Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 12, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    Search for Bodies
RESCIE WORKERS dig in ruins of homes in Cholon. the Chinese community of Saigon in South
iet Nam, seeking bodies believed buried in debris. The homes were destroyed as Nationalist
troops drove back the rebel forces of Binh Xuyen Society’s private army in heavy fighting Iasi
week. (AP W'irephoto)
NATO Asks for Far East Truce,
Big Four Agreement to End Threat
PARIS (APi — The 15 nations
of the Atlantic alliance called
Wednesday for a truce in the Far
East and a Big Four agreement
on European problems to end the
threat of World War III.
They solemnly warned that fur
ther fighting in Asia will “clear
ly endanger the peace of the
world." The dispute over For,
mosa obviously was uppermost
in their minds, though that issue
was not spelled out in hteir final
They told the United States,
Russia. Britain and France that
the reunification of Germany and
a general disarmament agree
ment should be their main tasks
at the Four-Power “meeting at
the summit” proposed by the
Western powers.
N ATO Issues Call
The call for an end to the hot
war in Asia and the cold war in
Europe was issued by the coun
cil of the North Atlantic Treaty
In a three-day meeting, the
council:—composed of the foreign
ministers of the NATO nations—
made a sweeping review of East- :
West problems and admitted j
Beta Alpha Psi
To Hold Banquet
Beta Alpha Psi. men's ac
counting honorary, will hold its
annual banquet tonight at 6 at
the New Lynwood cafe. Initia
tion of new members, all juniors
or seniors, will follow the ban
William Baker. Walter Coder, I
John Eittreim, Alan Kehrli, Don
Millage, Roger Miller, Norman
Toelle, James Barnard and John
Gregor are the men to be initiat
James Burleson, an Oregon
graduate and a partner in a
Dallas, Texas, accounting firm,
will be initiated as an honorary
High School Students
Will Attend Boys State
high school students are expect
ed for this year's American Le
gion-sponsored Beaver Boys
State, to be held on the Oregon
State college campus June 12-18.
West Germany as NATO's 15th
The ministers, in their final
communique,' hailed the addition
of West Germany's 50 million
people to the Atlantic community
and the formation of the seven
nation West European Union as
steps which will promote peace.
German Addition
Speaking in London. Gen. Al
’Stock Market*
NEW YORK (AP) — Stock
market prices were marked down
somewhat steeply Wednesday
with aircrafts catching a major
share of selling attention.
The Associated Press aver
age of 60 stocks was off SI.20
at S162.70. The industrial com
ponent declined $2, rails were off
90 cents, and utilities were lower
by 10 cents.
The market was rather nar
row with 1199 individual issues
traded of /which 243 were higher
and 718 lower with 35 new highs
and 42 new lows for the year
Business amounted to 2,120,000
Collections Begin <
Of AWS Rummage
Collections for the annual AWS
rummage sale will begin Mon
day. The sale, which will be held
May 26 at the Rummage Center
in downtown Eugene, will enable
students to get rid of their old
winter clothes and other belong
ings they no longer need.
A box will be placed in every
campus living organization for
the collections and a representa
tive will be appointed from each
house to supervise collections in
their living unit. The deadline for
collection will be May 24. All
proceeds from the sale will go
to the AWS scholarship fund.
Committee heads for the event
are Mary Jo Williams, general
chairman; Jane Burton, secre
tary; Ann Curry and Ann Hen
derson, collections; Cay Mun
dorff, publicity; Taffy Jones and
Bev Landon, promotion; Joan
Kraus, Pat Cushnie and Eleanor
Whitsett, sales.
Anyone interested in working
on one of the committees should
contact Mary Jo Williams.
fred M. Gruenther, supreme Al
lied commander in Europe, said
NATO will be able "to prevent
the overrunning of Europe" with
the addition of 500.000 German
troops to its forces within three
to four years.
At the same time. Soviet coun
ter moves drew attention.
Western leaders studied a new
Russian plan for world peace call
ing for the immediate withdraw
al of most foreign troops from
both East aud West Germany, big
power arms cuts and a controlled
ban on atomic w'eapons. Some
Western proposals advanced as
far back as 1947 w-ere incor por
New Senate Holds
1st Meet May 19
N«» senate meeting will be
held tonight because of con
flicts with Junior Weekend,
according to Bud Hinkson,
newly-installed ASl'O presi
The first regular meeting of
the new senate will lie Slay 19,
Hinkson said.
(lm era
Want Ads
RATES: 4 Cent» per Word Fir»! Intertion. 2 CenU per Word Ihnteeller.
2 5?
If you are married or fe
male and now paying more
than Wo.40 a year for pub
lic liability and property
damage uuto insurance re- j
news la. you are throwing
money down the drain. May
flower will give you PL. A
PI) insurance for $15.20
per 6 months renewable.
Check your old policy today.
If you are paying a penalty.
AGENT before you renew.
Ph. 4-9444. Res. 4-2937 or
atop in at 962 Oak street. !
Any student interested in
driving 1951 Plymouth 2
door sedan to Chicago. Il
linois ufter June 5th, ar
riving in Chicago no later
than June 15th. Call Ext.
584 or 3-3267. 5-13
Wanted Men to sell on part
time basis now. Full time
this summer. Commission
well above average. Call
4-66S7 for appointment.
Typing . . . 3-3509. 5-26
\YK have openings fur
F1 V !•', MKN interested in
summertime insurance
work with guaranteed re
newals tile rest of the
i 11< .11FST commission
and expenses guaranteed
during training period.
Call or see C. K. Jack,
Pyramid Fife Insurance
Co. 210 Ardel Offices.
Telephone .1-23.12. 5-1 It!
I need three persons of high
caliber to work with com
pany opening new office In
this area. Work from 4 till
10 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Apply room 104, 8K5
Oak St. between 9 a.m. and
3 p in. 4-7-tf
College men earn $1,000 be
tween May 29-August 31,
Car necessary. Write John
Arnold. PC) Box 542. Eu
gene for personal interview
Room for rent. Single, male,
$25. a month. 1458 Alder,
Phone 4-9958.
For Sale: Tuxedo trousers,
white jacket shirt. Size 38
$12 00 Phone 5-6717. 5-13
YWCA to Discuss European Travel
A discussion on travel in Eu
rope will be held today at 4 p.m.
in Gerllnger hall. The discusxion
i8 being sponsored by the YWCA
international affairs commission.
The discussion. which la de
signed for American student* to
'Give Us Courage,
Give Us Wisdom'
Alburey Castell, head of the
philosophy department, is cur
rently wondering if he is such an
interesting peraon after all.
Castell recently made a cha
pel address at Linfield college,
a Baptist school. Just before he
rose to speak, the students sang
a hymn which ended "Give us
courage, give us wisdom for the
facing of this hour."
learn about travel opportunities
in Europe, will include points ou
hosteling and student groups.
Foreign students will be at
tending the discussion which is
' open to the public.
Eight Are Nominated
To Be YD Officers
Eight students were nominated
to fill positions in the University
Young Democrats Wednesday in
the Student Union.
Candidates are: Jim Archer
and Orlo Wipf, president; Elliot
Carlson and Bill Frye, vice-presi
dent; Carole Mohr and Agnes
Thompson, secretary, and Elton
Engstrom and Bob Biggs, treas
Elections will be held next
Weekend ^{o^3
• • • •
Prom Date
• Orchid Special — $2.50 and up
Ckaic 3L
OIAJQIPS .. 58 East Broadway