\ ol. LVI Unlvarwlty of Or**non, Knftone, Frl., May 18, 1955 No. 129 Phi Beta Kappa Elects Seniors Seventeen Oregon seniors have b**n delected for membership in I'hi Beta Kappa by the Alpha chapter of the national acholus ticr fraternity. Selecteor Weekend queen will be an nounced. She will be arowned by University President O. Mere dith Wilson. An RoYo color I guard will honor the new queen land her court. Members of the i court are Barbara Bailey, Betti Fackler, Phyzz Pearson, Jackie Robertson and Gail West. The Gerlinger cup, awarded | each year to the outstanding junior woman, and the Koyl cup, awarded to the outstanding jun i lor man, will also be presented ; during intermission. A new trophy, the Higdon award, will be presented to the sophomore man who best com bines athletics, scholarship and achievement. The cup is given by Order of the O, Skull and Dagger and Druids, and is given | in honor of Doyle Higdon, who was killed last summer. Mrs. Philip Higdon will present the 1 cup. Section for Mothers For mothers visiting the cam pus who would like to see the decorations and the Junior Prom goers, there will be a special sec tion reserved in the balcony. Mothers are admitted free. There will be free punch and j cookies upstairs for the mothers on the west side of Mac court. Candy, soft drinks, ice cream, etc., will be on sale downstairs for prom-goers. Two rooms where wraps may be checked will be open on the east side of the building. Closing hours will be 2 a.m., according to Donald M. DuShane, director of student affairs. Tickets on Sole At SU, Downtown Junior Weekend tickets will be on sale today at the Student Union main desk, the Co-op and i the First National bank down town. Some tickets are also avail able in the living organizations. Tickets for this evening's Jun ior Prom are on sale in the liv ing organizations and will be available at the door of the dance for $2 per couple. Luncheon tickets are also on sale in the living organizations, for 45 cents. Canoe Fete ducats, at 50 cents for ground seats and $1.25 for bleachers, and All-Campus Sing tickets, 85 cents, are also on sale. All tickets will be available at the entrance to the different events. On sale with them will be the Junior Weekend souvenir program, at a cost of 25 cents.