to attend the assembly in uni
form and to sit in a group with
j their newly tapped members.
Anyone wishing to make an
award or presentation at the as
sembly should contact Jeanne
j Beales, chairman.
Today's Staff!
Makeup Editor—Sally Ryan.
News Office—Gordon Rice,
t Carol Craig.
Night Staff—Cay Mundorff,
Mary McCroskey.
Unusual Greeting
Cards ^or AH Occasions.
Flowers Unlimited
Phone 4-6244 193 East Bdwy.
Science Movie
|To Run Tuesday
Showing of "The Prior Claim,"
sound-color motion picture, has
been rescheduled for Science 123
Tuesday at 7 p.rn., it was an
nounced late Thursday by Inter
Varsity Christian fellowship,
I sponsors of the film.
The 45-minute motion picture
uses unique photographic tech
niques to reveal that modern in
ventions of man, including elec
tronic advances, operate on the
same principles that animals
have employed since creation.
Include the thermal equipment of
the rattlesnake and spiders that
live in submerged diving bells.
"Prior Claim," latest in the
series of "Sermons from Science"
I films, is produced by the Moody
Institute of Science in Los An
! geles, Calif., and is directed by
Irwin A. Moon.
Other science films have in
cluded "God of the Atom" and
“Dust and Destiny.” They have
been used in high schools, col
leges and service schools as ap
proved educational films for sci
ence classrooms.
The showing is open to all stu
dents and faculty members.
There is no admission charge.
Handy to the Campus —
Corner of 13th and Patterson
Picnic Supplies
7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Lecturer Says
Concept Good
The usefulness of the concept
of Irreversibility was discussed
by I Prigogme, in a Dad's room
lecture Thursday night. Prigo
gine spoke on “New Aspects of
the Thermodynamics of Irrever
sible Processes."
This concept can be applied
to parts of a system, which can
not be treated with the second
law of thermodynamics.
The second law of thermody
namics states that the order of
a system tends toward a maxi
Irreversibility also helps to
show the compatibility of evolu
tion with this law.-he said.
Progogine is a professor of
theoretical chemistry and phy
sics at the University of Brus
sels and a recent winner of the
Francqui Prize for physics fn
Belgium. He is one of the many
contributors to the field of ther
modynamics of irreversible pro
cesses and has been an important
contributor to other fields of
chemistry and physics.
While Junior Weekending,
bring back many fond mem
ories at The Side while having
Coffee and Donuts or a crisp
You may sit up or down,
front or back, or even OUT
SIDE! But do try a ...
That big cool smoothie ... a
real refresher!
The biggest and best. .. they make a full meal!
College Side Inn
NEXT TO THE CAMPUS - 889 East 13th Ave.
TREAT MOTHER to 2binner
eumour 5
. . . And make this a Mother's
Weekend she'll never forget!
What could be nicer than a
wonderful meal ... in Seymour's Riviera Room . . . be
fore the canoe fete or the All-Campus Sing!
10th & Willamette
%/£ i|tnoijrJ&
h/noom jor aood lood "
Enjoy . . .
Delicious food
Pleasant service
Dinners start
at $1.60
Open daily and
Sunday *til mid- |
night. /